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Home Canadian Comics Superior Red Circle Comics 01 (1945)(Canadian) -Duke of Darkness origin only
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Mirrors: [ Roygbiv666's 'Duke of Darkness Collection' link.
14pgs - Duke of Darkness story only.
A collection of the other Duke stories can be read at the mirror link above.
"The Duke Of Darkness" actual 1st story discovered! Canadian comic historian and collector Dave Dustin discovers the previously unknown to exist 1st story written of this character, which was actually published 4th!
Currently all information found online regarding Duke Of Darkness cites "KO Comics #1" published Oct. 1945 by Genora as the 1st of three appearances. The 14pg story in this comic begins at the funeral of dead officer Paddy Sullivan. Then came "Top Spot Comics #1" also in 1945 with a 14pg story where the Duke's name strangely changes from Paddy to Danny. Finally a 12pg story in the winter of 1945 was published in "Triple Threat Comics #1" where no name is mentioned other than Duke Of Darkness.

There was a 4th story in Canadian "Red Circle Comics" published in 1946, but this 12pg story was actually his 1st story created and origin. It takes place while Paddy is still alive and dies in the story becoming The Duke Of Darkness! The second last panel talks of his funeral next week, which is where his actual second appearance in KO Comics begins. It is completely unknown why the first appearance was not published in the US in 1945 and was instead later published in Canada in 1946, but here it is now for your enjoyment.
I think someone is already planning to make scans and reprint this story, plus many more from the comic.
This comic appears to also have been unknown first appearance of The Menace, who also appeared in the exact same other three comics as Duke Of Darkness in 1945 and reportedly first appeared in KO Comics same as the Duke.

4-March-2023 4:44 pm
Username: Roygbiv666
Comment: Appears to be missing the last few pages of the story (12-14).
4-March-2023 10:11 pm
Username: Yoc
Comment: Hi Roy, the last scan in this file is page 12 of the story as seen in the bottom right panel. It reads like the ending. You can see a sliver of the next page that appears to be a new splash page of whatever comes next. The story doesn't appear to be missing anything to my eye. We surly wish there rest of the book were scanned for sharing.

Issue: #1
Published: April 1946, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Colour Cover; Black, White, And Colour Interior Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format:
Notes: On sale date from date stamp on one known copy. Cover matches that of an American comic published June 1944, but the contents do not seem to match any American comic. They do, however, appear to be from the same studio as produced many Genoa published comics. Partial index based on interior scans from an eBay auction.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Steel Fist
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Steel Fist

Advertisement (1 page) Fun - Thrills - Games
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (0 pages) The Stuff More Valuable than Gold
Featuring: The Duke of Darkness
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Duke Of Darkness

Comic Story (0 pages) Cancelled Out!
Featuring: Airmale and Stampy
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Airmale [Kenneth Roberts] (origin) Stampy

Comic Story (1 page) Centipedes
Featuring: Professor Jabberwacky
Synopsis: Four single panel cartoons about centipedes.
Genre: Humor
Characters: Professor Jabberwacky

Comic Story (0 pages) The Lonely Hearts Gang
Featuring: Beau Brummell
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Beau Brummell Ginger Day

Comic Story (0 pages)
Featuring: The Magnificent Epod
Synopsis: Epod makes a new musical instrument.
Genre: Adventure Humor
Characters: Epod Emperor Ra Ta Plan

Comic Story (0 pages) The Menace Cures a Ham
Featuring: The Menace
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Menace

Advertisement (1 page) Amuse and Amaze Friends
Credits: Letters: typeset

Advertisement (1 page) Lovely Dale Evans says "It's Easy to Learn Dancing"
Credits: Pencils: ? (photos) | Inks: ? (photos) | Colours: ? (photos) | Letters: typeset
Characters: Dale Evans

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Canadian Comics Superior Red Circle Comics 01 (1945)(Canadian) -Duke of Darkness origin only
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