We hope members are checking here before uploading any scans.
There are many we cannot use on the site. We only allow
public domain comics on the site.
We do NOT allow ANY comics published after
December, 1959. Please do not upload modern reprints of ANY Golden Age comics, as they would not be PD even if their original contents are PD. Comics from the publishers listed below are
NOT suitable for the site as they are not
public domain.
- Archie Comics (note MLJ is ok)
- D.C./All-American
- David McKay
- Disney
- EC Comics/Mad Magazine
- Gilberton
- King Features
- Mainline comics
- Marvel/Timely/Atlas
- Mighty Mouse and other Paul Terry licensed characters
- Red Ryder
- Street & Smith (The Shadow, Doc Savage)
- Tarzan
- Classic strips of Terry and The Pirates & Joe Palooka (the Harvey and Charlton comics are Ok though)
- United Feature SyndicateEdgar Rice Burroughs has also renewed all his
Tarzan Copyrights and a fair few others, so nothing by Mr. Burroughs is suitable for the site either. Some comics might only contain a text story by ERB, but it will still be protected by copyright. In some instances, such as Green Hornet Comics, if only one story is not PD we could strip it out and upload the rest of the scan making note of the missing parts and why, but please still scan the entire comic.
Some publishers have licensed comics that are still not PD those comics will be mentioned in their respective publisher sections as not being PD,
so please check before uploading to see what the comments are for that title. Some of the licensed titles that are still
NOT PD are Al Capp titles, Buck Rogers, Felix the Cat or any other Felix titles, Flash Gordon, Gabby Hayes, The Green Hornet, The Lone Ranger, Little Lulu, Little Orphan Annie, Popeye, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Roy Rogers, The Shadow, Stuntman, Terry Toons, Tarzan and most of the Dell Gene Autry comics. Dell also did a lot of other licensed comics so be sure to check if any Dells you want to upload are OK.
Newspaper strips reprinted in comics are an extra big headache to the site as John C explains here in a topic of it's own -
Please Click Here to see his explanation.Lots of sites provide exclusive material or material they sell, and some will add a watermark to their scans so they can identify them. Please
DO NOT upload any such watermarked scans, or edit their mark out, we will not use them.
We freely share with all what we have and do not claim ownership of the scans we host, many were originally from other sources in the first place before they were gathered here.
If you have a scan or a comic not covered above or on the site that you want to share please take some time and check on it's PD status yourself by following or tutorial on the topic here -
JohnC's 'How To Check Public Domain Status Tutorial' <- Click to read
If after that you still are in doubt please post a message here in the forum and we will let you know if we can share your comic.
Thanks again for reading this.