Issue: #[13]
Published: 1945, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Harry "A" Chesler
Color: Dimensions: Paper Stock: Binding: Publishing Format:
Notes: Generally believed to be the "missing" #13 in the series of short-run titles linking Scoop Comics #8 to Red Seal Comics #14, although there is no number anywhere on this issue.
CARNIVAL COMICS, published by Pershing Square Publishing Co. of 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y., U. S. A. Place of publication, Acron, O., U. S. A. Single copy 10c. Application for second-class entry pending in Akron, O. Copyright 1945 by Pershing Square Publishing Co. Artwork by Funnies, Inc.
"Artwork by Funnies, Inc." is a puzzling claim as all features here appear to be reprinted from Chesler Publications, Inc. and Ultem Publications, Inc. (of which Chesler was editor and packager, continuing his Chesler Publications titles and others) issues from the late 1930's.
This issue is unique among comics with the World's Greatest Comics logo in that it is the only issue in the 1944 - early 1947 period that does not also include 'Harry "A" Chesler, Jr.' in the logo box.