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Home Fawcett Comics Bulletman Bulletman 003 (GM removed) -fixed
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GM watermark removed.
Other corrections made as well.
ifc,ibc pages converted to greyscale.
Pg14 colouring mistake corrected.
Our thanks to 3Face for all his hard work on this one.

But, if anyone owns this comic PLEASE consider scanning it for the site or letting a trusted scanner do the work for you. You can use the CONTACT US link if you need help. We would love to have a nice high-resolution scan for the site.


15-August-2022 9:39 am
Username: lrek
Comment: A definite improvement, but I have a couple of comments. (Oh, no!) First, the inside front cover should be strictly greyscale (see Whiz 24). Anything that appears to be color in the original scan was the result of aging paper (and possibly iffy scanner software and early Photoshop), and the original scanner acted as if there were spot colors -- which there weren't. I have seen a lot of these. Were they all GM scans? The same is no doubt true of the inside back cover. Second, at the bottom of Page 12, left-hand panel, the guy's jacket has been recolored from blue/white to red. I assume this was intentional to act as a sort of watermark since it doesn't really fix a problem. There WAS a thug in a red jacket (Panels 2 and 3), but he gets taken out in Panel 5, so it's not the same guy. Next, if one is going to go to the trouble to essentially rebuild the comic from the ground up, it would be nice if the paper color were more consistent throughout. Trying to match them exactly is nearly impossible, but it's possible to get closer than this. Finally, I'm not sure that smoothing the halftones is a good idea. In most cases it's hardly noticeable. But sometimes with a gradient -- as on Page 23, bottom right -- it doesn't work as it should. Maybe I should try my hand at one of these instead of just criticiz-- er, commenting. Which comics need the most work?
15-August-2022 3:16 pm
Username: Yoc
Comment: Hi lrek. It sounds like you've got the skills to take a crack at a GM fix of your own. We'd love to see more of these GM placeholders retired. If you're willing and wanted to try your hand at it there's a couple more Bulletman scans with watermarks. BM #9 only has 4 pgs to fix. All of BM #10 needs a fix. Good luck if you tackle them!
15-August-2022 4:51 pm
Username: lrek
Comment: 10 has some tricky panels, so I'll start with that. :)
15-August-2022 5:48 pm
Username: 3Face
Comment: For my brother Andrew, for my close friend Pat.
15-August-2022 6:48 pm
Username: 3Face
Comment: hi Yoc, thanks for the technical aid, and Irek. Your'e likely right, I should have saved the inside cover ad as a grey scale and did the grey tone panel that way, didn't think fit at the time. I was thinking of leaving it damaged so people could have a hint of how bad this was. This was done over months so likely I forgot who was who with regards to thugs and just wanted to get it done. Paper colour is challenging as it's different from page to page for whatever reasons (damaging stains, age, old scans, etc.) so attempted to go for approximate. There were a few panels which had the art dissolved into stain or missing that i wanted to fix but it wouldn't have matched the artist. Had this been a higher res scan I might have spent more time on it but feel free to kick in your skills to correct things further, it's a collaborative site. I'l look forward to your revision on #10. Cheers all and thank you.

Issue: #3
Published: January 14 1942, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing: France Herron
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Covers; Newsprint Interiors Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Bulletman
Credits: Pencils: Mac Raboy; Bob Rogers (backgrounds) | Inks: Mac Raboy; Bob Rogers (backgrounds)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Bulletman [Jim Barr] Bulletgirl [Susan Kent]

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Featuring: Captain Marvel Picture Puzzle
Credits: Pencils: C. C. Beck; ? (photo) | Inks: C. C. Beck; ? (photo) | Letters: ?; most typeset
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]

