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Home Ziff-Davis Publications G.I. Joe GI Joe v4 035 (1954 09)
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September 1954; paper; ctc; my scan
Issue: #35
Published: September 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Herbert W. Rogoff
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Silver Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: G.I. Joe
Credits: Pencils: Clarence Doore (painted) | Inks: Clarence Doore (painted) | Colours: Clarence Doore (painted)
Genre: War
Characters: Pvt. Joe Burch

Comic Story (1 page) Win a Cigar
Featuring: Pvt. Dopey
Synopsis: Dopey at the Camp Bazaar.
Credits: Pencils: Vic Martin (signed) | Inks: Vic Martin (signed)
Genre: Humor
Characters: Pvt. Dopey Sgt. McTuff

Comic Story (8 pages) The Camp with No Name
Featuring: G.I. Joe
Synopsis: Joe is in hospital undergoing surgery for the removal of a brain tumor.
Credits: Pencils: Irv Novick
Genre: War
Characters: Pvt. Joe Burch Sgt. Mulvaney Pvt. Alvin Otis Pvt. Cornelius Hoolihan [Weepy] Pvt. Eckersall [Meatball]

Comic Story (5 pages) A Whale of a Trip
Featuring: The Yardbirds
Synopsis: Windy and Whitey on a fishing trip.
Credits: Pencils: Dan DeCarlo | Inks: Rudy Lapick; Dan DeCarlo ?
Genre: Humor
Characters: Pvt. Windy Bragg Pvt. Whitey Hicks Sgt. Gruff Col. Ruppert

Text Story (2 pages)
Featuring: Dear Gertrude
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: War
Characters: Pvt. Sam Cosgrove Gertrude Cosgrove

Comic Story (6 pages) Silver and Gold
Featuring: G.I. Joe
Synopsis: Sgt. Quimby is promoted to Lieutenant.
Credits: Pencils: Irv Novick
Genre: War
Characters: Pvt. Joe Burch Sgt. Mulvaney Pvt. Alvin Otis Cpl. Carpuccio Sgt. Duke Quimby

Letters Page (3 pages)
Featuring: G.I. Joe's Pen Pals
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (7 pages) Oh, Buoy!!
Featuring: G.I. Joe
Synopsis: The Sarge buys a yacht from Ready-Money Reilly.
Credits: Pencils: Irv Novick
Genre: War
Characters: Pvt. Joe Burch Sgt. Mulvaney Pvt. Alvin Otis Pvt. Cornelius Hoolihan [Weepy] Cpl. Reilly [Ready-Money]

Advertisement (1 page) Look Here!
Synopsis: Big money making opportunities.
Credits: Letters: typeset

Advertisement (1 page) Factory To You Coupon Offer...
Featuring: Penmaster Co.
Synopsis: Amazing 3-piece matched pen set with your name on.
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (1 page) Good-Bye Kiss
Featuring: Pvt. Dopey
Synopsis: Kisses for $1.00.
Credits: Pencils: Vic Martin (signed) | Inks: Vic Martin (signed)
Genre: Humor
Characters: Pvt. Dopey Sgt. McTuff

Advertisement (1 page) Do You Need Money?
Featuring: Cheerful Card Company
Synopsis: $35.00 is yours for selling only 50 boxes of Christmas cards.
Credits: Pencils: ? (photos) | Inks: ? (photos) | Colours: ? (photos) | Letters: typeset

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Ziff-Davis Publications G.I. Joe GI Joe v4 035 (1954 09)
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