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Home Small Publishers Lafayette Street Corporation Picture News Picture News 006 -JVJ-narfstar -fixed
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Picture News #6
June 1946; 36 pages.
Beautiful copy.
From the collection of JVJ
Scanned by Narfstar, edited and compiled by Builderboy

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This is the same book as before. If you already have this you don't need to download it.

12-May-2020 1:14 am
Username: ghmcleod
Comment: Thank You

Issue: #6
Published: June 1946, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Leigh Danenberg; Emile Gauvreau (news editor, executive editor); Jack Lehti [as John A. Lehti] (art director); John Milligan (assistant art director); Nat Edson (assistant art director)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Indexed from scanned copy at http://digitalcomicmuseum.com
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) The Winnah!
Genre: Non-fiction Sports
Characters: Joe Louis

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword (1 page) Editorial Flashes from the Drawing Board
Credits: Script: Emile Gauvreau | Letters: typeset

Comic Story (5 pages) Why Picture News Picks Joe Louis
Synopsis: An editorial on why Joe Louis is thought to be a better fighter than Billy Conn.
Credits: Pencils: Stookie Allen | Inks: Stookie Allen
Genre: Non-fiction Sports
Characters: Joe Louis Billy Conn

Comic Story (2 pages) The Frog Man!
Synopsis: A description of recently-invented scuba gear.
Credits: Pencils: Emil Gershwin | Inks: Emil Gershwin
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (3 pages) The Dog That Saved a Lost Child from Wild Animals
Credits: Pencils: Jack Lehti | Inks: Jack Lehti
Genre: Non-fiction Animal

Comic Story (4 pages) A Round Trip to Mars
Featuring: Exclusive
Synopsis: Dr. Harold Webb discusses the feasibility of sending a rocket to Mars.
Credits: Pencils: Nat Edson (signed) | Inks: Nat Edson (signed)
Genre: Non-fiction Math and Science
Characters: Harold Webb

Comic Story (3 pages) Daring Chinese Girl Pirate Defies the British Navy
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (3 pages) The Aga Khan - a Moslem Potentate Who Is Given His Weight in Diamonds!
Credits: Pencils: Nat Edson (signed) | Inks: Nat Edson (signed)
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (3 pages) If I Could, You Can!
Synopsis: Concluding chapter of the life of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Credits: Script: Emile Gauvreau | Pencils: Emil Gershwin | Inks: Emil Gershwin
Genre: Non-fiction Biography
Characters: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Comic Story (2 pages) Beauty at the Beach
Genre: Non-fiction Fashion

Comic Story (3 pages) How to Bring Up the G.I. Baby
Credits: Script: Allen H. Moore | Pencils: Nat Edson (signed) | Inks: Nat Edson (signed) | Editing: Ralph M. Tyson
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (1 page) Electronic Hot Dogs
Featuring: Invention
Synopsis: Describes how vending machines will soon offer fresh hot dogs on the street corner. Yum!
Credits: Pencils: Louis Cazeneuve | Inks: Louis Cazeneuve
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (3 pages) From a Gay 90's Song Plugger to a 20th Century Millionaire
Featuring: Music
Synopsis: Biography of songwriter Edward B. Marks
Genre: Non-fiction Biography
Characters: Edward B. Marks

Activity (1 page) Picture Puzzlers

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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