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Home Harvey Comics Little Max Comics Little Max Comics 049
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October 1957; 36 pages; c2c; scanner undetermined.

Issue: #49
Published: October 1957, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Leon Harvey
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Silver Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Indexed from scanned copy at https://digitalcomicmuseum.com
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Little Max
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max

Table Of Contents (1 page) Contents
Featuring: Little Max

Comic Story (6 pages) Little Red Riding Hood
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: Joe reads a somewhat different versin of Little Red Riding Hood to Max while Max imagines himself in it.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max Joe Palooka Wicked Witch Little Red Riding Hood Grandma

Text Story (1 page) Chicken Soup
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Humor

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Hector the Director
Synopsis: Hector goes fishing in a barrel.
Credits: Script: Art Helfant | Pencils: Art Helfant | Inks: Art Helfant | Letters: Art Helfant
Genre: Humor
Characters: Hector Hector's Acquaintence

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Rumpus
Synopsis: When Rumpus asks his girlfriend Maizie to marry him and change her name to his, she says she prefers Maizie to Rumpus.
Credits: Script: Art Helfant (signed) | Pencils: Art Helfant (signed) | Inks: Art Helfant (signed) | Letters: Art Helfant
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Rumpus Rumpus's Friend Maizie (mentioned Only)

Comic Story (2 pages) Sweet Treat
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: When Max makes five cents shining shoes, he treats his friends to candy. But after they choose what they want at the candy store, there is no money left for him to buy some for himself. Fortunately, the candy store clerk has a sympathetic heart.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max Max's Friends Candy Store Clerk

Comic Story (2 pages) Soda Sale
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: Max and his friends pool their money to buy candy and get a free ice cream soda.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max Max's Friends Store Clerk

Comic Story (4 pages) Just for Laughs
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: Joe takes Max and Alice to the carnival, where they decide to try out the fun house. When they start going through it, it's more scary than fun, and Max finds himself wondering when the fun part begins. However, once they are out, Max wants to go back through again.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max Joe Palooka Alice Carnival Ticket Booth Operator Carnival Goers

Comic Story (2 pages) Let's Play Doctor
Featuring: Humphrey
Synopsis: Humphrey agrees to let his fan club practice first aid on him, but Prunella thinks he is really injured.
Genre: Humor
Characters: Humphrey Prunella Members Of Humphrey's Fan Club

Text Story (1 page) The Try-Out
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Humor Children

Activity (1 page) How to Make Your Very Own Talking Hand
Synopsis: Description of how to draw a face on one's hand and then make it "talk" with hand movements.

Comic Story (2 pages) The Brush Off
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: Max is sweeping the floor in his house when the baby brother of the North Wind comes to play tricks on him. After the wind blows the dust he has swept in several directions, Max tricks the wind into blowing the dust out the door.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Little Max Baby Brother Of The North Wind

Activity (1 page) Little Max's Zoo Quiz
Featuring: Little Max
Synopsis: Little Max challenges the reader to identify six animals based upon rhyming descriptions.
Characters: Little Max

Activity (1 page) Circus Quiz

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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