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Author Topic: Why am I banned from DCM?  (Read 14172 times)

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Offline Yoc

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Why am I banned from DCM?
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:06:39 AM »
Some that have joined DCM might be find themselves seeing a message like this when trying to login on the site or download a book:
Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!  Followed by a reason like
'Hammering site without logging in/membership' or 'known spammer 1' or 'Spam links in signatures are forbidden.'

Why the ban?  Most likely because you have broken one of our very few rules on the site which we cover in the link below:

Rule 0 being the most common.  If you spam the forum or include spam links in your Profile signature or website entries you WILL be banned.  We don't issue warnings.  This is a very good forum and we don't allow bots or people plastering annoying spam to off-topic, dangerous, or illegal sites here.  We take that very seriously.  Warnings against this are given in the letter sent out to all new members that include the link to activate your new DCM account.

You spam, you will be banned.

Feel you've been wronged?  If you care to dispute a banning feel free to send us a message.  Use the CONTACT US link on the download page or this direct link -
And fill in the forum.  Please paste in any error messages you've received.

Admin, DCM

Digital Comic Museum

Why am I banned from DCM?
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:06:39 AM »