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Historical Photos - Comic creators
Hi Gang,
Here is the last of the Archie/MLJ creators photos I've found on the net. message pictures/newsstands/Woggon,_bill-Light.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Winkleman_(ne_Valleau),_Janice-Archie_inker.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Cole,_Jack_at_table_1938.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Cooper,_Sam-1940s.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Sundell,_Abner-Archie_writer,_editor.jpg 1 2 3 4 5
#1 - Bill Woggon, creator of Katy Keene
Photo by Alan Light 1982 SDCC
William Woggon (1 January 1911 - 2 March 2003)
Bill was an American cartoonist who created the comic book Katy Keene.
At 16, he took a job in a department store as a commercial artist, and then did the same kind of work at the Toledo Blade, where older brother Elmer worked. By 1938, he was assisting Elmer in lettering and then drawing the latter's newspaper comic strip 'Big Chief Wahoo'.
Inspired by wartime pinup girls, in 1945, he created 'Katy Keene', fashion queen of comics, beginning in Wilbur Comic for Archie. It continued through the 1950s in various outlets (Katy Keene Pinup Parade, Laugh Comics, Pep Comics, and Archie Comics). When it ended in 1961, Woggon turned to other work, such as the Dell comic Millie the Lovable Monster, ghosting the newspaper strip 'Priscilla's Pop' and creating the Archie feature 'The Twiddles'.
He ran the BILL WOGGON STUDIO from 1951 to 65.
In his later years, Woggon illustrated Christian literature for children (e.g., coloring books such as Let's Read and Color, 1988).
#2 - Janice Winkleman (ne_Valleau)
(Orignal caption) Janice Valleau Winkleman, a...comic book artist who worked on classics including the Archie Comics franchise, broke into the industry at a time when few women drew comics. She died Sunday at age 90 after a time in hospice.
Winkleman illustrated Smash Comics in New York City during the 1930s...Her drawings appeared in Betty and Veronica, Young King Cole and Toni Gayle comics, among many others. (1923-2013)
-Shared on Pinterest
Janice Valleau (6 November 1923 – 8 December 2013)
Janice was a comics creator in the 1940s and 1950s. At MLJ, she was primarily as an inker on ‘Archie’, ‘Veronica and Betty’, and other strips.
She also created a lot of short humor strips for Quality, including ‘Her Highness’, ‘Daffy’ and ‘Flatfoot Burns’.
Her best-known work is ‘Toni Gayle’ in Young King Cole (Novelty, 1946–1947), a glamorous model who was also a detective.
In the 1950s, she drew Nyoka the Jungle Girl and other comics at Charlton. She left comics and art in general in the mid-1950s in response to the anti-comics social movement.
In the 1980s, she took up recreational painting , usually watercolors and signed with her married name ‘Janice Winkleman’.
#3 - Jack Cole at work 1938
Ralph Johns (birth name) (14 December 1914 - 13 August 1958)
Jack Cole was one of the most innovative cartoonists in the history of comics. There's lots more to be said about Cole but we will focus on his time with Archie.
For MLJ in 1939-40 Cole worked on several features and fillers. He had 17 pages in MLJ's very first comic, Blue Ribbon Comics #1. 'Crime on the Run', 'Foxy Grandpa', and 'The Comet' which would become the first hero killed off in his own feature and replaced by his brother as 'The Hangman'. (see Pep #17 up on DCM here).
Be SURE to check out great friend to DCM Paul Tumey who has a great blog devoted to Cole at this link:
#4 - Sam Cooper
(Dec 02, 1913 - Oct 1, 1983)
Worked for several of the early comic shops early on.
Also on MLJ books drawing 'Bentley of Scotland Yard', 'Black Hood', 'Black Jack', 'Capt. Flag', 'Doc Strong', 'The Hangman', 'Red Reagan', 'Tales from the Witch', and 'The Web' at some time between 1940 and 1943. He co-created 'Mr Justice' and worked on most of his stories as well.
During this time he began to paint covers for pulp magazines. His work appeared on Famous Detective, Famous Western, Western Action, and Western Yarns.
During the 1940s he would also work for Nedor Chesler, D.S. Publishing, Elliot, Fawcett (Bulletman, Ibis), Fox (Blue Beetle, US Jones), Gerona (Duke of Darkness), Lev Gleason crime books,
In the 1950s he was doing romance books for Ace, Atlas, Harvey and Quality.
