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Author Topic: Grand Comic Database Information Integration  (Read 5596 times)

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Offline Yoc

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Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« on: September 15, 2017, 09:34:13 PM »
Hi Gang,
You might notice we're working on adding the wonderful Grand Comic Database Information listings for each issue to the site.
This is very early days.  It will be formatted more as time goes on so don't be shocked if sometimes it looks odd or might even disappear occasionally.
But I'm SUPER excited to see this happening.


Digital Comic Museum

Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« on: September 15, 2017, 09:34:13 PM »

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information addition
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2017, 09:25:30 AM »
Wow, you mean they're finally letting folks do this? 

I recall CB+ doing something like this... for a while that is... but then it seemed to me they were running into sporadic problems and eventually, for a time there, I think they suspended the feature.  I think it's back now... somewhat.

Personally I haven't really used the GCD for a few years now.  It's a great concept I suppose and the folks over there should be commended for their accomplishments... and I'm sure many of them are well meaning and sincere in their efforts.  But I had gotten the impression that they really weren't interested in sharing the information they had amassed as openly and freely as they seemed to project to the public at large... for whatever reasons they might have had.  Rather off-putting in my opinion... to the point that I've actually lost interest in the information they're offering. 

As most things in life, putting something into practice has it's limitations, no matter how good the theory behind it appears.

Meh, why sugarcoat it... they suck (IMO of course)... why bother (again, just my opinion).

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information addition
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2017, 11:44:52 AM »
Hi DL,
Thanks for adding your thoughts.  Like any site, your results and feelings may vary with the GCD.  I've heard the same kind of thing about DCM over the years from a thankfully small number that felt we didn't do enough in their eyes.  But personally I believe like DCM, the GCD site provides an immense service to our hobby.  It's just packed with an incredible amount of information on comics and like DCM dependent on a small army of wonderful members like yourself for its lifeblood.  AND they actually do freely offer it up for use on sites like DCM and CB+.  You can read HERE ON GCD how they are very generously sharing their data with sites like us.
By including their data on DCM it's going to open up a whole range of possible new features on the site.  We've already started to work on improving the SEARCH bar feature.  Give it a look!  It's very early days on both projects but CaptDJ has some exciting ideas for making DCM not just a library of scans but a real resource for information AND scans on each book, publisher and IMO most importantly ARTISTS and WRITERS that were the creators of these almost forgotten pulp treasures.
We are in a Golden-Age of information gathering and sharing.  Since 2000 I'd bet more new books, magazines and websites have gone live than ever before devoted to keeping these old sometimes glorious, often outrageous and frequently culturally insensitive but always interesting old comics we all love so much!  Working together with GCD's data I predict great things to come in DCM's future which I'm sure you will find helpful.  I'm over the moon excited about seeing this long held dream for me finally starting to take shape.
Stay tuned DL, we plan to make your faith in what we are doing on DCM really pay off!

your excited monkey admin

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 12:56:25 PM »
I'll assume you're referring to "bandwidth issues" when you mention hearing "the same kind of thing" about DCM... but there's a big difference between DCM's problems and those of the GCD as far as a limited bandwidth argument goes. 

Their problem has never been bandwidth, but one of ducking copyright issues... as the text that your link points to makes clear.  And as far as the "data" they offer, well that belongs to "them," not "us."   Again, as the text you've linked to states.

My opinion is to let those who are interested seek "them" out, as they can and have always done.  Again, just one persons opinion here.

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information addition
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2017, 12:45:48 AM »
Wow, you mean they're finally letting folks do this? 

I recall CB+ doing something like this... for a while that is... but then it seemed to me they were running into sporadic problems and eventually, for a time there, I think they suspended the feature.  I think it's back now... somewhat.

Personally I haven't really used the GCD for a few years now.  It's a great concept I suppose and the folks over there should be commended for their accomplishments... and I'm sure many of them are well meaning and sincere in their efforts.  But I had gotten the impression that they really weren't interested in sharing the information they had amassed as openly and freely as they seemed to project to the public at large... for whatever reasons they might have had.

I am an indexer at the GCD and this is the first I've heard about them not letting people use the data.

As far as I know CB+ never suspended the feature. I know Mark has occasionally had technical problems with it, but I hadn't heard about any problems between CB+ & the GCD about it.

A few years ago on their email list they were wondering who was using their data & I pointed out CB+ to them and they seemed to be fine with it.

The only time I recall seeing any annoyance with others using the data was a copycat site that had a different name, but otherwise looked pretty much the same as the GCD.

For that matter, many indexers use DCM and CB+ in indexing. I've even used both sites when trying to track down artwork used for a reprint cover that appeared in an internal story.

