We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.
Scanned from a coverless copy: fc+bc from HAG; no ifc & ibc. A freddyfly original!
30-December-2012 11:13 am
This is the infamous (almost) all-Dick Briefer issue--one of the comics I've most wanted to see for a jillion years! Note how Briefer tries so hard to deliver typical adventure-comics art, but lets his stylization creep in as the pages progress. Bless you for making this available!!!
Volume: #1, Issue: #5 Published: February-March 1949, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series