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Home Dell Comics Dell Four Color - Do NOT Upload 4C0522 The Brownies
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36 pages, C2C Original scanner unknown. Found online.
Issue: #522
Published: December 1953, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S.; Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Indicia title is "THE BROWNIES, No. 522." Code number is BROWNIES O.S. #523-5312 (Note code number does not match issue number.) Copyright 1953 by Western Printing & Lithographing Company. Ninth of ten Brownies Four Colors.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies

Comic Story (1 page) Runaway Car
Synopsis: The Brownies build a car, but it takes off without a driver.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies

Comic Story (8 pages) The Brownies Blast Off Into Space
Synopsis: Brainy and Spindly attempt to reach the moon in a homemade rocket powered by a firecracker. They land on a watermelon in Farmer Brown's field instead.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies [Wizard Brainy Spindly Muddles Others]

Comic Story (10 pages) The Brownies Rescue Mrs. Ladybug
Synopsis: The Brownies fight a grass fire caused by carelessly tossed cigar. They rescue Mrs. Ladybug and her children and move her house to the creek. There they are trapped by the flames before Ferdie Frog comes to the rescue.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies [Wizard Spindly Muddles Others] Mrs. Ladybug Ferdie Frog

Comic Story (6 pages) The Brownies Play a Benefit Show
Synopsis: When Farmer Brown's daughter is ill, the Brownies make a pretend television set out of a cardboard box and put on a variety show to entertain her.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies [Brainy Wizard Spindly Wobble Others] Farmer Brown His Wife Their Daughter

Comic Story (8 pages) Trapped in a Bottle
Featuring: The Badkins
Synopsis: The Brownies rescue Billy Beetle after the Badkins put him in a glass jar. The Badkins then steal and eat a strawberry shortcake that the Brownies had made. The Brownies make another shortcake, but this time when the Badkins try to steal it they are caught in the same jar they had put Billy Beetle in.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Badkins The Brownies [Wizard Brainy Others] Billy Beetle

Comic Story (1 page) Parking Ticket for a Turtle
Synopsis: The Brownie cop gives a turtle a ticket for napping in a "no parking" zone.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies

Comic Story (1 page) Losing a Hat on a Windy Day
Synopsis: A Brownie's wide-brimmed hat causes problems in a gusty wind.
Genre: Fantasy
Characters: The Brownies

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Dell Comics Dell Four Color - Do NOT Upload 4C0522 The Brownies
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