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Historical Photos - Pulps
Hi Gang,
Before the comics there were the pulps among others. Many pulps publishers got into the comics game when they saw another way to sell people their pulp paper. Here's the first batch from this early era of newsstands and collecting. message pictures/newsstands/1925.12-drugstore.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1925-drugstore.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1926.01-magazines_merged.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1926.01-magazines_left.jpg 1 2 3 4
#1 - 1925.12-drugstore
The magazine rack in this drugstore displays several pulps, including Argosy All-Story Weekly (Dec. 26, 1925); Brief Stories (December 1925) and a couple of issues of Triple-X Magazine (including the September 1925 number).
(Photo courtesy of Steven Lomazow.)
From the Pulpnet site:
#2 - 1925-drugstore
A woman stands at the counter of a drug store sometime in the first half of 1925. Along the bottom row of the magazine rack on the right are copies of the pulp magazines - Flynn's Blue Book, Action Stories, Love Story, Breezy Stories, Detective Fiction Weekly, Snappy Stories, Argosy All-Story Weekly.
Source unknown.
From the Pulpnet site:
#3 - 1926.01-Offterdinger Factory -merged
Washington, D.C., 1926. "Offterdinger Cigar factory." T.T. Offterdinger & Co. offered "Smokers' articles, Magazines, Greeting Cards and Soda Fountain Luncheon."
#4 - Offterdinger Factory -left
Left side only pulps seen:
Popular Radio (Jan 1926)
Aces High 1926.01 #02.jpg
Motion Picture magazine (February 1926) message pictures/newsstands/1929.04-Sheldon,Iowa.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1930s-wylie-av-p-burgh-Charles_Harris.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1932.11-new-york2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1933.11-new-york1.jpg 5 6 7 8
#5 - 1929.04-Sheldon, Iowa
Here's a photo from the April 1929 issue of The American New Trade Journal featuring the magazine stand of Charles E. Scott of Sheldon, Iowa. Issues from March and April 1929 are on display. (Courtesy of Doug Ellis)
From the Pulpnet site:
#6 - 1930s-Wylie Ave-p-burgh-Charles Harris
Two girls standing in front of George Harris' confectionery store at 2121 Wylie Avenue
Photo by Charles 'Teenie' Harris
You can see more Harris photos here:
#7 - 1932.11-new-york
Magazine Vendor, 1920s. (Photo by Irving Browning/The New York Historical Society/Getty Images)
Pulp magazines for sale in New York in November 1932.
The Shadow Magazine [v3 #6, November 15, 1932]
#8 - 1933.11-new-york1
I strongly suspect this one is from the same session as the above. The stand and worker is the same right down to the suit.
This New York newsstand displays pulps (including The Shadow, Blue Book, & Dime Mystery Magazine and Nick Carter) on the wire cage at left, and whole string of pulps (including Amazing Stories, West, Lariat, Gang World, Cowboy Stories and Doc Savage) hanging above the vendors.
Byron Company
Arthur Vitols
Newspaper Stand, ca. 1900
Blind Newspaper Vendors.
Found on this link:[A%20Newspaper%20Stand.]-2F3XC58SFWPJ.html message pictures/newsstands/1935.10-new-york-State_Coffe_Shop.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1935.11.19_images.nypl-State_Coffe_Shop.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1936.06_original_with_1935.05_issues.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1937.01-ny-rail-station.jpg 9 10 11 12
#9 - 1935.10-New York-State Coffee Shop
This newsstand at southwestern corner of 32nd Street and Third Avenue, Manhattan teams with pulps from October and November 1935."
There's a Collier's Weekly from Oct 19, 1935 appears on the hanging magazines over the bottles of pop - second from the left.
Source unknown.
From the Pulpnet site:
#10 - 1935.11-New York-State Coffee Shop
The same newsstand a month later. Taken November 19, 1935 by Berenice Abbott - NYC Newsstand 1935
Abbott, Berenice, 1898-1991 (Photographer)
Federal Art Project (New York, N.Y.) (Sponsor)
There's a Collier's Weekly, November 9, 1935 issue appears on the hanging magazines over the bottles of pop - third from the left.
Modern Screen Dec 1935 with Claudette Colbertt is on the far right with 'Out Now' above it.
(Bottom of the page)
Recently released to the public domain by the NYPLibrary.
A larger version of this can be seen here:
A short bio of the photographer can be read here:
#11 - 1936.06 issue of The American News Trade Journal pg 14.
This newsstand (location unknown) displays pulps with cover dates of May and June 1935.
In the middle section, thrid row from the top, far right:
Spicey Detective #14 (June 1936)
From the Pulpnet site:
#12 - 1937.01-Railroad Station News Stand in NYC
Credit: Bettmann / Contributor
You can see
Screen Romances (Feb 1937) on far right.
That's it with this set. More to come!
--- Quote from: Yoc on May 15, 2018, 04:44:20 PM ---#5 - 1929.04-Sheldon, Iowa
Here's a photo from the April 1929 issue of The American New Trade Journal featuring the magazine stand of Charles E. Scott of Sheldon, Iowa. Issues from March and April 1929 are on display. (Courtesy of Doug Ellis)
--- End quote ---
And if you'd look in the upper left corner, you can see an issue of Dell's The Funnies. Not enough to guess the issue and the GCD doesn't have all the covers, although it could be #5 which is listed as an April 1929 release.
Hi Gang,
Here's the last of my Pulps photos. Lots of them to see here. Several of these have a foreign flavour as well starting in Canada. message pictures/newsstands/1928.05-hamilton-ontario-CANADA.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1931.11.26-Munro_Drugs_Toronto.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1938.09.09-Toronto_CANADA.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1930s-Shadow_ad.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1936.06-The_Shadow_ad.jpg 1 2 3 4 5
#1 - 1928.05-Hamilton, Ontario-CANADA
(Original caption) Mr. W.J. Allen's store is a model of neatness and regularity. He never overlooks a chance to add new magazines to his order. He gives all magazines an almost full front cover display,
-from The American News Trade Journal (August 1928).
You'll find covers from a variety of May 1928 pulps on this display. (Courtesy of Doug Ellis)
#2 - 1931.11.26-Munro Drugs. Toronto, ON, CANADA
1414 Queen St W.
PULPS to be seen-
Picture Play Magazine is the Jan. 1932 issue with Peggy Shannon on the cover
You can read this magazine here:
#3 - 1938.09.09-Toronto, ON, CANADA
Here is another pic of a Toronto newsstand at St. Andrews & Spadina.
Among the pulps on the door middle comic 2nd row from bottom-
Super Comics (Western) #5 (September 1938),
next to it, Cowboy Comics (Centaur) v1#14 (August 1938)
and bottom row left Dell's 1000 Jokes (Dell, 1939 series) #14 (1938).
Life Magazine, September 12, 1938 - Hungarian guard
#4 - 1933-NYC Shadow_ad
NYC, on the corner of 43rd street 1933.
Scan courtesy Dwight Fuhro collection.
#5 - 1936.06-The Shadow ad
Here's a colour example of a similar Shadow pulp ad from a few years later.
From the back cover of the American News Trade Journal from 1936.
Scan courtesy Dwight Fuhro collection. message pictures/newsstands/1934.04-Paris_France.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1937.05-magazine-rack.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1937.08-cook-minnesota.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1937.09-newsstand_in_Manchester,_New_Hampshire.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1939.10.30-Taylor_Texas.jpg 6 7 8 9 10
#6 - 1934.04-Paris, FRANCE
Pulps were on display in April 1934 at this Paris newsstand.
#7 - 1937.05-magazine rack
This magazine rack shows off a number of pulps from spring 1937.
Source unknown.
From the Pulpnet site:
#8 - 1937.08-Cook, Minnesota
Here’s a pulp rack in a drugstore in Cook, Minn., in August 1937.
Drugstore display of magazines, Cook, Minnesota
Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer
United States. Resettlement Administration.
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-DIG-fsa-8a22089
A larger version can be found here:
#9 - 1937.09-Manchester, New Hampshire
Title: Newsstand, Manchester, New Hampshire
Creator(s): Locke, Edwin, photographer
Part of: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-DIG-fsa-8a14980
Again, if you click this LINK and download one of the HUGE .TIFF files, you'll get a stunningly detailed view of the MAGS...and COMIC BOOKS.
Ace Comics # 5 (August 1937)
Detective Comics # 6 (August 1937)
New Adventure Comics # 18 (August 1937)
More Fun Comics 23?
Star Ranger # 5 (July-August 1937)
Star Comics # 7 (October-November 1937)
The Funnies # 12 (September 1937)
King Comics # 17
Strange As It Seems # 2 (a.k.a. The John Hix Scrapbook #2)*
Popular Comics # 20 (September 1937)
Famous Funnies. Harder to pin down but likely #40 or 37
*It's the John Hix Scrapbook. The Grand Comic Book database has it dated as 1939, but obviously it's from 1937.
#10 - 1939.10.30-Taylor Texas
"Display of magazines for sale in Taylor, Texas."
by Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-DIG-fsa-8a27454
You can see a much larger version of this picture here:
The Saturday Evening Post and Collier's are dated November 4, 1939.
The Time magazine (with a picture on the cover of King Gustav V of Sweden) is dated October 30, 1939. message pictures/newsstands/1938.2.17-tacoma.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1938.2.17-tacoma_b.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1940.07-camden-nj.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1947.06.23-Juvenile Browsers-LIFE.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1947.06.23-LIFE-Screen_Romances_Betty_Hutton.jpg 11 12 13 14 15
#11 - 1938.2.17-tacoma
Found on
Original source unknown.
Lots of pulps in this one from early 1938.
Beneath advertising for "Liberty," "True Story," and "True Detective" magazines, this magazine rack displays a number of pulp magazines from early 1938.
#12 - 1938.2.17-Tacoma_b
Same as above, different angle.
Original source unknown.
#13 - 1940.07-Camden, NJ
Mags you can see: Cosmopolitan July 1940 poster on right.
True Story - 'I was Hitler's Maid' story was a feature in the Aug 1940 issue but had a different cover featuring Dorothy Lamour which can be seen here:
#14 - 1947.06.23-Juvenile Browsers-LIFE
(Original caption) Two boys reading reading comics at a news stand, USA, circa 1955.
(Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mags you can see:
Life Magazine, June 23, 1947 - Bathing suits
Screen Romances July 1947 - Betty Hutton cover
#15 - 1947.06.23-Screen_Romances Betty Hutton
Here's the colour cover you can see in the above picture #14 along the bottom left.
That's it for this update gang!
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