Hi Gang,
Here's another batch of kids with comics photos for you to enjoy. I always enjoy these kinds a lot. These first one can be tough to look at knowing how hard life must have been for them. I hope everything turned out as well as they wanted in life.
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1936-Near_Scottsboro,_Alabama-Carl_Mydans.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1939-MISSOURI_FAMILY-Arthur_Rothstein.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1940.03-Bowery_Restaurant-Andrew_Herman.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1940.05-SUNDAY_MORNING,_Jack_Delano.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1941.07-Chicago_kids-Edwin_Rosskam.jpg
1 2 3 4 5#1 - 1936-Boys Reading In School near Scottsboro, Alabama-Carl_Mydans(Original caption) At Cumberland Mountain Farms, barefoot young boys sit outside on chairs made from tree sections and read during school, Scottsboro, Alabama, 1936. Cumberland Mountain Farms, like nearby Skyline Farms, was a US government-sponsored resettlement project designed to help out-of-work farmers and their families. (Photo by Carl Mydans/FSA/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
https://www.gettyimages.ca/license/53013982#2 - 1939-MISSOURI FAMILY -Arthur RothsteinMISSOURI: FAMILY, 1939. Farm family in their farmhouse in Charles County, Missouri. Photograph by Arthur Rothstein, 1939.
Rothstein, Arthur, photographer. Since becoming rehabilitation clients the value of the Dixon family's possessions has risen from 500 dollars todollars. Saint Charles County, Missouri. Missouri Saint Charles County Saint Charles County. United States, 1939. Nov. Photograph.
Shot for the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
#3 - 1940.03-Bowery Restaurant -Andrew HermanAndrew Herman, photographer. Bowery Restaurant, Federal Art Project. 1940
http://collections.mcny.org/Collection/Bowery Restaurant-2F3XC5STO2G.html
Champion Comics (Harvey) #5 (March 1940)#4 - 1940.05-SUNDAY MORNING, Jack DelanoDelano, Jack, photographer. Negro children reading the comics on Sunday morning, Durham, North Carolina. Durham Durham. North Carolina United States, 1940. May. Photograph.
#5 - 1941.07-Chicago kids -Edwin RosskamCHICAGO: CHILDREN, 1941. African American children reading a comic book together in Chicago, Illinois. Photograph by Edwin Rosskam, July, 1941.
Rosskam, Edwin, photographer. Untitled photo, possibly related to: Entrance to Negro professional building, 47th Street, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Chicago. Illinois United States, 1941. [July] Photograph.
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1942.11-Washington,DC-Gordon_Parks.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1943-Hamilton,_Ohio-Alfred_Eisenstaedt.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1944.03-reading-comics-Nina_Leen.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947.03-Gene_Autry_6.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947.03-OnTheFloor.jpg
6 7 8 9 10#6 - 1942.11-Washington,DC -Gordon ParksParks, Gordon, photographer. Washington, D.C. Two Negro boys reading the funnies on a doorstep. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, 1942. Nov. Photograph.
Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information photograph collection (Library of Congress)
#7 - 1943-An American Block, Hamilton, Ohio (1943)Alfred Eisenstaedt (American/German, 1898–1995)
LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/photo/three-boys-aged-five-to-seven-sitting-among-high-res-stock-photography/tlp1125866(Original caption) Three boys, aged five to seven, sitting among fallen leaves at curb to read the Sunday comics (funny papers) with dog named Whitey close by, from essay called American Block.
You can learn more about this world famous photographer click here
https://www.icp.org/browse/archive/constituents/alfred-eisenstaedt?all/all/all/all/0#8 - 1944.03-reading comics -Nina Leen(Original caption) Young boy engrossed in reading newpaper comic strip while his leash-tethered mutt waits forlornly for their walk to continue. (Photo by Nina Leen/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
https://www.gettyimages.ca/license/50694443You can see more of Leen's fashion photos here:
https://www.pinterest.ca/anncassity/nina-leen/?lp=true#9 - 1947.03-Gene Autry #6Original source unknown.
Gene Autry Comics (Dell) #6 (March-April 1947).#10 - 1947.03-On The FloorOriginal source unknown.
Action Comics (DC) #106 (March 1947)
unknown Fawcett
unknown Beezy
unknown Batman
Flash Comics (DC) #81? (March 1947)
Jo-Jo (Fox) #5 (February-March 1947)
Wonder Woman (DC) #21 (January-February 1947)http://junglefrolics.blogspot.ca/http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947.05-Superman_46.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947-09.01-LIFE_comics-kids-012.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947-Stanley_Kubrick-Look_Magazine.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947-Stanley_Kubrick-Look_Magazine2.jpg
http://digitalcomicmuseum.com/images/forum message pictures/newsstands/1947-Stanley_Kubrick-Look_Magazine3.jpg
11 12 13 14 15#11 - 1947.05-Superman #46Original source unknown.
Superman (DC) #46 (May-June 1947)#12 - 1947-09.01-Leo Farrel reading comic books. He also read 50 books during the summer.(Original caption) WHITTEMORE, UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 01, 1947: Leo Farrel reading comic books. He also read 50 books during his summer vacation. (Photo by Joseph Scherschel/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)
All-American Comics #90 (Aug 19447)Beside him:
Gene Autry Comics #9 (Sep-Oct 1947 )
Mutt and Jeff unknown#13 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine(Original caption) While brother catches up on Superman, sister wonders what's keeping Mama.
Stanley Kubrick, 1947
These next three are by legendary film director STANLEY KUBRICK which he took for a
Look Magazine feature. These were from before his film days in 1947 when he was just 19 years old. You can read more about him on Wiki where they share a picture of him with his camera at age 21.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick#14 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine 2The 5 and 10 [Boy reading comics in Woolworth's.]
Stanley Kubrick, 1947
#15 - 1947-Stanley Kubrick-Look Magazine 3The 5 and 10 [Girl reading comics at Woolworth's.]
Stanley Kubrick, 1947
(original caption) While she follows the adventures of Donald Duck and the Katzenjammer Kids, this young 5 and 10 customer absent-mindedly munches a foot-long piece of licorice. And as long as the candy holds out, she stands by her comic book heroes through thick and thin. Like any reader, she smiles when her story has a happy ending.
Kubrick would go on to a distinguished career as a feature movie director in Hollywood and England.
That's it for this batch,