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Historical Photos - Kids!
« on: April 08, 2018, 01:19:55 PM »
Here's one of my favourite categories of these pictures - KIDS!

This is the first batch for you:
            1                       2                         3                        4                        5
#1 1938-Boys reading comics in SF Chinatown by John Gutmann (1905-1998)
A bio on Gutmann can be read here:

#2 1938-Japanese girls reading Detective Comics #18 (August 1938) on left and an unknown issue of Popular Comics on right.
Source unknown.

#3 1939 or later. There is a More Fun Comics #46 (August 1939) and another unknown issue of Popular Comics on the far right.
Source unknown.

#4 1941.03 or later.  A boy reading Marvel Mystery Comics #17 (March 1941).
Source unknown.

#5 1941 or later.  All in the gang here!
Reading material includes: (l-r)
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1#11 (August 1941), Batman #6 (August-September 1941), Famous Funnies #63 (1939), Samson Comics?
Source unknown.

            6                        7                      8                       9

#6 1941.12 or later.   Holding a copy of Tip-Top Comics 68 (December 1941).
Source unknown.

#7 1942-NYC - A boy reading Superman #19 (November 1942).
New York, N.Y. Children's Colony, a school for refugee children administered by a Viennese. German refugee child, a devotee of Superman.
Digital ID: (digital file from original) ds 04108
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ds-04108 (digital file from original)

Larger versions of this photo can be found at the following link:
Shared on this page about the first comic book burnings:

#8 March 1943. Montgomery, Alabama.
"Marvin Johnson, truck driver, reading the 'funnies' to his children."
Photo by John Vachon for the Office of War Information.

Part of: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection
Administration Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (LC-USW3- 021824-E [P&P] LOT 286)
This photo and others like it by John Vachon can be seen at the following link:

#9 1947 or later.  Comics, NYC
By Morris ENGEL (1918-2005)(USA)
Title : Comics, NYC
An unidentified young boy ina checkered shirt reads an issue of Ha Ha Comics as he stands before a wall of other comics, New York, New York, 1946. Other visible titles include Nyota the Jungle Girl, Captain Marvel, Blondie, and Superman. (Photo by Morris Engel/Getty Images)

More on the career of Engel can be read here:

Comics on the wall: Top left
Nyoka #7 (May 1947), Capt. Marvel #55 (March 1946), unknown, All-Negro #1 (June 1947)

Goofy Comics #20 (June 1947), Jo-Jo #4 (Dec 1946-/Jan 1947), Treasure Comics #8 (August-September 1946), Superman #48 (September-October 1947), unknown True Comics

Humdinger v1#3 [3] (September-October 1946)

He's reading-
Ha-Ha Comics #44 (August 1947) which was on the stands in late June according to the scan on DCM and the cover stamp it has.

Hope everyone is enjoying these!  More to come...

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Historical Photos - Kids!
« on: April 08, 2018, 01:19:55 PM »

Offline SuperScrounge

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2018, 08:43:36 PM »
#2 I would guess Popular Comics #30.

#3 Pretty sure that's Popular Comics #42.

#5 Logo doesn't look right for Samson, from Fox, but I couldn't find anything that came close.

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2018, 11:31:43 AM »
Thanks for your suggestions SS.
Sampson appeared in Big-3 as well as his own book.


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Re: Historical Photos - Kids 2
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2018, 08:24:02 AM »
Hi Gang,
As promised not long ago here are some pictures of kids.  The first few are from hospitals.

           1                      2                       3                        4                        5

#1 - 1948.10-Polio Sufferers
[original caption] Kenneth Reeves and Kent Gant reading comics at the US Navy Hospital in Corona, California, 1948. The boys are recovering from polio during an epidemic of the disease in southern California.
(Photo by US Navy/FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

#2 - 1950.03-Kids on beds
The boy is reading Felix the Cat (Dell) #4 (August-September 1948)  and the girl is reading Leading Comics (DC) #41 (February-March 1950).
Photographed by Otto Rothschild

#3 - 1951.07-recovering from rheumatic fever
Looking pleased with his comics haul you can see a Popeye comic in front as well as:
Police Comics (Quality) #95 (October 1949)
Jiggs and Maggie (Pines) #15
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies (Dell) #109 (November 1950)
Red Ryder Comics (Dell) #73 (August 1949)

#4 - 1951.07-recovering from rheumatic fever 2
The boy is reading Chic Young's Dagwood Comics (Harvey) #2 (November 1950).  Also seen is:
The Adventures of Alan Ladd (DC) #8 (December 1950-January 1951)
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Dell) v11 #7 (127) (April 1951)
The Katzenjammer Kids (David McKay) #10 (Autumn 1949)
Four Color (Dell) #313 - Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse in The Mystery of the Double-Cross Ranch (February 1951)

#5 - 1951-San Francisco orphanage
Boys in a San Francisco orphanage in 1951. Looks like boy on right is reading New Heroic Comics (Eastern) #61 (July 1950) and listening to a crystal radio set.

           6                       7                      8                       9                      10                      10A

#6 - 1955.01-iron lung
A heartbreaking picture.  [original caption] Poliomyelitis Sufferer Reads a Comic Book
A patient suffering from infantile paralysis reads a comic book attached to the rim of his iron lung. The iron lung maintains breathing for the patient by operating his lungs.
(Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

#7 - 1907.12-Buster Brown.jpg
Now going way way back we see a child reading:
Buster Brown Goes Fishing
London, Dean and Son, Ltd.  (1907.12)
Found on

#8 - A kid reading a comic on Madison ave in 1933 or 1934.
[original caption] Boy reading comics in front of newspaper store, west side of Madison Avenue between 96th and 97th Streets.
Photo by John Albok (1894-1982)

A large version of this can be seen here:

#9 - 1940/50s-Capt and Mary Marvel costumes
Credit: Abrams ComicArts

#10 - 1940/50s-Christmas Superman
Original source unknown.

#10A - a 1940s Batman
Original source unknown.
           11                     12                     13                       14                      15

#11 - 1941.09-Millworkers' children. Holyoke, Massachusetts.
September 1941. The planes look like fun, but we'll take that comic book. Photo by John Collier.

Collier, John, Jr, photographer. Mill worker's children. Holyoke, Massachusetts. Hampden County Holyoke Massachusetts United States, 1941. Sept. Photograph.

Dell's The Comics # 1 (March 1937)

#12 - 1944.09-boy reading Superman
Reading Superman (DC) #30 (September-October 1944)

#13 - 1945.02-Boy on a bench
Reading: Detective Comics (DC) #96  (February 1945)

Found on

#14 -1945-on the bus
[original caption] A mother reads her children the comics while traveling on the "El Capitan" train between Chicago and Los Angeles, 1945.
Photo by Sam Shere—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

#15 - 1946-kids in stairwell
Far left is reading an unknown issue of Four Favorites (Ace)
Third boy from left - Marvel Mystery Comics (Marvel) #70 (March 1946)
On floor -Science Comics (Ace) #1 (January 1946)

Source unknown.

More kids in a future update!

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2018, 01:18:51 PM »
I've added a new Batman costume as #10A for this set of pictures.  Source unknown.

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Historical Photos - Kids 3
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 09:42:54 AM »
Hi Gang,
Here's another batch of kids with comics photos for you to enjoy.  I always enjoy these kinds a lot.  These first one can be tough to look at knowing how hard life must have been for them.  I hope everything turned out as well as they wanted in life.
           1                       2                        3                        4                        5

#1 - 1936-Boys Reading In School near Scottsboro, Alabama-Carl_Mydans
(Original caption) At Cumberland Mountain Farms, barefoot young boys sit outside on chairs made from tree sections and read during school, Scottsboro, Alabama, 1936. Cumberland Mountain Farms, like nearby Skyline Farms, was a US government-sponsored resettlement project designed to help out-of-work farmers and their families. (Photo by Carl Mydans/FSA/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

#2 - 1939-MISSOURI FAMILY -Arthur Rothstein
MISSOURI: FAMILY, 1939. Farm family in their farmhouse in Charles County, Missouri. Photograph by Arthur Rothstein, 1939.

Rothstein, Arthur, photographer. Since becoming rehabilitation clients the value of the Dixon family's possessions has risen from 500 dollars todollars. Saint Charles County, Missouri. Missouri Saint Charles County Saint Charles County. United States, 1939. Nov. Photograph.

Shot for the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)

#3 - 1940.03-Bowery Restaurant -Andrew Herman
Andrew Herman, photographer. Bowery Restaurant, Federal Art Project. 1940 Restaurant-2F3XC5STO2G.html

Reading Champion Comics (Harvey) #5 (March 1940)

#4 - 1940.05-SUNDAY MORNING, Jack Delano
Delano, Jack, photographer. Negro children reading the comics on Sunday morning, Durham, North Carolina. Durham Durham. North Carolina United States, 1940. May. Photograph.

#5 - 1941.07-Chicago kids -Edwin Rosskam
CHICAGO: CHILDREN, 1941. African American children reading a comic book together in Chicago, Illinois. Photograph by Edwin Rosskam, July, 1941.

Rosskam, Edwin, photographer. Untitled photo, possibly related to: Entrance to Negro professional building, 47th Street, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Chicago. Illinois United States, 1941. [July] Photograph.

            6                       7                        8                        9                      10

#6 - 1942.11-Washington,DC -Gordon Parks
Parks, Gordon, photographer. Washington, D.C. Two Negro boys reading the funnies on a doorstep. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, 1942. Nov. Photograph.

Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information photograph collection (Library of Congress)

#7 - 1943-An American Block, Hamilton, Ohio (1943)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (American/German, 1898–1995)
LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

(Original caption) Three boys, aged five to seven, sitting among fallen leaves at curb to read the Sunday comics (funny papers) with dog named Whitey close by, from essay called American Block.

You can learn more about this world famous photographer click here

#8 - 1944.03-reading comics -Nina Leen
(Original caption) Young boy engrossed in reading newpaper comic strip while his leash-tethered mutt waits forlornly for their walk to continue. (Photo by Nina Leen/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

You can see more of Leen's fashion photos here:

#9 - 1947.03-Gene Autry #6
Original source unknown.
Reading Gene Autry Comics (Dell) #6 (March-April 1947).

#10 - 1947.03-On The Floor
Original source unknown.

Action Comics (DC) #106 (March 1947)
unknown Fawcett
unknown Beezy
unknown Batman
Flash Comics (DC) #81? (March 1947)
Jo-Jo (Fox) #5 (February-March 1947)
Wonder Woman (DC) #21 (January-February 1947)

           11                     12                     13                       14                      15

#11 - 1947.05-Superman #46
Original source unknown.

Reading Superman (DC) #46 (May-June 1947)

#12 - 1947-09.01-Leo Farrel reading comic books. He also read 50 books during the summer.
(Original caption) WHITTEMORE, UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 01, 1947: Leo Farrel reading comic books. He also read 50 books during his summer vacation. (Photo by Joseph Scherschel/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

All-American Comics #90 (Aug 19447)

Beside him:
Gene Autry Comics #9 (Sep-Oct 1947 )
Mutt and Jeff unknown

#13 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine
(Original caption) While brother catches up on Superman, sister wonders what's keeping Mama.
Stanley Kubrick, 1947[Boy%20reading%20comics%20and%20leaning%20against%20a%20baby%20carriage%20as%20a%20girl%20sits%20inside%20of%20it.]-24U39YNIZWT.html

These next three are by legendary film director STANLEY KUBRICK which he took for a Look Magazine feature.  These were from before his film days in 1947 when he was just 19 years old.  You can read more about him on Wiki where they share a picture of him with his camera at age 21.

#14 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine 2
The 5 and 10 [Boy reading comics in Woolworth's.]
Stanley Kubrick, 1947[Boy%20reading%20comics%20in%20Woolworth's.]-24U39Y2UHFI.html

#15 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine 3
The 5 and 10 [Girl reading comics at Woolworth's.]
Stanley Kubrick, 1947

(original caption) While she follows the adventures of Donald Duck and the Katzenjammer Kids, this young 5 and 10 customer absent-mindedly munches a foot-long piece of licorice. And as long as the candy holds out, she stands by her comic book heroes through thick and thin. Like any reader, she smiles when her story has a happy ending.[Girl%20reading%20comics%20at%20Woolworth's.]-24U39Y2LQMD.html

Kubrick would go on to a distinguished career as a feature movie director in Hollywood and England.

That's it for this batch,

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2018, 06:26:03 AM »
this is SUCH a beautiful thread!


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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2018, 11:26:57 AM »
Thanks, it my favourite as well!

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Historical Photos - Kids! 4
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2018, 03:20:21 PM »
Hi Gang,
Here's another batch of great kids pictures with comics!  Several of these might be called 'classics' as they are found on several sites on the net.

           1                       2                        3                        4                       5

#1 - 1935.02-Reading On The Street-LIFE
(Original caption) Two boys reading comics on a street corner circa 1935. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

#2 - 1936-Radio personality Doug Douglas and son Static
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive , UCLA Library. Copyright Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.

#3 - 1940s-Action

Holding Action Comics (DC) #21 (February 1940) -spotted by SuperScrounge

Original source unknown.

#4 - 1940s-Kid in bed
Original source unknown.

#5 - 1942-Barbershop-Alfred Eisenstaedt
(Original caption) Boy about 12 sitting in barber chair having his hair cut and reading the comic strips very intently. (Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt/Pix Inc./The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

Garden City, New York, 1942.
Alfred Eisenstaedt—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

           6                       7                        8                        9                      10

#6 - 1948.03-Child Reading Comic Book - Mobile Alabama

Creator    unknown
Publisher    The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of South Alabama
Identifier    ADDSCO-M-34D
Source    Alabama Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Company Collection

Top row (l-r)
Marge's Little Lulu (Dell) #2 (March-April 1948)
Startling Comics (Pines) #50 (March 1948)
Zoot (Fox) #14[a] (March 1948)
Big Shot (Columbia) #87 (March 1948)
Meet Corliss Archer (Fox) #1 (March 1948)
The Killers (ME) #1 (1947)
Terry-Toons Comics (St. John) #64 (January 1948)

Second row;
Marge's Little Lulu (Dell) #2 (March-April 1948) again,
Alley Oop (Pines) #12
-spotted by SuperScrounge
Manhunt (ME) #5 (February 1948),
Public Enemies (D.S. Pub.) v1 #1 ([March-April 1948])
Thrilling Comics (Pines) #65 (April 1948)
-spotted by SuperScrounge
Ella Cinders (St. John #1 (2) (March 1948) -spotted by SuperScrounge
Reg'lar Fellers (Pines) #6 (March 1948) -spotted by SuperScrounge
Funny World (Marbak Press) #2 (1948) -spotted by SuperScrounge
Famous Funnies (Eastern) #164 (March 1948)
Four Color (Dell) #182 - Porky Pig in Ever-Never Land (February 1948)

Shelf on floor (l-r)
Popeye (Dell)#1 (February-April 1948)
Jungle Comics (FH) #99 (March 1948)
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Dell) #v8#6 (90) (March 1948)

#7 - 1948.07-Reading Tom and Jerry-colour
Four Color (Dell) #193 - Tom & Jerry in Double Trouble
(July 1948)

Original source unknown.

#8 - 1948.10-Morris Engel, NY Newstand, 1940s
A short bio on the creator can be read here:

COMICS are hard to see!

Top row (l to r)
Marge's Little Lulu (Dell) #5 (September-October 1948) -spotted by SuperScrounge
Captain Easy (Pines) #14 (October 1948)

Second row down (l to r)
Wanted Comics (Orbit) #15 (September 1948)

Third row (l to r)
The Spirit (Quality) #13 (Autumn 1948)
Captain and the Kids Special Issue (United)[Fall 1948]
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (FH) #4 (Fall 1948)
Hap Hazard Comics (Ace) #22 (October 1948)

Fourth row (l to r)
Don Winslow of the Navy (Fawcett) #62 (October 1948)
Black Cat (Harvey) #13 (September 1948)
Planet Comics (FH) #56 (September 1948)

Fifth row (l to r)
Jumbo Comics (FH) #115 (September 1948)
Candy (Quality) #6 (October 1948)
Wanted Comics (Orbit) #15 (September 1948)
Boy Comics (Lev Gleason) #42 (October 1948)

#9 - 1948-NYC kids
(Original caption) A group of young boys read comic books near 47th Street and the East River in Manhattan, New York, New York, 1948.

Credit:: Rae Russel / Contributor
Editorial #:175575353
Collection:Archive Photos
Date created:01 January, 1948

One boy is possibly reading
Henry (Dell) #3 (July-September 1948)

#10 - 1949.07.23-Comic Critic
(Original caption) 23rd July 1949: Philip Hunter aged 9 test reads 'Flash' an American comic to compare it with the 'Eagle' a new British comic for children.

Original Publication: Picture Post - 4826 - What, If Anything Do Young People Read ?
Credit:           Kurt Hutton
Creative #:   JE2478-001
Licence type:   Rights-managed
Collection:    Hulton Archive

Reading Flash Comics (DC) #102 (Dec'48)

           11                     12                     13                      14                     15

#11 - 1949-Levittown New York reading Kid Colt
Original source unknown.

Reading Kid Colt (Marvel) #3 (December 1948)

#12 - 1950s kids

Kids reading the Sunday funnies: front and back, Joe Palooka and Nancy.

Original source unknown

#13 - 1951.04-Red Rabbit
Kids reading "Red" Rabbit Comics (Dearfield Pub.) #20 (April-May 1951)

From the Etta Hulme personal collection.
She was the artist for Red Rabbit.
The caption reads:
“Yes sir, Mr. Laue, down here in Texas, Red Rabbit Comics are about all you ever see. Wherever you find five or six kids together, you’ll find two or three Red Rabbits.”

The “Mr. Laue” referred to in the caption is Charles “Chas” Laue, who was Etta’s editor.

You can read more about Etta's carrer here:

#14 - 1951.10.01-Dwight D. Eisenhower in Montana-Ralph Morse
(Original caption) Small boys cheered Dwight D. Eisenhower, but are reading their comic books during the speech. (Photo by Ralph Morse/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

#15 - 1951-Ghost Rider and King by Benn Mitchell
A short bio and samples of other work by Ben can be found here:

The Ghost Rider (ME) #3 [A-1 # 31] (1951)
Four Color Comics (Dell) #340 - (July 1951)

That's it for this batch, hope you liked them,

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids! 4
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2018, 11:35:09 PM »
Unknown issue of Action Comics - Probably Action Comics #21

Second row;
The unknown between Marge's Little Lulu #2 & Manhunt #5 is Alley Oop #12

The unknowns between Public Enemies #1 & Famous Funnies #164 are
Thrilling Comics #65
Ella Cinders #1 (2)
Reg'lar Fellers #6
Funny World #2

Little Lulu unknown is Marge's Little Lulu #5

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2018, 09:21:24 AM »
Excellent work again SS!
I've added them to the listings.  Thanks for your eagle eye help.


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Historical Photos - Kids 5
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2018, 09:05:50 AM »
Hi Gang,
Here's another batch of kids to enjoy!  Several could also be called Classic pics at well.

           1                       2                        3                        4                       5

#1 - Krazy Kat
I love this one.  I'm guessing from the 1930s era
Shared by Rich Seidelman on his FB page.
Original source unknown.

#2 - 1949-Houston, Texas kids
Original source unknown.

#3 - 1951-Beach_reading_Lake_Superior
Reading Red Ryder on Lake Superior
Original source unknown.

#4 - 1952.08-Los Angeles mom reading
Reading Marvel Family (Fawcett) #074 [Aug'52] with the boys and the family dog.

Original source unknown.

#5 - 1952-Lawn chair
Reading The Lone Ranger (Dell) #44 (February 1952) - guess

Original source unknown.

            6                       7                        8                        9                      10

#6 - 1953.11-Mr District Attorney
Reading Mr. District Attorney (DC) #36 (November-December 1953)

Original source unknown.

#7 - 1953-Little Fugitive movie still
© Ruth Orkin Photo Archive

From the film Little Fugitive (1953).

More can be seen here:

#8 - 1954.09-family group
Reading Here's Howie Comics (DC) #17 (September-October 1954)

Original source unknown.

#9 - 1954.11-Space Cadet
Reading Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (Dell) #11 (September-November 1954)

Original source unknown.

#10 - 1954 waiting for polio vaccine
Found on

Original source unknown.

           11                     12                     13                       14                     15

#11 - 1954-Dead-eye Western
Reading Dead-eye Western (Hillman) v1 #11 (August 1954)

Original source unknown.

#12 - 1955.03.09-kitten
A Boy, His Comics and a Kitten, 1955

Photo: Dennis Rowe/Getty Images

#13 - 1955-N.O. Drug Store Browsers
Drug Store Browsers
(Original caption) A group of boys reading comics in the aisle of a drug store, New Orleans, Louisiana, circa 1955. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
January 01, 1955 - as given by Getty Images.

COMICS - found by SuperScrounge -
(Bottom two rows) Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #1 (August 1956)
Four Color #722 - Johnny Mack Brown (September 1956) – guess
Jace Pearson's Tales of the Texas Rangers #13 (September-November 1956)
Queen of the West Dale Evans #12 (July-September 1956) - guess

#14 - 1955-Extra Reading
Extra Reading
(Original caption) circa 1955: An American schoolboy reads his comic hidden behind his schoolbooks in a class at St Peter's School. (Photo by Nocella/Three Lions/Getty Images)

#15 - 1957-Bruce Rosenberger
1957-Bruce Rosenberger reading Sergeant Bilko (DC) #5 (January-February 1958)

That's it for this batch, hope you liked them,

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2018, 11:32:12 PM »
#13 - 1955-N.O. Drug Store Browsers

1. The date has to be wrong based on the comics I identified.
2. Drug Store Cowboys would more accurate because of the comics subject matter.  ;)

I was only able to identify books on the bottom two rows.

Next to the bottom row
Gene Autry and Champion #110 (July-August 1956)
Roy Rogers and Trigger #105 (September 1956)

Bottom Row
Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #1 (August 1956)
Four Color #722 - Johnny Mack Brown (September 1956) – Maybe
Jace Pearson's Tales of the Texas Rangers #13 (September-November 1956)
Queen of the West Dale Evans #12 (July-September 1956) - Hard to tell, but the date fits and it's the only cover where the top is half dark & half light.

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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2018, 08:47:26 AM »
Thanks SS.  The date was what Getty Images had for it on the site.  Happy to add your new info to the cause.


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Re: Historical Photos - Kids!
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2018, 05:16:01 PM »
Sorry if it sounded like I was blaming you for the wrong date. Admittedly my comment wasn't as clear as I could have made it.

I did check Getty images to get a better view of the covers, and I think they had January 1955 which is just way off. Either someone at Getty wrote down the wrong date, or misread a date. I suppose if someone had handwritten Jun. 1956 it could be misread as Jan., and '55 for '56 could be a simple keyboard mistake.