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DCM Archives and Collections
Ace Magazines
American Comics Group/ACG
Avon Comics
Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications
Canadian Comics
Centaur Publishing
Charlton Comics
Chesler Comics
Columbia Comics
Comic Media
Cupples and Leon Co.
Dell Comics
D.S. Publishing
Eastern Color Printing Company
Fawcett Comics
Fiction House
Fox Feature Syndicate
Harvey Comics
Hillman Periodicals
Holyoke Publishing
I. W. Publishing / Super Comics
Lev Gleason Comics / Comics House Publications
Magazine Enterprises
MLJ/Archie Comics
Novelty Press
Parents Magazine Institute
Prize Comics Group
Rural Home
Spark Publications
Stanley Morse
Star Publications
St. John Publications
Story Comics
Trojan Magazines
Youthful Magazines
Small Publishers
Ziff-Davis Publications
UK/Australian and NZ Comics
Classic Newspaper Comic Strips
GIVEAWAYS & PROMOTIONAL COMICS - Government and corporate
Placeholder scans
Unsorted Files
Please Select A Comic Title
Please Select A Comic Book
Adam_Ames_1959-07-06 to 1959-09-26 (a Lou Fine strip)
Adam_Ames_1959-09-28 to 1960-01-21 (Lou Fine strip)
Alphonse and Gaston (1902 - 1903)
Angel Face 1957
Archie Boggs (1901-1903- Chicago Tribune )
Aubrey of the Tenements (1904)
Before The Flood (1908)
Ben Webster Sunday F story 1936-7 (png)
Ben Webster Sunday G story 1937 (png)
Ben Webster Sunday H story 1937 (png)
Betty 1919
Between_Shots (1917-1919)
Billy Bowwow (1903)
Binnacle Jim (1904 - 1905)
Bobby Make Believe (1915-1917 Chicago Sunday Tribune)
Boots and Her Buddies 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Boys Will Be Boys (1909- N.Y. HERALD)
Brainy Bowers (1903 - 1905)
Bringing Up Father 1929 Sundays b+w
Bringing Up Father 1936 Sundays b+w
Bringing Up Father 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Bungle Family 1929 Sundays b+w
Bungle Family 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Bungleton Green (1927 - The Chicago Defender)
Captain Midnight 1943
Captain Yank 1943
Charlie Chaplin's Comic Capers - Series 1 #315 [1917] -fixed
Chief Wahoo and Steve Roper [1945-06-28 to 1945-09-24 dailies and Sundays]
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1951
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1952
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1953
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1954
Dad in Kidland (1911 - 1912)
Dan Dunn 1937 Sundays (color/b+w)
Dan Dunn 1938 Sundays (color/b+w)
Deadshot Bill From Nurseryville (1913)
Dixie Dugan 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Ella Cinders 1926.06.21-1926.09.18
Ella Cinders 1926.09.20-1926.11.20
Ella Cinders 1926.11.22-1927.02.12
Etta Kett 1938
Flamingo 1952
Flapper Fanny 1937
Flyin Jenny 1941.09.28-1942.05.17
Foxy Grandpa (1902-1912)
Freckles and His Friends 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Gay Thirties_-_107_Panels
Grimes' Goat (1911 - 1912)
H E Butzin (1908-1909)
Happy Hooligan (1902 - 1916)
Hugo Hercules (1902 - 1903)
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1943 (Sundays)
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1946
Invisible Scarlett O'Neil, Spring 1942 -fixed
Junior Journal (1901)
Just Kids 1929 Sundays b+w
Just Kids 1936 Sundays b+w
Just Kids 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Ken Winston 1954.08.09-1954.09.04
Lena Pry 1938-1943 mix
Little Nemo 1907 -complete
Little Quacks (1904 - 1909 - L.A. SUNDAY HERALD )
Little Sammy Sneeze (N.Y. HERALD 1905)
Little Women Storystrip_1933
Loony Lit (1907- N.Y. HERALD)
Lucy and Sophie Say Good Bye (1905)
Mamma's Angel Child (1908 - 1909 Chicago Tribune)
Mark Trail (1952 - 1953)
Merry Pranks of Foxy Grandpa (1902)(c2c)
Minute Movies 1934.01.02-1934.02.24
Mr + Mrs 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Nick Haliday 1955.01.03-1955.02.25
Oh Margy (1925)
Old Opie Dilldock (1907 Chicago Tribune )
Old Opie Dilldock (1908 Chicago Tribune )
Old Opie Dilldock (1909 Chicago Tribune )
Private Lives pt.1
Private Lives pt.2
Private Lives pt.3
Private Lives pt.4
Regalr Fellers 1921
Regalr Fellers 1928 Sundays
Rookie from 13th Squad By Percy Crosby
Room and Board 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Salesman Sam 1930 -Sundays (b&w)
Secret Agent X-9 1951.10.18 to 1952.02.23
Skippy's Own Book of Comics [1934](now c2c) -upgrade 2
Sparky Watts
Swiss Family Robinson 1926
This Curious World 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Timid Soul 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Woo Woo Bird (N.Y. HERALD 1909-1910)
Page 83 of 151
Page 83 of 151
Quick View:
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DCM Archives and Collections
Ace Magazines
American Comics Group/ACG
Avon Comics
Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications
Canadian Comics
Centaur Publishing
Charlton Comics
Chesler Comics
Columbia Comics
Comic Media
Cupples and Leon Co.
