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Home MLJ/Archie Comics Suzie Comics Suzie Comics 100 (c2c)-upgrade
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Kracalactaka book, scan and edit with page fills from Soothsayr
Issue: #100
Published: August 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Full Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S.; Later Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (3 pages) Reversed Psychology
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie Gregory

Comic Story (2 pages) A Colorful Situation
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (0 pages) Simple Arithmetic
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (0 pages) Game Try
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (1 page) Musical Chair
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie

Comic Story (1 page) From Rags to Stitches
Featuring: Ferdie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Suzie's Dad Ferdie

Comic Story (2 pages) Come Clean
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie Suzie's Dad Aunt Agatha

Comic Story (1 page) Thoughtful Ferdie
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (1 page) Indian Sign
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (2 pages) Topsy Teevee
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Text Article (2 pages) Broadway-Hollywood Wire
Synopsis: Information/Gossip column about happenings on stage and screen.
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (1 page) Something Fishy
Featuring: Wilbur
Genre: Humor
Characters: Wilbur Slats

Comic Story (2 pages) Clothes Harmony
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie Suzie's Dad

Comic Story (0 pages) A Weighty Problem
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (1 page) Calling all Cards
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Featuring: Archie
Synopsis: Full page ad for Archie Annual #6 featuring Archie, Betty & Veronica.
Genre: Humor Non-fiction
Characters: Archie Betty Veronica

Comic Story (1 page) Fire Away!
Featuring: Suzie
Synopsis: Suzie is upset when the baby she's babysitting swallows matches. Ferdie offers his cigarette lighter to her.
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Suzie
Synopsis: Suzie thinks the food in a cafeteria is free because the sign in the window reads "every meal a treat."
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie

Comic Story (2 pages) Sand Papers
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Comic Story (1 page) Cinema-Dope
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Featuring: Archie
Synopsis: 1/2 page ad promoting new magazine, Archie's Mechanics.
Genre: Humor Non-fiction
Characters: Archie Betty Veronica

Activity (1 page) Suzie's Fun Page
Featuring: Suzie's Fun Page
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Children
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

Advertisement (0 pages)
Featuring: Fearless Fosdick
Synopsis: Ad for Wildroot Cream Oil Hair Tonic featuring Fearless Fosdick
Credits: Script: Al Capp | Pencils: Al Capp | Inks: Al Capp
Genre: Humor Non-fiction
Characters: Fearless Fosdick

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Katy Keene
Credits: Script: Bill Woggon | Pencils: Bill Woggon | Inks: Bill Woggon
Genre: Humor
Characters: Katy Keene Sis

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Katy Keene
Credits: Script: Bill Woggon | Pencils: Bill Woggon | Inks: Bill Woggon
Genre: Humor
Characters: Katy Keene K.O. Kelly

Comic Story (1 page) Speedy Recovery
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie

Comic Story (1 page) By the Weigh
Featuring: Suzie
Credits: Pencils: Samm Schwartz | Inks: Samm Schwartz
Genre: Humor
Characters: Suzie Ferdie

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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