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Home Dell Comics Rex Allen Rex Allen 01 (4C0316)
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Issue: #316
Published: February 1951, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S.; Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Indicia title is "REX ALLEN, No. 316." Code number is REX A. O.S. #316-512. Copyright 1951 by Western Printing & Lithographing Company. First and only Rex Allen Four Color. Continues as Rex Allen Comics (Dell, 1951 series) #2 (September-November 1951). Labeled "R.A. 1" on the cover.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Colours: ? (photo)
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen (photo)

Illustration (1 page) Rex Allen, starring in Republic Productions
Synopsis: Posed photo of Rex playing a guitar.
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen (photo)

Comic Story (32 pages) The Legacy
Synopsis: When Rex goes to Oklahoma to investigate a claim on his uncle's estate, he is framed in the killing of a sheriff.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen Koko (horse) Booter Sam

Comic Story (16 pages) Ghost Town Gun Runners
Synopsis: Masked riders are attacking supply wagons to Mule Gulch to force the residents to leave. When Rex brings a load of supplies by river barge, he has to improvise a plan when his helper decides to hijack the supplies and sell them himself.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen Koko (horse)

Illustration (1 page) Rex and Koko
Synopsis: Rex riding his horse Koko.
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo)
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen (photo) Koko (horse, Photo)

Illustration (1 page) Rex and Koko by Adobe Building
Synopsis: Rex prepares to mount Koko, with adobe building in background.
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Colours: ? (photo)
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Rex Allen (photo) Koko (horse, Photo)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Dell Comics Rex Allen Rex Allen 01 (4C0316)
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