Dell Comics
D.S. Publishing
Eastern Color Printing Company
Fawcett Comics
Fiction House
Fox Feature Syndicate
Harvey Comics
Hillman Periodicals
Holyoke Publishing
I. W. Publishing / Super Comics
Lev Gleason Comics / Comics House Publications
Magazine Enterprises
MLJ/Archie Comics
Novelty Press
Parents Magazine Institute
Prize Comics Group
Rural Home
Spark Publications
Stanley Morse
Star Publications
St. John Publications
Story Comics
Trojan Magazines
Youthful Magazines
Small Publishers
Ziff-Davis Publications
UK/Australian and NZ Comics
Classic Newspaper Comic Strips
GIVEAWAYS & PROMOTIONAL COMICS - Government and corporate
Placeholder scans
Unsorted Files
Please Select A Comic Title
Please Select A Comic Book
Adam_Ames_1959-07-06 to 1959-09-26 (a Lou Fine strip)
Adam_Ames_1959-09-28 to 1960-01-21 (Lou Fine strip)
Alphonse and Gaston (1902 - 1903)
Angel Face 1957
Archie Boggs (1901-1903- Chicago Tribune )
Aubrey of the Tenements (1904)
Before The Flood (1908)
Ben Webster Sunday F story 1936-7 (png)
Ben Webster Sunday G story 1937 (png)
Ben Webster Sunday H story 1937 (png)
Betty 1919
Between_Shots (1917-1919)
Billy Bowwow (1903)
Binnacle Jim (1904 - 1905)
Bobby Make Believe (1915-1917 Chicago Sunday Tribune)
Boots and Her Buddies 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Boys Will Be Boys (1909- N.Y. HERALD)
Brainy Bowers (1903 - 1905)
Bringing Up Father 1929 Sundays b+w
Bringing Up Father 1936 Sundays b+w
Bringing Up Father 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Bungle Family 1929 Sundays b+w
Bungle Family 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Bungleton Green (1927 - The Chicago Defender)
Captain Midnight 1943
Captain Yank 1943
Charlie Chaplin's Comic Capers - Series 1 #315 [1917] -fixed
Chief Wahoo and Steve Roper [1945-06-28 to 1945-09-24 dailies and Sundays]
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1951
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1952
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1953
Chris Welkin-Planeteer 1954
Dad in Kidland (1911 - 1912)
Dan Dunn 1937 Sundays (color/b+w)
Dan Dunn 1938 Sundays (color/b+w)
Deadshot Bill From Nurseryville (1913)
Dixie Dugan 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Ella Cinders 1926.06.21-1926.09.18
Ella Cinders 1926.09.20-1926.11.20
Ella Cinders 1926.11.22-1927.02.12
Etta Kett 1938
Flamingo 1952
Flapper Fanny 1937
Flyin Jenny 1941.09.28-1942.05.17
Foxy Grandpa (1902-1912)
Freckles and His Friends 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Gay Thirties_-_107_Panels
Grimes' Goat (1911 - 1912)
H E Butzin (1908-1909)
Happy Hooligan (1902 - 1916)
Hugo Hercules (1902 - 1903)
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1943 (Sundays)
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1946
Invisible Scarlett O'Neil, Spring 1942 -fixed
Junior Journal (1901)
Just Kids 1929 Sundays b+w
Just Kids 1936 Sundays b+w
Just Kids 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Ken Winston 1954.08.09-1954.09.04
Lena Pry 1938-1943 mix
Little Nemo 1907 -complete
Little Quacks (1904 - 1909 - L.A. SUNDAY HERALD )
Little Sammy Sneeze (N.Y. HERALD 1905)
Little Women Storystrip_1933
Loony Lit (1907- N.Y. HERALD)
Lucy and Sophie Say Good Bye (1905)
Mamma's Angel Child (1908 - 1909 Chicago Tribune)
Mark Trail (1952 - 1953)
Merry Pranks of Foxy Grandpa (1902)(c2c)
Minute Movies 1934.01.02-1934.02.24
Mr + Mrs 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Nick Haliday 1955.01.03-1955.02.25
Oh Margy (1925)
Old Opie Dilldock (1907 Chicago Tribune )
Old Opie Dilldock (1908 Chicago Tribune )
Old Opie Dilldock (1909 Chicago Tribune )
Private Lives pt.1
Private Lives pt.2
Private Lives pt.3
Private Lives pt.4
Regalr Fellers 1921
Regalr Fellers 1928 Sundays
Rookie from 13th Squad By Percy Crosby
Room and Board 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Salesman Sam 1930 -Sundays (b&w)
Secret Agent X-9 1951.10.18 to 1952.02.23
Skippy's Own Book of Comics [1934](now c2c) -upgrade 2
Sparky Watts
Swiss Family Robinson 1926
This Curious World 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Timid Soul 1937 Sundays b+w (png)
Woo Woo Bird (N.Y. HERALD 1909-1910)