Hi Gang,
I wanted to remind everyone that our own Tilliban not only is an excellent scanner and art spotter but he's also a very talented web master!
He runs his own '50's Horror' German language site at the following address -
http://fifties-horror.de/Tilliban has done a masterful job of web design and just today added a new entry on the infamous Dr. Wirtham and his
Seduction of the Innocent book.
You can read that here if you speak German. Google Translate will take care of it for English speakers but it doesn't always do the best jobs honestly.
http://fifties-horror.de/wissen/seduction-of-the-innocentTilliban also has an English spin-off site called 'ACE Horror' which focuses entirely on the Ace Comics publisher and is also a great read -
http://aces-of-ace.de/Great job T!