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Author Topic: The CW's RIVERDALE show  (Read 3247 times)

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« on: February 02, 2017, 03:42:38 PM »
Hi gang,
So, anyone besides me check out the first episode of this new Riverdale show?
To say it's not your GA Archie is an understatement!


The biggest grin for me was the 'Welcome to Riverdale' sign at the start - 'The town with PEP!'  Ha!
But after that the changes and adult plots came a fast and furious.  Betty's bedroom chat in just a bra was the most milds shock.  Her kiss with Veronica, well golly!
But Miss Withers being very attractive and sleeping with Archive - Holy Cats!  Toss it a murder and past romance between widower Mr Andrews and the newly divorced Mrs Lodge and there's lots to wonder about!
I've heard the reviews are pretty so-so.  The production values are high for CW and they've got a lot of characters to work with.  Jughead as aspiring writer too cool for kids and Archie a budding song writer were nice touches to make them a bit more rounded than the comics.  I just wonder if all the changes will turn off the comics crowd?  For sure their current readers will be too young for the show.  I wouldn't recommend anyone under 14 to watch it.

Anyone else have some thoughts on it?

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« on: February 02, 2017, 03:42:38 PM »

Offline SuperScrounge

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Re: The CW's RIVERDALE show
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2017, 09:59:28 PM »
I think the writer had created a Twin Peaks-esque teen drama script, when a producer mentioned doing an Archie series, so he went through his script changing names and maybe adding a few Archie characters after the fact.

Few, if any, of the characters seem like their comic alter egos. Jughead feels like he was added after the decision to make it an Archie project. The relationship between Archie and Miss Grundy was beyond wrong and gave me the mental image of the comic book versions re-enacting the Volkswagon scene. And for that matter, it seems like the actress playing Grundy is younger than the actor playing Archie.

I believe this is the first "adaptation" that has a live action version of Jason Blossom and he gets killed in the first ep. *rolls eyes* I haven't read that many stories with the character, but is he really such a dispicable character that no less than three writers have felt the need to off him? (Archie vs. Predator, Afterlife With Archie, & now Riverdale)

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Re: The CW's RIVERDALE show
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2017, 10:06:21 PM »
Yep, that's about what I expected from a fan of the comics.  I agree Jughead felt like an after thought but I'm sure he'll become a bigger part.
I'm going to keep an open mind on it mostly to see just how far they are going to go. I did like Twin Peaks and think that might be something interesting.  But yeah, the Archie hot for teacher angle - super creepy.
The unusual choices for casting were a surprise but if they didn't do something it'd be as white a cast as friends.  Archie being so 'buff' and Reggie is Asian, interesting.  Moose being gay, hmm.  Didn't see that one coming for sure.