#5 - Abner "Abby" Sundell, writer/editor
(August 18, 1913 - March 11, 2001)
Worked in comics for just two years from 1940-41 mostly with Archie.
After a time as a mechanic and working for his father's shoe company he started writing for the pulps in 1934. He used the pen-name Cliff Campbell for western short stories. He was regularly featured in western pulps from Winford Publications, which was owned by Louis Silberkleit, future MLJ co-owner. Sundell became an editor for Silberkleit in 1935.
In 1938 Sundell also ran an independent business (Abner J. Sundell Artist Service) that brokered magazine illustrations to publishers affiliated with Louis Silberkleit.
The June 1938 issue of Writer's Digest reported "Abner Sundell, who also uses the name Cliff Campbell, is editor of the Blue Ribbon Group, of which Louis Silberkleit is publisher."
He hired Harry Shorten, a 1937 graduate of NYU, as Editorial Assistant. He also hired Charles Biro, who wrote and drew some of the most distinctive features that appeared in these comics.
In 1941 Abner Sundell left Silberkleit's publishing empire and was replaced by Robert W. Lowndes.
In 1942, he wrote a guide on how to write, and sell, superhero comic stories called Crash the Comics. You can read excerpts from the book at this link:
He quit editing and became a painter in July 1965.,Newspaper2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Bolling,_Bob_Archie_1956.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1951_Carl_Hubbell_(glasses)_Kingston_Daily_Freeman_(NY).jpg message pictures/newsstands/Siegel_(1976).jpg message pictures/newsstands/Reinman,_Paul_1964.jpg message pictures/newsstands/D'Agostino,_John_1947-Archie.jpg 6 7 8 9 10
#6 - Bob Bolling, creator of Little Archie!
(b. 9 June 1928)
The longtime artist for Archie Comics, and the creator of the spin-off series 'Little Archie' in 1956. He became a freelancer at Archie Comics in 1954, where his first work was writing and drawing joke pages and the 'Pat the Brat' feature.
From 1957 to 1965, Bolling worked exclusively on Little Archie, writing, drawing, inking and lettering approximately half the stories in each giant-sized quarterly issue. He was taken off the book in 1965 and back to drawing the regualar gang books for the next decade.
He was put back on LA in 1979. From 1983 to 1985 he both wrote and drew Archie and Me. And for Marvel he would do 'Wally the Wizard' for one year in 1984.
Bolling received the Inkpot Award in 2005 in recognition of his work on Little Archie.
#7 - Carl Hubbell (glasses) cast photo
A photo of Hubbell and cast members published Sept. 6, 1951
(Note Roy Thomas expressed some doubt to this being a picture of Hubbell in Alter-Ego.)
Hubbell's early years were working on 'Merrie Chase' a newspaper strip, Strip samples and this photo are found here:
Carl was working at MLJ in the early 1940s on the first chapter of a 'Snoop McGook the Soupy Sleuth' from Top-Notch Laugh #29 can bee seen here.
The second chapter is in the next issue up on DCM here:
Carl would work for Lev Gleason as well. A chapter of his work on the 'Little Wise Guys' from Daredevil Comics #29 (1944) can be seen here:
Author David Hajdu, suggest Hubbell's wife, Virginia, actually ghost-wrote many of the stories signed by Charles Biro at Lev Gleason.
You can read about his later career at Charton and as a Marvel inker in the 1960s here:
#8 - Jerry Siegel (1976)
(17 October 1914 - 28 January 1996)
Siegel and Joe Shuster are of course best known as the co-creators of DC's 'Superman' among several other characters for the publisher. Their Superman was the catalyst for the entire comics industry which exploded in popularity after Action Comics #1. It also lead to several court fights between the creators and DC. They were fired in 1947 after a judge ruled all rights to Superman belonged to DC. After failing with Funnyman at ME Siegel worked at Ziff-Davis and for a UK publisher on The Spider. He also spent a year writing for Archie in 1966-67 on all their superhero comics.
#09 - Paul J. Reinman (1964)
Photo source:
(September 2, 1910 - September 27, 1988)
The Palm Beach Daily News, (Florida), February 14, 1977:
“I had been working in a mail order house when the company decided to move to Chicago. So I went looking for work. I walked into MJL [sic] Comics (now Archie Comics) and found a job,” Reinman said. He would work on their 'Boy Buddies', 'Bentey of Scotland Yard', 'Capt. Commando' and other hero features before leaving MLJ.
