First, thanks for this site and all the great scans of wonderful comics you've all put up for the common good!
Based on Catherine Yronwode's Spirit Checklist, I've identified over 100 Spirit Sections which are not currently on DCM, but where the Spirit story was reprinted (usually recoloured) in a comic book which is on here.
So I can read more Spirit stories in chronological order, I'm making CBXs of these issues, cut down to just the relevant pages.
I was thinking I might upload these in the Spirit Sections category, to act as placeholders until someone is able to find and scan the actual Sections; would that be allowed?
I think this would make it easier for someone like me who wants to read through all the Spirit stories which are on here, in order.
Naturally, I'd make it clear they were reprints, only contained the Spirit story, and credit the scanners etc..
Kind regards