Digital Comic Museum > News and Announcements

NOTICE - Fawcett Comics changes due to copyright status

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Captain DJ:

--- Quote from: Roygbiv666 on April 10, 2019, 01:48:41 PM ---I'd be curious to see what documentation they provided, was it copies of registration/numbers?

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We saw enough evidence for us to believe their request was correct and so we have removed the comics. We feel it prudent to not share the contents of the emails.


--- Quote from: Captain DJ on April 10, 2019, 02:09:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: Roygbiv666 on April 10, 2019, 01:48:41 PM ---I'd be curious to see what documentation they provided, was it copies of registration/numbers?

--- End quote ---

We saw enough evidence for us to believe their request was correct and so we have removed the comics. We feel it prudent to not share the contents of the emails.

--- End quote ---

The contents of the emails should stay private, but the trademark and copyright documents should be public domain, as well as any court cases, unless those records are sealed, correct?  Otherwise how would anyone be able to check whether their work violates someone's copyright?  If there are any records that can be accessed through public means, could you point to them? 

Ger Apeldoorn:
It seems silly and oldfashioned of them to react in this way (civil as it is), in a times when even the big copyright holders like Disney, Marvel, Start Trek and Star Wars are starting to realize that keeping a portion of the property in view (especially if it is the portion that never could be used to make money) actually helps the IP in other venues. I applaud them for at least considering that a Marvel Bunny could be turned proviable (especially after the Marvel Mutiversu succes), but someone should tell them that the free availabillity of the comic book version can only help to achieve that goals. Surely copyright laws aren't so simplistic that allowing digital versions of the comic book to exist would obliterate character rights for new projects?


--- Quote from: Yoc on April 10, 2019, 01:32:47 PM ---The books they have asked us to remove are:
    Captain Marvel Adventures nos. 3-6, 46-129, 131-141 and 143-150;
    Captain Marvel Jr. nos. 29-34, 36-106, 108-117 and 119;
    Captain Marvel Story Book nos. 1-2;
    Fawcett's Funny Animals nos. 31-79;
    Hoppy the Marvel Bunny nos. 1-15;
    The Marvel Family nos. 1-3, 5-80, 82-89;
    Mary Marvel Comics nos. 1-28;
    Master Comics nos. 61-126, 128-132;
    Whiz Comics nos. 3-6, 64-98, 105-118, 130-153 and 155;
    Wow Comics nos. 36-69.

--- End quote ---

These issues have also been removed from the Wanted List.

Hi gang:

I thought it was probably due to the Shazam movie.
I just saw the movie. It was okay, but I would have much preferred
to have the downloads available from DCM instead.

As some commenters mentioned, it would create far more interest
in Shazam and any future films to have these great comics still around.

And good will, too.


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