Today he's best known as one of Jack Kirby's inkers but he had a long career through the GA and SA of comics.
Between 1940 and 1943 he pencilled for MLJ on the 'Black Hood', 'the Hangman' and 'the Wizard'. At the same time he worked for Timely Comics on 'The Human Torch' and 'Sub-Mariner' stories in Captain America Comics and elsewhere. He worked in other genres for Marvel’s 1950s predecessor, Atlas Comics.
Beginning February 7, 1949 he worked on the 'Tarzan' daily, and ended February 11, 1950. He took over from Carl Hubbell, 'Merrie Chase'; his first daily was February 6, 1950 and stayed with it until November 26, 1950.
In 1949 and 1950, Reinman was an instructor at Burne Hogarth’s Cartoonists and Illustrators School. He has been listed since 1958 in the American Artists Eastern Division and in 1971 won the Forbes Award for a watercolor.”
He worked through the 1950s on Atlas genre books and is said to have been quite good on them. He also did work for AMG at this time on their fantasy/horror anthology line of books. By the late 50s he was a regular inker for Jack Kirby on titles like Strange Tales, Journey into Mystery and Yellow Claw and in the 60s in many classic hero books including 'The Incredible Hulk', 'The Avengers' and 'X-Men'.
He left Marvel in 1964 and rejoined Archie Comics, where he continued several of their superhero features. Together with Jerry Siegel (co-creator of 'Superman') he co-created 'The Mighty Crusaders' (1965-1966), Reinman's second tenure with Archie ended in 1967, after which did some work for Tower Comics as well as an occasional story for Gold Key.
In the second half of the 1970s Reinman left the comics world and became a courtroom sketch artist for television-news broadcasts. He also produced artwork for movie posters and advertisements.
#10 - John D'Agostino
The School of Industrial Art (SIA) NYC 19447 grad pic
John D'Agostino
(13 June 1929 - 30 October 2010)
An artist best known for his work as penciler and inker for Archie and Charlton Comics. He began his career as head colorist for Timely Comics in the 1940s before becoming an artist in the 50s. In the 1950s and 1960s, he worked on many titles for Charlton including Atomic Mouse (1957-63/66).
From the 1960s-on he mainly worked as inker and letterer for Archie Comics (1964-92) and Gold Key. In the 1980s he focused on inking for Marvel and Archie. message pictures/newsstands/Hartley,_Al-Archie_artist-FB_share.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Goldberg,_Stan-Archie.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Rosenberger,_John-Archie.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Stone,Chic.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Buckler,_Rich-1984.jpg 11 12 13 14 15
#11 - Al Hartley
(1921 - 27 May 2003)
First working with Atlas he would freelance there from the 1940s through the 60s best known for their 'Patsy Walker' feature. Hartley also contributed to other romance titles, as well as war, jungle and horror titles. In the 60s he was on westerns. After Patsy was cancelled in 1967 he jumped to Archie Comics.
After years of freelancing for almost every publisher going, enjoying working in teen humour the most - he would eventually settle in at Archie full time in 1966-67. A very devout person he would also devote a lot of years drawing comics for Spire Christian Comics. In all, he did somewhere around 60 Christian comics, including at least 19 Archie titles.
#12 - Stan Goldberg
(May 5, 1932 – August 31, 2014)
File source:
Stan worked for Atlas-Timely-DC and Archie for years. He worked at Archie in 1968 becoming one of their more important artists.
He stated out at Timely in 1949 as a colourist right out of high-school. He would colour books until he eventually ran their colour dept. His first artwork appeared in Marvel Tales 109 (10.1952). He also did gag cartoons for the Humorama line of digests starting in the late 1950s.
He would plot and draw their Milie and Patsey books for years until they were cancelled in 1968 and he would draw for DC and freelancing for Archie.
Hear an interview with him here:
#13 - John Rosenberger
(30 November 1918 - 24 January 1977)
John began his career in comics in the 1940s on crime and western stories for Hillman, Dell, Lev Gleason and D.S. Publishing. He eventually took on horror, war and romance work as well, for Avon, Marvel and Orbit Publications. He was a regular on DC's 'Superman' titles, and its spin-offs, during the 1960s and 1970s.
For Archie he worked on 'The Fly', 'The Mighty Crusaders', 'Archie' and 'The Jaguar'.
#14 - Chic Stone
Photo from
Charles Eber "Chic" Stone (January 4, 1923 – July 28, 2000)
Stone is likely best known as one of Jack Kirby's Silver Age inkers but also spent a long time working for Archie. He worked on Fawcett's 'Captain Marvel' in the early 1940s and then for most of the major comic publishers such as Timely and Lev Gleason. After leaving the field for the 1950s he was back as ACG pencilling Adventures into the Unknown for ACG between 1962 and 1967. He then became an inker of Jack Kirby's work for years.
During the late 1970s and 80s, he worked for Archie Comics, doing superhero comics on their superhero line, as well as comics with the several 'Archie' characters, such as 'Mr. Weatherbee'.
#15 - Rich Buckler (1984)
(6 February 1949 – 20 May 2017)
Buckler was a prolific superhero artist at both DC Comics and Marvel in the 1970s and 1980s, often on covers, and he drew nearly every major character at both.
For Marvel in 1974, he created ‘Deathlok’ in Astonishing Comics and began a well-regarded run on Fantastic Four (1974–1976), to which he would return in 1989.
In 1983-84, Buckler worked for the Archie's Red Circle Comics superhero line starting as the entire line editor, writing and drawing The Mighty Crusaders, but also some stories with The Fly. Archie got cold feet and cancelled the line after just one year.
Buckler was the author of two instructional books, How to Become a Comic Book Artist (1986) and How to Draw Superheroes (1987). In 2015, he became an Inkwell Awards Ambassador.
Rick passed away from cancer on 19 May 2017, at the age of 68.
That's it for this batch, hope you liked them,
Hi Gang,
Here's another batch of artists primarily known for the newspaper strip creations. By no means complete or most important. Just some I've found in my travels. message pictures/newsstands/Fisher,_Bud_(Mutt_and_Jeff).jpg message pictures/newsstands/Gross,_Milt.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Hamlin,_VT-AlleyOop-1933.jpg message pictures/newsstands/holman,_bill_young.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Ormes,_Jackie.jpg 1 2 3 4 5
#1 - Bud Fisher (Mutt and Jeff)
Harry Conway Fisher (3 April 1885 - 7 September 1954)
Fisher, who drew the world-famous 'Mutt and Jeff' strip as "Bud" Fisher, was born in Chicago. In 1905, he left the University of Chicago in his third year to take a job as a triple-treat cartoonist (theatre, sports and general news) at the San Francisco Chronicle.
He started a sports section strip called 'A. Mutt', dealing with a chronic horseplayer's wins and losses. In June 1908, 'Mutt and Jeff' moved to William Randolph Hearst's San Francisco Examiner, where it was syndicated by King Features and became a national hit. A Sunday page was added around the time the strip got its permanent title, 'Mutt and Jeff'.
Fisher took the strip to the Wheeler Syndicate in 1915, where he received 1,000 dollars a week for six strips. By 1921, he was well on his way to making a top salary of 4,600 dollars a week. By this time, he grew more and more interested in racehorses, and less interested in the daily mechanics of drawing Mutt and Jeff. He had been working with ghost artists since his days with Hearst. Al Smith did the most ghost work for him. After his death Smith continued the strip into the 1980s.
#2 - Milt Gross
Milt Gross (4 March 1895 – 29 November 1953, USA) was a cartoonist and animator whose career began in the mid-1910s.
His work is noted for its exaggerated cartoon style and Yiddish-inflected English dialogue. He originated the non-sequitur ‘Banana Oil!’ as a phrase deflating pomposity and posing. His character Count Screwloose’s admonition, “Iggy, keep an eye on me!”, became a national catchphrase.
The National Cartoonists Society fund to aid indigent cartoonists and their families for many years was known as the Milt Gross Fund (it was absorbed by the society’s Foundation in 2005).
At Comiclopedia —
#3 - Vincent T. Hamlin (Alley Oop)
Vincent T. Hamlin (10 May 1900 - 14 June 1993)
Creator of the comic strip about caveman 'Alley Oop'. In 1927, Hamlin became a layout man, a poster designer, and a mapmaker for the oil industry. There he got the idea for a prehistoric strip, which he developed when he returned to Perry, Iowa in 1929. After many attempts, Hamlin created 'Alley Oop', which was first published as a daily strip in 1932 through the small Bonnet-Brown syndicate. Hamlin continued the Alley Oop comic for the Newspaper Enterprise Association until his retirement in 1971, aided by his wife Dorothy and assistant Dave Graue.
After his retirement, Hamlin wrote an autobiography, a novel, and a fishing memoir.
#4 - Bill Holman
Bill Holman (22 March 1903 - 27 February 1987)
After working some in Chicago he moved to NYC and earned his living mostly selling cartoons and illustrations to various magazines, such as Collier's, Life and Judge. Holman's luck changed when he created 'Smokey Stover' in 1935. The strip ran until 1973, and had a great, funny style with witty punchlines. In the same style he also drew 'Spooky', about a cat. In 1961, Bill Holman became president of the National Cartoonists Society. He died on 27 February, 1987.
#5 - Jackie Ormes
Zelda Jackson Ormes (1 August 1911 - 25 December 1985)
Jackie, by most accounts, became the first nationally syndicated black woman cartoonist in 1937. Her 'Torchy Brown' series first appeared in the black-owned Pittsburgh Courier in 1937.
In 1940, the strip was stopped, and Jackie Ormes dedicated herself to two single-panel cartoons, 'Candy' and 'PattyJo 'n' Ginger'. 'Torchy Brown' reappeared in 1950, titled 'Torchy Brown's Heartbeats' which also included paper dolls in her Sunday pages, called 'Torchy's Togs'. message pictures/newsstands/Dr_Seuss.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Mauldin,_Bill_(Willie_and_Joe)-1959.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Kelly,_Walt_at_work-1949.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Mills,_Tarpe_1940_Photo2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Stanley,_John-Little_Lulu.jpg 6 7 8 9 10
#6 - Dr Seuss
Theodore Geisel (2 March 1904 - 21 September 1991)
After his graduation in 1925, he began his weekly 'Birdsies and Beasties' page in Judge magazine. Using the pen name of Dr. Seuss, his name soon appeared on gags and strips inside the magazine and on covers. Later on, he also drew for Life, Vanity Fair and Liberty. He was the creator of the short-lived newspaper strip 'Hejji' in 1935. In the 1940s, he drew political cartoons for the PM newspaper in New York, and embarked on a career in animation.
As the president and publisher of Beginners Books, Dr Seuss changed the nature of children's books in the 1950s and later with the 'Cat in the Hat' series. He published over 40 children's books, full with imaginative characters and frequent use of rhymed prose. Besides 'Cat in the Hat', famous books by Dr. Seuss are 'Green Eggs and Ham' and 'One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish'.
#7 - Bill Mauldin (Willie and Joe)
William Henry "Bill" Mauldin (29 October 1921 - 22 January 2003)
Mauldin was a US cartoonist, best known for his World War II cartoons about American soldiers. Mauldin attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and fought as a sergeant in Sicily and other European battlefields. He joined the Army newsletter Stars and Stripes as a cartoonist. There he perfected 'Willie and Joe', the muddy, weary "dogfaces" who portrayed the drabness of the foot soldier's life. Despised by the conservative brass as disrespectful, but loved by the G.I.'s as one of their own, the cartoons won him a Pulitzer Prize in 1945.
After the War, Mauldin abandoned cartooning for a while, working as a film actor, freelance writer, and illustrator of articles and books, including one on the Korean War. A self-styled "stirrer-upper", Mauldin joined the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1958 and took up cartooning again. Dubbed "the hottest editorial brush in the U.S.," he won his second Pulitzer Prize that year.
#8 - Walt Kelly -1949
Walter Crawford Kelly, Jr. (August 25, 1913 – October 18, 1973)
Kelly, creator of the beloved Pogo syndicated newspaper strip, cartoonist for comics such as Our Gang, Walt Disney's Comics and Stories and Animal Comics.
An incredible blog devoted to Kelly can be found here:
A short bio on Kelly can be read on the JVJ site here:
#9 - Tarpe Mills (Miss Fury) -1940
June Mills (25 February 1918 - 12 December 1988)
Tarpe Mills was the creator of 'Miss Fury', one of the best action comics, which appeared in 1941. Before coming up with this success, she had already created comic characters such as Devil's Dust, The Cat Man, The Purple Zombie and Daredevil Barry Finn.
Born June Mills, she changed her name to the more sexually ambigious "Tarpe",
When her 'Miss Fury' became a success, however, Mills could not hide her gender and many interviews appeared, with photographs of the creator, who strongly resembled her own heroic character. She also drew her cat, Perry Purr, into her comic. 'Miss Fury' ran until 1951. Tarpe Mills returned briefly in 1971 with 'Our Love Story' in Marvel Comics.
