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Rangers_Comics_022 [Apr'45]-36pg-c2c -MichaelBarnes scans === Re-upload in cbr format to correct Preview feature error. Upload by Prime User. This is the same book as before. If you already have this you don't need to download it.
Issue: #22 Published: April 1945, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Jean M. Press (Editor); Jack Byrne (Managing Editor)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Professor Broussard scoffs at a sideshow exhibit, and the owner invites him to see the mermaids for free. Afterward Broussard dismisses it as hypnotism, but wonders about the fish in his pocket?
An old man persuades Ahmad to go after a white camel stolen by bandits. Ahmad rescues the camel and a girl, and the old man is revealed to be Sheik Abdullah. Ahmad and the girl are wed at the Sheik's palace.
Script: ? [as Sargasso] | Pencils: Dan Zolnerowich | Inks: Dan Zolnerowich; Marcia Snyder?