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"Kaanga" restorations

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Hi Yoc. Wasn't sure how to email you directly so just placed it here. Just finished a particularly nice Kaanga splash page, and being that you're a comic book (and comic book art) fan, I thought you might be interested in seeing it. This was a tough one. A black and white with a ton of detail. Took about 10 hours of work to complete (spread out over about a week. Yes, I do have a life outside of this hobby).
 Took some artistic license by adding a few touches of my own such as shrubs, ivy leaves, grasses, birds, etc.. (see if you can find them) and giving that poor leopard some new spots. Hope you enjoy it. Best Wishes, Jim

Nicely done Jim!

Hi Yoc. I've just posted a mixed bag of comic book covers (in sets of 3 so that they can be used as desktop wallpaper). I'm sure there will be a few that won't be allowed because of copyright or date. When you have time could you please remove whatever is not allowed and post the rest (If any). Feel free to change the wording of the description or give it whatever title you think best fits. Please let me know under what title I should look in order to find them if they get posted. Sincerely, Jim

 PS: should an email of this nature be addressed to you personally or to any administrative staff member, and what is the preferred method for sending any future emails?

Hi Tosh,
I think sending directly to my email first makes the best sense.
(The envelope under my avatar.)
I checked this file and none of them are safe for sharing here.

Please, before uploading anything more be sure it's safe for DCM.  Remember nothing printed after 1959 is allowed by anyone.
There is also a topic on which publisher and characters are not allowed on DCM you can read here -,1806.0.html

Another topic of what is safe can be read here -,1800.0.html

You will see DC, EC and Buck Rogers are for sure not allowed.


 Sorry but I don't see a reply button on the page where the complement is posted. Here is a screenshot.

PS: I sent this email from here because I also couldn't find a button for an attachment on the original email's page.


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