Hi M,
Believe me, any and all financial donations are surly appreciated!
To compile an archive the first place you want to go is GCD, search for character name and sort by date to get a chronological listing of his appearances.
Clicking on this link will show you the results -
http://www.comics.org/character/name/Hydroman/sort/chrono/Now you know the order to compile them.
Next, download all the Heroic appearances from DCM. Rename and cbz or cbr files to zip or rar and extract the Hydroman stories. I recommend not adjusting them but do rename them so they show in order on the site. I always suggest numbering from the start of a file name -
ie 001-Heroic001-fc, 002, 003, etc.
A few archive creators like myself like to include extras but it's not a rule or anything. Rangerhouse even commissions artists to help make his covers extra special.
Collect all the pages and create a new zip file. If a single file is over 100mb please break it into two parts naming them pt1 and pt2.
Be sure to give the original scanners when known credit for their work in the description area when uploading via the Upload File link on the site.
Those are the basics. If you have any questions let us know here.