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Home MISC FUN STUFF Platinum Age misc Charles Dana Gibson (September 14, 1867 – December 23, 1944) Drawings by C.D. Gibson (1894)
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Mirrors: [ Gibson Bio - American Illustration. org
Famous for his Gibson Girl drawings.
Publisher : R.H. Russell & Son; First edition. (January 1, 1894)
A bio link is shared in the mirrors link.

26-June-2021 2:24 am
Username: ramblindawg
Comment: Excellent high-resolution scan...you can really see all the beautiful linework. Thanks!
26-June-2021 4:27 am
Username: smbhax
Comment: Gorgeous!
26-June-2021 4:35 pm
Username: erwin-k
Comment: So often mentions of Gibson include a couple of images without the original captions. Or of an isolated Gibson Girl with little or no setting. I am very glad to have this collection.
23-June-2022 9:38 pm
Username: cumanday
Comment: Muy bueno , lo estaba buscando hace tiempo...Gracias.

Home MISC FUN STUFF Platinum Age misc Charles Dana Gibson (September 14, 1867 – December 23, 1944) Drawings by C.D. Gibson (1894)
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