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2017, 09:52:27 AM »
I'll just make a few suggestions...

Get their latest "dump" and build a small sub-dataset pertaining to the comic books available here on DCM, there's no need to build a long term relationship with them... that's an ongoing, open-ended project over at the GCD, dealing with the use of current material (still under copyright), with all sorts of potential (actual?) entanglements with/to the existing comic industry.  It has very little to do with what is being done here... although they benefit greatly from that effort. 

Perhaps you folks should give up the ghost, get a real address (or at least a P.O. Box), take the leap and become a real (albeit virtual, cyberspace) museum... and modify the .com to a .org... stop living with this haunt of the fear of being set-after by the copyright infringement monster. 

Start selling T-shirts... someone will, why not you folks... to keep the lights on and perhaps pay all these "volunteers" for their time.  Hey, GCD is benefitting why not you folks?...  As long as the accounting is kept as transparent as possible.

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2017, 12:05:19 PM »
Hi DL,
Thanks for the suggestions. 
Several were tossed around by the staff years ago on the old GAC site.  I think the biggest reason some are not likely to happen is time and money.  Nobody on staff is paid for their time.  Personally helping with DCM and the creation of new scans already takes up a big chunk of my daily life.  I'm not complaining, I do LOVE DCM and all we've created here together but I'm in no hurry to add to the time DCM demands from me.

Any suggestions that would result in the loss or restriction of free access to the site is rejected immediately.  Nobody on the staff wants to lose that.  The costs involved in becoming a 'real museum' as well as time needed, whatever they might be, was more than the staff of DCM wants to take on. While I may have no life the others surely do.  The site is still a hobby done for the love of comics and the desire to preserve them for posterity before they are all lost to time or plastic coffins never to be read again.

DCM is a community success story and without everyone including very much yourself DL, we would be a ghost town or completely gone in short order.  We exist on the goodwill of the staff, scanners and donors out there that share in our goals.

Many small and some larger sites and institutions have approached DCM trying to sell their services or out right buy DCM.  Perhaps there is some way to turn DCM into a money maker.  But how many times have you seen greed ruining a good thing?  We've got a great thing going and nobody wants to see that threatened.

Selling T-shirts and other googas has been suggested once every year or two.  I don't think there's a huge demand.  Rangerhouse designed and had printed his own for conventions.  If you see a guy in a DCM shirt at one it's likely RH.  Say 'hi' and make his day.

I'm not part of the GCD crowd or aware of any behind the scenes intrigues.  We are just glad they do share their data and I'm personally excited about the addition of data and possibly improvements we can make to DCM.

Take care,

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2017, 12:34:54 PM »
Meh, the situation here at DCM is now much clearer to me... thanks Yoc.

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2017, 11:00:49 AM »
Many thanks for the GCD integration -- what a great surprise to find all that detailed info right in the same place as the downloads. For me this is a huge boost to the already-endllessly-wonderful bounty here at DCM. Thanks again!

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2017, 11:27:28 AM »
Glad you like it RD.
And blue underlined links in the GCD data are searchable as well.


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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2017, 11:26:21 PM »
Wow, Yoc! This is fantastic news! Great job on rolling this out and making a big step on archival/organizational side of things!



Offline paw broon

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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2017, 08:04:45 AM »
I was involved in a very small way years ago with GCD and was trying to add some details to a few British titles. It was frustrating and I packed it in through not being able to understand some of the verification delays from my mentor and being somewhat confused at how to enter some facts.  Recently, at a Glasgow mart, I was chatting with a small group of experienced, knowledgeable, older fans, and GCD was mentioned and all had had similar experiences with the site.
Following my posting about that chat on a couple of sites, Peter from GCD contacted me and he was great.  I do feel a bit more sympathetic to GCD now and my old log-in still works.  Whether I'll be able to add facts to the site without experiencing the same frustrations, remains to be seen.  But I have links to a number of sites, British and European, which have valuable info. on a lot of old, nowadays very obscure comics and those sites are out there in plain sight but they are welcome to any links I have, if needed.  I have a life outside comics, I'm old, time is limited and I'm not sure how much of it I can spare for GCD.
Now, for instance, I need to tidy up the garden and I want to collate more of the old French comics for CB+, when, if? we get back up.
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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2017, 08:48:07 AM »
Hi Paw,
thanks for your input here.  I hope someone working with the GCD can grab those links from you for data mining.


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Re: Grand Comic Database Information Integration
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2017, 03:24:09 AM »
We have been using GCD for a few years now.

Never had any problems with "them", I think it is really great resource and I love the idea of the project as well.

Wish that more people were indexing!