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Issue: #1 Published: January 1953, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Binding: Publishing Format:
Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
The Purple Claw
Pencils: Ben Brown ? | Inks: Ben Brown ?
Comic Story (10 pages)
The Power of the Purple Claw
The Purple Claw
Pencils: Ben Brown (signed) | Inks: David Gantz (signed)
Brima Stone is a she-devil who uses an enchanted gun supplied by Satan as well as her demonic minions to commit crimes that overcomes the city. Luckily Doctor Jonathan Weir (aka The Purple Claw) arrives to stop her.
Pencils: Ben Brown (signed) | Inks: David Gantz (signed)
Taking a holiday trip to Zocolo, Jonathan involves himself in the murders of people, the act tolled by the clock at midnight, supposedly by the ghost of Don Carlo.
Pencils: David Gantz (layouts); Ben Brown | Inks: David Gantz