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Home Sterling Captain Flash Captain Flash 003 (Sterling Comics) -fixed
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2-December-2011 1:43 am
Username: theorbys
Comment: Good issue, not up to the first two, but pretty good. Those sharkmen looked good, but were silly too-- why dress up like that? Mirror Man, looking more like a man this time, was my favorite but the story was rushed, and had no real end. Kind of funny the way the superpowered and quasi-invulnerable Capt leads his teen sidekick Ricky, who has no powers, into extremely dangerous (for Ricky, not Capt F) situations.
3-March-2020 10:09 pm
Username: historiational
Comment: I can't think of a superhero with a kid sidekick who was Not Guilty of Child Endangerment! Bruce Wayne was wise to use his ward. If Dick had parents, Bruce would have been sued right out of Stately Wayne Manor!

Issue: #3
Published: May 1955, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Martin Smith
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) The Beasts from 1,000,000 B.C.
Featuring: Captain Flash
Credits: Pencils: Mike Sekowsky
Genre: Superhero

Comic Story (7 pages) The Fight of the Century
Featuring: Captain Flash
Credits: Pencils: Mike Sekowsky

Comic Story (6 pages) The Beasts from 1,000,000 B.C.
Featuring: Captain Flash
Synopsis: When the quality of the uranium being supplied to the Atom City Laboratory begins to deteriorate Captain Flash and Ricky go to the source to see what the problem is. While there Ricky is poisoned and Captain Flash has to go find the antidote. While searching for it he knocks down an ice cliff and unleashes three dinosaurs frozen inside.
Credits: Pencils: Mike Sekowsky
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Captain Flash [Professor Keith Spencer] Dr. Magnum Ricky Professor Keith Spencer Ewa Di-Ku Bana

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Tomboy
Credits: Pencils: Edvard Moritz

Text Story (2 pages) Fighting Kit Carson
Featuring: Kit Carson
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier

Comic Story (6 pages) Sharkmen
Featuring: Captain Flash
Credits: Script: Carl Wessler | Pencils: Mike Sekowsky

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Sterling Captain Flash Captain Flash 003 (Sterling Comics) -fixed
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