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I scanned this before selling it back when I was innocent enough to think that the scanner lid pressed down on the page all by itself to make it flat. Thanks but this one isn't quite perfect either tbh - pixilated and with pages of differing shades.
29-July-2020 12:37 pm
Looks great to me. Pre-code horror is always appreciated. Thank you!
29-July-2020 4:17 pm
This issue is much more thoughtful and mature in the story-telling than most horror titles pre-Code. A fun read.
Issue: #13 Published: September 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Allen Hardy
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Victor Vampire
Pencils: Don Heck (signed) | Inks: Don Heck (signed) | Letters: typeset
Comic Story (7 pages)
The Thing That Grew!
Pencils: Max Elkin (signed) | Inks: Max Elkin (signed)