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Home Small Publishers Green (Universal Phoenix/Norlen) Miss Liberty 01
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Miss Liberty 01

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12-January-2013 11:23 am
Username: WiscPackRat
Comment: An interesting repackaging of MLJ material with The Shield and the Wizard. I have to chuckle, thou... MISS LIBERTY does not have anyone named Miss Liberty in its pages!
3-March-2019 7:06 pm
Username: Positronic1
Comment: Not only does MISS LIBERTY not have any stories featuring a character named Miss Liberty, but Steel Sterling, who appears on the cover, appears nowhere inside the comic! This looks like it's reprinting the guts of an issue of PEP Comics, with the usual line-up of characters, excluding Archie.

Issue: #1
Published: 1945, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format:
Notes: Dated as "1945 Issue" on cover, but only date inside is copyright 1944. Aside from the cover, this is a reprint of Shield-Wizard Comics (1940 series) #13 (Spring 1944).
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Credits: Pencils: Irv Novick | Inks: Irv Novick
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Steel Sterling [John Sterling] Miss Liberty (inset)

Table Of Contents (1 page)
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (11 pages) The Invasion
Featuring: Shield
Credits: Script: Bill Vigoda ? | Pencils: Bill Vigoda ? | Inks: Bill Vigoda ?
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Shield [Joe Higgins] Dusty Mr. Smith (coward)

Comic Story (9 pages) Devils of the Deep
Featuring: Shield
Credits: Script: Bill Vigoda (signed) | Pencils: Bill Vigoda (signed) | Inks: Bill Vigoda (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Shield [Joe Higgins] Dusty Fritz Kessel (spy)

Text Story (2 pages) Blackmail
Featuring: Shield
Credits: Letters: Typeset
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Shield

Comic Story (8 pages) Merchants of Murder
Featuring: Wizard
Credits: Script: Bill Vigoda ? | Pencils: Bill Vigoda ? | Inks: Bill Vigoda ?
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Wizard [Blane Whitney] Mary (parrot)

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Credits: Pencils: Bill Vigoda [as Wm. Vigoda] (signed) | Inks: Bill Vigoda [as Wm. Vigoda] (signed)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Little Rug That Wasn't There
Featuring: Roy the Super Boy
Credits: Pencils: George Harrison ? | Inks: Clem Weisbecker ?
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Roy Imar The Mystic

Comic Story (10 pages) The Vain Robot
Featuring: Wizard
Credits: Pencils: Clem Weisbecker [as Clem] (signed) | Inks: Clem Weisbecker [as Clem] (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Wizard [Blane Whitney] Roy The Super-Boy Jonathon (robot) Westley (inventor)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Small Publishers Green (Universal Phoenix/Norlen) Miss Liberty 01
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