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Home Holyoke Publishing Contact Comics Contact Comics 007 (inc) -upgrade
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July 1945; paper;
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Issue: #7
Published: July 1945, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Color Cover; Black And White Interiors Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Binding: Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Indicia: CONTACT COMICS July 1945, Volume 1, Number 7. Copyright 1945, by the Aviation Press, Inc. Published bi-monthly by the Aviation Press, Inc., at St. Louis, Mo. Editorial and executive offices, 113 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved by the Aviation Press, Inc. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at St. Louis, Missouri. Subscription price at 50c per year. Indicia and Statement of Ownership information from Frank Motler (April 28, 2005). On sale date from the publication date reported to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1945, New Series, Volume 40, Number 3. Class B periodical. Copyright registration number B 680839.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Tommy Tomahawk
Genre: Adventure Aviation War

Comic Story (8 pages) The Golden Eagle Turned Traitor!
Featuring: Golden Eagle
Synopsis: Golden Eagle carries a message to the Filipino underground, but enroute, his plane crashes and he suffers from amnesia.
Genre: War
Characters: Golden Eagle [Dennis Quinn] Saki

Statement Of Ownership (0 pages)
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Black Venus
Synopsis: A colonel seeks out the location of a Japanese incursion into India and is followed by Black Venus.
Genre: Superhero War
Characters: Black Venus [Mary LeRoche]

Comic Story (6 pages) Trouble Shooters of the Skyway
Synopsis: The role of the First Radio Squadron in assisting the war effort is portrayed.
Genre: Non-fiction Military War
Characters: Jones Bill Brown Sgt. William H. Ware Tech Sgt. Weldon Withers

Comic Story (1 page) Avenger
Synopsis: Specifications for the Grumman TBF Avenger are featured.
Genre: Non-fiction Aviation War

Text Story (2 pages) A 26 Invader
Synopsis: Cadets listen to a lecture about the A-26.
Credits: Pencils: ? (illustration) | Inks: ? (illustration) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Non-fiction Military War
Characters: Tom Burrows George Nagurski Major Dick Breen

Comic Story (1 page) Hellcat
Synopsis: Specifications for the Grumman F6F Hellcat are featured.
Genre: Non-fiction Aviation War

Comic Story (6 pages) Trouble Shooters
Synopsis: The role of Douglas test pilots in readying planes and combat pilots for the war effort is highlighted.
Genre: Non-fiction Military War
Characters: Bill

Comic Story (6 pages) Sniper, G. I. Style
Synopsis: This story focuses on how snipers, especially in jungle climates, operate.
Genre: Non-fiction Military War

Comic Story (4 pages) Eyes of the Army
Synopsis: The role of observation planes in assisting the war effort is depicted.
Genre: Non-fiction Aviation Military War

Comic Story (8 pages) A Feather For a Warhawk
Featuring: Tommy Tomahawk
Synopsis: Tommy is shot down and captured because Little Black Bear broke flight formation. Upon learning of the consquences of his disobedience, Little Black Bear then takes it upon himself to search for and rescue Tommy.
Genre: War
Characters: Tommy Tommyhawk Little Black Bear Laughing Water

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