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Author Topic: The Media History Digital Library - site devoted to radio, movie and tv PD mags  (Read 1771 times)

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misappear just told me about this cool site:

The Media History Digital Library - http://mediahistoryproject.org/
"Online Access to the Histories of Cinema, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound"

"We are a non-profit initiative dedicated to digitizing collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access. The project is supported by owners of materials who loan them for scanning, and donors who contribute funds to cover the cost of scanning. We have currently scanned over 400,000 pages, and that number is growing.

Our Collections feature Extensive Runs of several important trade papers and fan magazines. Click on the arrows below to learn more about these periodicals and select volumes to download and read. You’ll find more material and options at our Collections page."

They share scans or links to scans hosted on the Internet Archive of dozens of old radio, early tv and film magazines now in the public domain much as we do with comic here on DCM.

Here is the COLLECTIONS LINK which takes you to all their scans - http://mediahistoryproject.org/collections/

They've got a Very Impressive collection for those interested in the very early days of film, the birth of tv and evolution of Fan Magazines.


Online Access to the Histories of Cinema, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound

Digital Comic Museum