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Home Lev Gleason Comics / Comics House Publications Boy Comics Boy Comics 003 (Fiche)
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Boy Comics #003 [Apr'42][FICHE][Briefer]-68pg-c2c
-(Oldwaynes Fiche, rolster Scans & Edits)
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12-September-2008 11:56 pm
Username: glammazon
Comment: Strangely enough, this appears to be the first issue of BOY COMICS. Crimebuster makes his debut in this issue, as does Young Robin Hood.
11-November-2008 11:58 pm
Username: glammazon
Comment: The metal jaws of Iron Jaw are no longer science fiction; a girl from Africa who was suffering from a rare form of fibrosis that had caused her face to become grotesquely enlarged was recently given a pair of jaws made of titanium.
26-June-2017 2:11 am
Username: Yoc
Comment: As is mentioned in the section text, Boy's numbering continues from Captain Battle Comics #1-2.
26-August-2020 2:40 am
Username: louisd
Comment: page not working when downloading
26-August-2020 4:31 pm
Username: erwin-k
Comment: Downloaded fine for me. But, the D/L says it is a .DMS file! Am not about to try to open that!!
26-August-2020 5:31 pm
Username: CaptainDJ
Comment: Download issue should now be resolved

Issue: #3
Published: April 1942, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S.; Later Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1942, New Series, Vol. 37, No. 2.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Genre: Children Superhero
Characters: Crimebuster Bombshell Swoop Storm Pepper Casey

Comic Story (13 pages) Origin of Crimebuster
Genre: Adventure Children Superhero
Characters: Crimebuster [Chuck Chandler] (introduction, Origin) Mr. Chandler (introduction, Death) Mrs. Chandler (introduction, Death) Squeeks (a Monkey, Crimebuster's Pet, Introduction) Iron Jaw [Von Schmidt] (introduction) Hansel

Comic Story (8 pages) Shadows in the Night
Featuring: Young Robinhood
Genre: Children Superhero
Characters: Young Robinhood (first Appearance)

Illustration (1 page) Welcome Crimebuster!
Genre: Children Superhero
Characters: Crimebuster Sqeeks, Daredevil

Comic Story (5 pages) Case of Michael "Red" MacGonigle
Featuring: Case #1001
Genre: Crime

Comic Story (5 pages) Swoop Saves a Plane
Featuring: Swoop Storm
Characters: Swoop Storm (first Appearance)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Boy of To-Day in the Land of Yesteryear
Featuring: Yankee Longago
Characters: George "Yankee" Longago (first Appearance)

Text Story (2 pages) Daredevil Meets the Monster of Martinique
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Daredevil [Bart Hill] Remanjon

Comic Story (6 pages) Introducing the Midget Mauler
Featuring: Pepper Casey
Characters: Pepper Casey (first Appearance)

Comic Story (6 pages) George Noble
Featuring: Boy Comics Hero of the Month
Genre: Biography

Comic Story (8 pages) Son of War
Featuring: Bombshell
Credits: Pencils: ? [as Michael] | Inks: ? [as Michael]
Characters: Bombshell (first Appearance, Son Of Mars) Hitler (villain)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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