#10 - John Stanley (Little Lulu)
(22 March 1914 - 11 November 1993)
American comic artist John Stanley is best known for his comic book renditions of classic newspaper comics 'Little Lulu' and 'Nancy' for Dell Publishing. In the 1930s, he briefly worked for the Max Fleischer animation studios and did illustrations art for Mickey Mouse Magazine and Disney merchandise. From the 1940s throughout the 1960s, he was a productive writer and artist for Western Printing Co. For a long period, he was writing and drawing 'Nancy and Sluggo' stories for the comic books. By the mid 1940s, he was writing and sketching stories with 'Little Lulu', a character originally created by Marge Henderson Buell. Until the 1960s, Stanley contributed scripts and artwork to many other Dell comic books.
When he left the comics field, his comments on the comic books - even his own work - became rather sour. In the final stages of his career, he worked for a silk-screening company in upstate New York. message pictures/newsstands/Walker,_Mort-1945.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Schulz,_Charles.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Barry,_Dan.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Barry,_Sy.jpg message pictures/newsstands/Manning,_Russ_1971.jpg 11 12 13 14 15
#11 - Mort Walker -1945
Photo from Evan Dorkin's Flickr account:
Morton Walker (3 October 1923 - 27 January 2018)
Mort Walker was one of the best known gag-a-day cartoonists in the world. He created three long-running and famous newspaper comics, 'Beetle Bailey' (1950), 'Hi and Lois' (1954), 'Boner's Ark' (1968). He wrote various essays and books about comics. The man also turned the National Cartoonists' Society into an actual professional organization and established its annual Reuben Award to honor artists and writers. He founded a Museum of Cartoon Art (1974-2002) now part of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.
A much more detailed bio can be found here:
#12 - Charles Schulz (Peanuts)
(26 November 1922 - 12 February 2000)
the creator of 'Peanuts', is one of the most popular and influential humorist comic artists ever. After he fought in Europe in the second World War, he started drawing the comic 'L'il Folks', a precursor of 'Peanuts'. The strip was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press between 1947 and 1950.
Soon the United Feature Syndicate started selling the strips to many newspapers, and the feature was renamed to 'Peanuts' when it commenced syndicated publication on 2 October 1950. A Sunday page was added in 1952. The most successful comic strip in newspaper history, 'Peanuts' appeared in some 2,600 newspaper in 75 countries and was translated into 21 languages.
He retired after about 18,000 episodes at the beginning of the new millennium. He died of complications due to colon cancer at the age of 77
#13 - Dan Barry
(11 July 1923 - 25 January 1997)
Started in comics in 1940s (Black Owl',('Airboy', 'Boy King', 'Skywolf','Spy Smasher').
Known today as a long time artist on Flash Gordon strip. In 1951, Barry was asked by King Features Syndicate to revive the 'Flash Gordon' daily strip. Barry worked on the science fiction strip until the 1990s!
#14 - Sy Barry
(b. 12 March 1928)
Sy went to the Art Students League, while working as an assistant to his brother Dan. In the late forties and early fifties. Sy Barry did freelance work, mainly as an inker, for comic book companies such as Gleason, Marvel and especially National, where he worked on the features 'Jonny Peril', 'Rex' and 'Phantom Stranger'.
In the late fifties, he assisted his brother again with the inking of 'Flash Gordon'. From there King Features asked him to take over 'The Phantom' after Wilson McCoy's death in 1961. After drawing the adventures of the Ghost-Who-Walks for over 30 years, he retired in 1995.
An interview with him is here:
#15 - Russ Manning -1971
Photo from
(5 January 1929 - 1 December 1981)
In 1953, Manning joined the Dell Publications team that created the 'Tarzan' comic, among others. Manning worked on their entire line of comics. He took over the 'Tarzan' comic from Jesse Marsh in 1965. Soon, United Feature Syndicate put Manning on the daily 'Tarzan' strip as well. In 1972, Russ Manning left the daily strip to concentrate on the Sunday pages and on 'Tarzan' stories for the European market.
Russ Manning also created the science fiction comic series 'The Aliens' (1963-70) and 'Magnus, Robot Fighter' (1963-68) for the Gold Key comic books.
That's it for this batch, hope you liked them,
Interesting how much Bud Fisher looks like a real life version of A. Mutt.
Yep, and on Facebook it was mentioned how much Milt Gross looked like Charlie Chaplin in his pic.
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