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Home DCM Archives and Collections Woman In Red Archive Volume 1 (Standard) -fixed
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

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Uploader: lazarus06
Downloads: 7427
Views: 58853
Here is a small archive of The Woman In Red Stories from Thrilling comics.

Here is the file for the archives and it should open properly.

3-June-2012 11:49 pm
Username: theorbys
Comment: Although she looks great in her costume she should be called Woman With Bumps on Her Head, since she gets slammed in the head every 2 or 3 pages. The group dynamics of the next to last story is great though. 3 to 6 people shooting and punching each other, all at once, in panel after panel.
9-December-2012 8:35 am
Username: JOSE
Comment: with all my respects to the uploader, I do not understant this number # 01 of downloads. There are many more important characters.!
31-December-2012 1:54 am
Username: derik
Comment: @JOSE There's a theory that Pandora from DC's New 52 is an updated version of The Woman in Red. (At least their costumes are startling similar.)
4-April-2013 12:47 am
Username: d6danny
Comment: I understand that Scaldcrow Games is re-imagining the Woman-In-Red for their 30s pulp city, Rotwang City: City of Shadows.
20-November-2013 6:21 pm
Username: Uniqofax
Comment: Another early superheroine for my collection! Thanks!

Home DCM Archives and Collections Woman In Red Archive Volume 1 (Standard) -fixed
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