Hi Gang,
I'm sure many here have noticed a new scanner that's been sharing a LOT of fun, rare new scans on DCM. We're lucky to actually have TWO new scanners with Mark B as names here.
Mark Bowen and
Mark Boersma have been amazing sharing their scans with us. I call them scans as a generic term. In the past I would have said a real scan needed to be done on a flatbed scanner. First
Rangerhouse then others like Mark Bowen have proven with time, patience and no small amount of skill, it's possible to produce a very nice 'digital picture' scan of these rare books we love so much on DCM!
Mark Bowen recently shared a comment on the odds of ANY of these Golden Age beauties getting a scan!
"I feel like this highlights the issue at the heart of GA comic scanning, which is that to do it, you need both 1) an unslabbed GA comic collection, which eliminates 99% of potential candidates born after the year 1970, and 2) enough tech savvy to begin [scanning] comics in the first place, which eliminates 99% of potential candidates born before the year 1970."
So to all you past scanners and anyone thinking about doing your first or about letting a trusted DCM staffer scan your book for you...
THANK-YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You are heroes in our eyes.