Cow Puncher Comics 003 (1947.Avon) (JVJ-Two-Dar)
A fresh scan from the JVJ project. Thanks to
JVJ yet again for letting us at his comics and for his indexes and to
Twoby for the raws. This Avon Western features Allen Ulmer on "The Legend of the Fiery Riders" in which a Texas Ranger encounters ghostly bandits that are terrorizing the surrounding ranches, Jack Warren's strip-like "Wild West Ro-di-dos" has Sheriff Hicup pounding the owl-hoot trail to avenge a deputy who died with his boots on, Henry Kiefer drawing "Tales of the Silent Spaces" in which the sons of Senora Sally are called back to her ranch and must promise their mother to handle the gang that has waylaid terrorized her ranch without resorting to gunplay, the text piece "Fifty to One" in which a marriage proposal is interrupted by Sitting Bull and his horse thieves, "Trail Tales" on the origin of chaps, and lastly Jill Elgin's always fun Kit West in "Prisoners" in which Kit is accused of being an injun lover and recounts her childhood captivity to demonstrate that all Indians aren't bad, though you wouldn't know it from this page:
There's an odd ending to this one. It's certainly a strange story with mixed messages sure to set your PC bells a ringin'.
At the FTP or here: