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Home Small Publishers Lafayette Street Corporation Picture News Picture News 003 (diff ver)
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

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March 1946; paper; ctc; my scan
Issue: #3
Published: March 1946, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Emile Gauvreau (news editor); John A. Lehti (art director)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) Frankie Does It!
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (4 pages) To Save the World, Make Atomic Energy Constructive Rather Than Destructive
Genre: Non-fiction Advocacy
Characters: Brien McMahon (U.S. Senator) Harry S Truman Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Comic Story (3 pages) A Veteran Who Gave His Eyes for His Country Has to Fight to Keep His Faithful Guide Dog!
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (2 pages) Frank Sinatra Chokes Racial Bigotry at the Grass Roots
Synopsis: Sinatra lectures a group of kids about their anti-Jewish bigotry (based on "The House I Live In," a short film in which he appeared.)
Genre: Non-fiction Advocacy
Characters: Frank Sinatra

Comic Story (4 pages) Finding Pirate Treasure Outside of Boston Harbor
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Edward Snow (treasure Hunter)

Comic Story (2 pages) Good Will Must Originate at the Industrial Plant!
Synopsis: Feature promoting employers' responsibility to engage in collective bargaining with their workers.
Genre: Non-fiction Advocacy

Comic Story (2 pages) The Cop Who Brought Down the House as an Opera Star
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Ian Cosman (New York City Police Officer)

Comic Story (3 pages) Prepare or Perish!
Synopsis: Summary of Gen. Marshall's final report on World War II calling for universal military training for American men.
Genre: Non-fiction Advocacy
Characters: Gen. George C. Marshall

Comic Story (1 page) An Old Law Punishes a Maryland Wife Beater
Genre: Non-fiction Crime

Comic Story (2 pages) Saying "Thank You" to a Veteran in a Way That Means Something
Genre: Non-fiction Military
Characters: Cpl. Gene Atkins (Congressional Medal Of Honor Winner)

Comic Story (3 pages) Civilization Takes the First Step to Outlaw War
Synopsis: Feature on the Nuremberg war-crime trials.
Genre: Non-fiction History
Characters: Adolph Hitler Pierre Laval (former French Premier) Gustav Jool (German General)

Comic Story (4 pages) The Comeback of the King of Swing
Characters: Benny Goodman (jazz Musician)

Comic Story (3 pages)
Featuring: The Stirring Adventures of Al Jennings
Characters: Al Jennings (train Robber) Frank Jennings (his Brother) O. Henry (author, Pseudonym Of William Sydney Porter)

Comic Story (2 pages) A GI Who Refused to Fight Wins the Nations Highest Military Honor
Genre: Non-fiction Military
Characters: Cpl. Desmond T. Doss (conscientious Objector)

Comic Story (2 pages) June Allyson Tells How to Acquire the Screen Star's Natural Look
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: June Allyson (actress)

Comic Story (4 pages) Milt Gross Reviews the News
Credits: Script: Milt Gross | Pencils: Milt Gross | Inks: Milt Gross | Letters: Milt Gross
Genre: Humor

Comic Story (2 pages) How Mankind Has Fought Disease
Featuring: People's College
Genre: Non-fiction History Medical
Characters: Hippocrates Galen Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Louis Pasteur Dr. Robert Koch

Comic Story (1 page) Why the Lieutenant Sued His Beautiful Pin-up Model Wife
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (4 pages) Famous Jim Jeffries at 70 Trains America's Young "Haymakers"
Genre: Non-fiction Sports
Characters: Jim Jeffries (prizefighter) Gentleman Jim Corbett (prizefighter) Bob Fitzsimmons (prizefighter) Tom Sharkey (prizefighter)

Activity (1 page) The Puzzle of the Crazy Kitchen

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Small Publishers Lafayette Street Corporation Picture News Picture News 003 (diff ver)
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