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Home Harvey Comics Mazie / Mazie and Her Boyfriends Mazie 017 (fixed IFC) -upgrade
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24-August-2019 2:17 am
Username: ghmcleod
Comment: Thank you

Issue: #17
Published: August 1955, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Leon Harvey
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Silver Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Notes: Indexed from scanned copy at http://digitalcomicmuseum.com
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Mazie
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Mazie Stevie

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Mazie
Synopsis: Jeanie shows off the "elevator dance" - it has no steps.
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Stevie Mazie Laurie Jeanie

Comic Story (5 pages) Poor Butterfly
Featuring: Mazie
Genre: Humor Teen

Text Article (1 page)
Featuring: Star Subjects from Hollywood
Credits: Letters: typeset

Activity (1 page)
Featuring: Hi-School Hi-Spots

Comic Story (5 pages) Reckless Driver
Featuring: Mazie
Genre: Humor Teen

Comic Story (5 pages) Love's Old Sweet Boing!
Featuring: Mazie
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Mazie Dean Laura Jeanie Stevie Flat-Top Jackson Mortie

Text Article (1 page)
Featuring: T.V. Tattler
Credits: Letters: typeset

Text Story (1 page)
Featuring: Mazie's Favorite Jokes
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Humor

Advertisement (0 pages)
Featuring: Fearless Fosdick; Wildroot Cream-Oil
Synopsis: Phonio hypnotizes Fosdick into believing he's an eagle; that still doesn't prevent Fosdick from defeating him.
Credits: Script: Al Capp | Pencils: Al Capp | Inks: Al Capp | Letters: Al Capp
Genre: Humor
Characters: Fearless Fosdick Phonio

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Holly of Hollywood
Synopsis: Delbert tries to dress up as a knight in armor to bring Holly to a masquerade ball, but he's picked up by the junk man.
Credits: Script: Paul McCarthy | Pencils: Paul McCarthy | Inks: Paul McCarthy
Genre: Humor
Characters: Holly Delbert Dibble Janie

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Holly of Hollywood
Synopsis: Holly has borrowed a studio car and gotten it muddy. Delbert suggests they wash it off with water first, but when the water subsides, there's no car left.
Credits: Script: Paul McCarthy | Pencils: Paul McCarthy | Inks: Paul McCarthy
Genre: Humor
Characters: Holly Delbert Dibble Joe

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Sally and the Gang
Credits: Script: Paul McCarthy | Pencils: Paul McCarthy | Inks: Paul McCarthy
Genre: Humor Teen

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Delbert Dibble the Boyfriend
Credits: Script: Paul McCarthy | Pencils: Paul McCarthy | Inks: Paul McCarthy
Genre: Humor

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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