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Home Toby/Minoan Monty Hall Monty Hall 010 (c2c)
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Repair to cover and interior/lettering/stains. No color correction

In memory of Jim S. (U.S.M.C. Korea 1950) Semper Fidelis
Memorial Day Weekend 2024

Special thank you to the JVJ Collection, Soothsayer, Movielover and Novus for providing material from the TOBY Great Lover Romances #8 to repair missing pieces/text from the ads
Issue: #10
Published: February 1953, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Mel Lazarus (art director); Benton J. Resnik (general manager)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Monty Hall
Genre: War

Advertisement (2 pages)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Little Black Book
Featuring: Monty Hall
Credits: Pencils: Mel Keefer (signed) | Inks: Mel Keefer
Genre: War
Characters: Monty Hall

Comic Story (6 pages) The Vial of Death
Featuring: Monty Hall
Credits: Pencils: Mel Keefer ? | Inks: Mel Keefer ?
Genre: War
Characters: Monty Hall

Comic Story (7 pages) Henry the Fighting Leatherneck
Featuring: Monty Hall
Credits: Pencils: Mel Keefer ? | Inks: Mel Keefer ?
Genre: War
Characters: Monty Hall

Comic Story (4 pages) Mabel and the Snorkel
Featuring: Monty Hall
Credits: Pencils: Mel Keefer (signed) | Inks: Mel Keefer
Genre: War
Characters: Monty Hall

Text Story (2 pages) The Lord of the Forbidden Interior
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: War

Illustration (2 pages)
Featuring: Pin-Up Pete
Credits: Pencils: Jack Sparling | Inks: Jack Sparling
Characters: Carol Carpenter Fluorescent Flo

Advertisement (3 pages)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Toby/Minoan Monty Hall Monty Hall 010 (c2c)
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