Despite coming late to digital anything, I am now a fan of digital comics and have so, so many. But there is nothing to beat the look, feel and smell of a physical, cheap paper, comicbook, imo.
As for how many physical comics I have - haven't a scooby. Lots of shelves and boxes, stored, unlike Robb's collection, in one small corner of Scotland. Space became a problem a few years ago and digital seemed the answer. But a lot less than 40 years ago. I had to sell off a lot.
The physical stock includes not quite complete runs of the mainstream British pocket libraries; a good selection of Pearsons pocket library output (for anyone who's interested, there are a lot available on CB+); selections of various Italian and French pocket libraries, Diabolik, Kriminal, Sadik and a few other neri; and French issues of The Spider and Steel Claw as well as Super Boy and Tenax.
A lot of Dell westerns - I do love a good Dell western, particularly the photo cover issues.
1 shelf of GA titles, multiple shelves of The Phantom, Australian, British, Scandinavian, German, American, Spanish............
Lots of old Spanish, Dutch and British titles - not the weeklies, that way lies madness

American S.A. titles incl Batman; Detective; Worlds Finest - although a lot of these last 3 are late '50's to '70's, occasionally '80's - I don't read a lot past that.
Non mainstream titles, Southern Knights; Justice Machine etc.
But digital is a different story. Tb upon tb.
I am old so I suppose nostalgia plays a part in my preferences, but, really, can you beat a Murphy Anderson drawn Hawkman; an Adams or Aparo Batman? an Eisner Spirit? a Fine Ray?