Continued from above -
Question 11a - "Can I scan a book already on DCM?"Answer - Yes! Some ask if it was OK to scan a book twice. We say YES, why not?
If someone wants to spend their time and money doing it we wont stop them. The only firm rule we impose is making sure it's in the public domain (PD). We'll remove a book when it's non-PD, fiche replaced by paper or when someone adds missing pages to an existing scan we will remove the incomplete older one. Duplicate books we just mark
(diff ver) so members know there's more than one version out there. We especially encourage a rescan (or add fills) if the existing one is made from a book in poor condition, has a small scan (20mb or less), or incomplete. This isn't a slight on the first scanner . When there is more than one version we are letting the viewer decide which they want to keep. If you have a book already on DCM that you felt was in better condition or you think you can make a better version of it please feel free.
Question 11b - "Can I just scan the missing pages and add them to an incomplete scan on DCM?"Answer - Absolutely. Just check the existing scan file names and make sure whatever pages you add are in the proper order and to give the original scanner full credit for their work in the description area. Please
DO NOT resize or manipulate the original scans you are merging with unless given permission by the original scanner. Thanks.
Question 11 - "How do I upload my public domain comic scans?"Answer - Hey, thanks for wanting to share with the gang here!
First be sure you've read the
Rules for the download site. - specifically rule 2 - file types.
Also be sure to check the link on what is and isn't allowed above in Question 9!
Done? Cool. Remember,
no PDF files. After you've compressed your file into a Zip or Rar file (use Winzip or Winrar). You can rename the *.zip to *.CBZ and the *.rar to *.CBR if you like. We can handle any of these four file types: rar/zip/cbr/cbz. No other file types will upload to DCM.
You can get 7Zip for free here. You
can use 7Zip to create a generic ZIP file.
NOTE- DCM cannot share 7zip native 7z files or cb7 files.DO NOT NEST FILE TYPES WITHIN EACH OTHER PLEASE. A cbr within a zip file can lead to problems. Same for a cbz within a rar file. Pick one and use that. Thanks.
DCM uses an
Automatic Cover Thumbnail feature we would really appreciate that any new books uploaded
have the COVER SCAN as the first file in the book. The first file is automatically pulled out and a thumbnail added for display on the site.
To be sure your files appear in proper order we STRONGLY suggest you number them at the start when naming your jpg files. ie 00.jpg, 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc.Also be sure to
avoid special characters in your file names. ie: don't use any of the following in a file name:
` ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * < > ? ; : 'Finally a shorter file name (absolutely no longer than 44 total characters incl file type) is better than a very long one.
ATTENTION MAC USERS - The native Mac OS 'ZIP' application that comes standard on Mac machines adds some odd files that screws with PC users as well as our PREVIEW feature.
There ARE online sites that can create your Zip files for you that DO work with DCM.
We suggest using ezyZip.comHere's a site that reviews other Mac application options for making Zip files -
CLICK HERE.+++++++++
There are TWO ways you can upload a set of scans to the site.If you become a VIP member (send a PM to Yoc asking for the ftp details) you can upload one or multiple books to the sites private FTP.
If you are a newbie you can only use the Upload File link on the site which is explained here -
You can upload a single scan directly to the site using the
[ Upload File ] link above the site's banner.
Points to remember if you do use this method -1. Remember to follow the file name standards already started for the title. These should be used in the
'Download Name' field at the top of the page that opens when you hit the
Upload File link I mentioned above.
2. You can fill in anything you like in the
'Download Description' area. I like to include the scanners name and if the book is missing any pages or any noted artists.
3. If you want to include a thumbnail of the cover (always nice) be SURE to enter 1 in the "Number of Thumbnails" box and then hit 'Update Form'
BEFORE doing
ANYTHING else. Once updated you will see 'Thumbnail image:' has been added. You need to Browse to where you have the cover saved.
4. Click in the browse box for the
'Download:' field and find your file (CBZ,CBR,RAR or ZIP) you've made of your file. Again I strongly suggest only using CBZ files. Rar and CBR files still fail for me.
5. Next you need to select the publisher/title of your book under
'Publications' in the
'Category:' section. Left click on any name in the list - then type the first letter of the name of the publisher. The list should jump to that name. ie to find 'Ace' hit 'A'. Left click on that publisher if it's there. Next see if the title of your book has it's own sub-category and left click it if there is one.
If there IS
Hillman Publications. Sorry, the publishers are Not in alphabetical order.
6. Now hit
'PREVIEW' to initiate the upload. Depending on your Internet connection the upload can take some time. Patience is a virtue here if you are on dial-up.
This can be tricky. Read carefully!When the upload is done a page will appear that looks exactly like the site's normal download page EXCEPT there will be a
'CONFIRM' link at the bottom of the page. You might have to scroll the page down to see it. Hit that Confirm button to activate the download link for the entire site. message pictures/Upload Confirm screen.jpg
8. You should see a message with a green 'information' icon like this: message pictures/Upload Continue screen.jpg
Click the "Continue" button to add file to database.
Followed by this:
Thank you for adding this new file to our database.. The admin has required that files are approved before they are added to the database. Your file will appear in our database if the admin approves your file.
That means one of the admins or moderators will have to do the final activation of your upload. But your work is done. If all went well the book should appear on the site in the next little while. If you want to be sure it gets noticed mention the upload in the Message Board Uploads area to get a moderator's attention or send one a PM directly.
If you see this red Error icon and the following message then the upload did NOT work:
Error: No file uploads of this type are allowed. If you believe this to be in error, please quote the above error and report this to the admin
Try using a different file type and check the file name doesn't have any of the above special character in the name.
And if you get the following error message:
"Error: You can not put downloads in the base category. Please select a different category...
That means you didn't select a Publisher/title folder. Best to always check if there are any other issues of the title on the site using the Search link. If there are click on one to learn what publisher/title category they belong in and use the same for yours. Finally copy the file name standard found on the site for your upload. This helps the site to display issues in numerical order.
And that's it for manually uploading single issues to the site.
For uploading multiple books using the FTP is the easier method.
If you get this when uploading via the site:
"Error: No file uploads of this type are allowed. If you believe this to be in error, please quote the above error and report this to the admin"Please try logging in on DCM with a different Browser app. We have seen this error message once in a while with both FireFox and Chrome. But the error is pretty rare.
Question 12 - "Can I request a specific comic be scanned?"Answer - We only host comics scanned by others so we have no control over what gets scanned or when.
Click here for the full answer.Question 13 - "How do I check if a book is in the public domain?"Answer - There are some online resources for checking the PD status of your comic.
Click here for the full answer.=====================
If you Still have questions not covered in the above PLEASE use the
CONTACT US link on the download homepage
or [CLICK HERE] and fill out our support form. Once you've sent your message someone on staff will try to assist you.
DCM Admin