Comic Story (14 pages) The Lightning King
Featuring: Bulletman
Synopsis: An airliner traveling near a castle in the mountains on a clear day is suddenly struck by lightning and many passengers are killed, including Susan's distant cousin. When another distant cousin's life is threatened, Susan decides to investigate: as Bulletgirl, and discovers a wholesale plot to murder anyone named Kent!
Credits: Script: Otto Binder | Pencils: Jack Binder Shop; Ed Dobrotka ? | Inks: Jack Binder Shop; Ed Dobrotka ?
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Bulletman [Jim Barr] Bulletgirl [Susan Kent Sergeant Kent Rodney B. Kent (distant Cousin Of Susan's) George L. Kent (Rodney's Brother) Maxwell Kent (death) The Lightning King [Professor Willis Kent Aka Prefessor John Willoughby] (villain, Introduction, Death) Lightning King's Gang [Bugs Jonker (underworld Gang Chief) Others Un-named] (villains, Introduction For All)

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) (1 page)
Featuring: America's Greatest Comics
Credits: Pencils: Mac Raboy | Inks: Mac Raboy | Letters: typeset
Characters: Spy Smasher [Alan Armstrong] Bulletman [Jim Barr] Captain Marvel [Billy Batson] Minute Man [Jack Weston] Mr. Scarlet [Brian Butler]

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) (1 page)
Featuring: Gene Autry Comics
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Gene Autry

Comic Story (13 pages) The Octopus
Featuring: Bulletman
Credits: Script: Otto Binder | Pencils: Don Rico ? | Inks: Don Rico ?
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Buletman [Jim Barr] Bulletgirl [Susan Kent] Sergeant Kent Joe (street Cleaner) Mr. Meade Mary (Mr. Meade;s Maid) Jeeves (Mr. Meade's Butler) The Octopus [Mr. Appleby] (villain, A Reformer, Introduction) Octopus' Gang [Crusher Monk Other Un-named] (villains, Introduction For All)

Comic Story (6 pages) Dropping Into the Parachute Corps
Featuring: Private Ward
Synopsis: Fate hits Private Ward hard when he attempts to ask the Colonel for a promotion.
Credits: Script: Bill Ward | Pencils: Bill Ward | Inks: Bill Ward
Genre: Humor Military
Characters: Private Ward (introduction) Private Enterprise (introduction) Colonel Deakyne (introduction) General Carter (introduction)

Comic Story (13 pages) The Case of the Murdered Millionaire
Featuring: Bulletman
Synopsis: The strange death of a prominent banker leads the Bullet duo into an investigation that brings them face to face with a killer hunchback!
Credits: Pencils: Charles Sultan | Inks: Charles Sultan
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Bulletman [Jim Barr] Bulletgirl [Susan Kent] Sergeant Kent Casey (Policeman) Mike (Policeman, Death) Jake (Policeman, Death) Henry Roberts (millionaire Banker, Death) Miss Lake (Robert's Secretary) The Hunchback [Miller] (not Connected With Prior Two Hunchbacks, Villain, Robert's Accountant, Introduction, Death)

Text Story (2 pages) Swords For Two
Synopsis: An argument in a South American cafe leads to a duel.
Credits: Script: Manly Wade Wellman [as "Juan Lopez"] (credited) | Pencils: ? (spot illustration) | Inks: ? (spot illustration) | Letters: Typeset
Characters: Stacey Hughes (American Good Will Ambassador) Old Carlo (A,merican Secret Service Agent) Un-named Landlord Dan Pablo Gorgo (villain, Death)

Comic Story (14 pages) Mystery Island
Featuring: Bulletman
Synopsis: An ad in the newspaper for a rather dangerous and mysterious voyage to Mystery Island, from which no one has ever returned alive, perks the interest of the Police as well as Susan and Jim.
Credits: Script: Otto Binder
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Bulletman [Jim Barr] [aka Fritz] Miss Lloyd Captain Glume Mr. Wood Petie (sailor, Death) The Black Rat (villain, Introduction) McKeefe (villain, Killer) Pitelli (villain)

Advertisement (1 page)
Featuring: Comicscope
Credits: Letters: typeset

Advertisement (1 page)
Featuring: Remington Portable Type writer
Credits: Pencils: ?; ? (photos) | Inks: ?; ? (photos) | Letters: typeset

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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