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Historical Photos - Making History

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Hi Gang,
These are pictures of newsstands, etc. that transpired at an important moment in history.
You will see what I mean as you see them. message pictures/newsstands/1938-depression.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1939-Canada-war_declared.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1940-London_Blitz.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1941.12.08-War_declared_USA.jpg           1                     2                      3                      4

#1 - 1938-depression
After a few years of better financial numbers the USA went into a recession in 1938 which pushed unemployment rates to rise back to 19%.  Scenes like this, common since the start of the depression continued.

You can see pictures of NYC in the 30s and 40s at this link:

And pictures of 'Hoovervilles' during the Depression at this link:

#2 - 1939-Canada-war declared
At a Montreal newsstand 1939, when WW2 was declared. Unlike the first WW, when Canada was automatically entered the war with Britain's declaration, the government of Canada issued its own independent declaration shortly after the British one.

Found on Collections Canada page here:

#3 - 1940-London Blitz by George Rodger
News vendor during the Blitz, Victoria Station, 1940,
Photo by George Rodger.

Starting on the afternoon of September 7, 1940, German planes would bomb London in an attempt to demoralize the population and force the British to come to terms.

You can read more about the Blitz at this link:

A bio on the photographer and more photos can be found here:

And more of his blitz pics can be found on:

George Rodger obit is here:

#4 - 1941.12.08-War Declared in the USA
Two men read the Daily Mirror newspaper with headlines announcing that Japan has declared war. They stand at a newspaper stand lit by an oil lamp in New York, New York, U.S.A., December 8, 1941.
(Photo by Hulton-Deutsch/Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images)

Some colourizations - always fun! message pictures/newsstands/1941.12.08-Corner_stand-John_Collier.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1941.12.08-Corner_stand-colourized.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.06.26-Rommel-Russell_Lee_b-w.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.06.22-Rommel-Russell_Lee-colour.jpg           5                     6                      7                      8

#5 - 1941.12.08-Corner stand-John Collier
Collier, John, Jr, photographer. Corner of Montgomery and Market Streets, Monday morning, December 8, after Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. San Francisco, California. California San Francisco San Francisco County United States, 1941. Dec. Photograph.

Actually it's Sutter and Kearny Sts.

The third newspaper on the left side, folded, is the PEOPLE'S WORLD, a daily West Coast publication of the Communist Party. It's top story reads, "Text of the President's War Message to Congress."

One of other papers on the rack is the Call Bulletin.

#6 - 1941.12.08-Corner stand-John Collier colourized
Colourized by Sanna Dullaway

#7 - 1942.06.26-Rommel-Russell Lee b&w
Lee, Russell, photographer. Yreka, California. Magazine stand. California Siskiyou County United States Yreka, 1942. July. Photograph.

Top left -
Life Magazine, June 22, 1942

Collier's Weekly, June 27, 1942

Liberty Magazine, May 30, 1942

#8 - 1942.06.22-Rommel-Russell Lee colourized
Colourized by JUST ADD COLOR and shared on Shorpy here:

Paper drives - the end of many a golden-age comic message pictures/newsstands/1942.05-paper_drive_Fenno_Jacobs.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.05-paper_drive_Marjory_ Collins.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.10-paper_drive_Valentino_Sarra.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1943.04-paper_drive_finish-John_Vachon.jpg           9                    10                    11                     12

#9 - 1942.05-paper drive Fenno Jacobs
May 1942. Southington, Connecticut. "Boys collecting paper and metal for scrap drive."
Photo by Fenno Jacobs for the Office of War Information.

#10 - 1942.05-paper drive Marjory Collins
May 1942. Washington, D.C. "Victory Program salvage drive. Schoolboy volunteers to go from house to home collecting scrap paper."
By Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.

The nice porch is 1810 Ingleside Terrace NW in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood.  Washington, DC.

#11 - 1942.10-paper drive Valentino Sarra
October 1942. United States Office Of War Information, Sarra, Valentino, photographer. Manpower, junior size. The charge of the scrap brigade in Roanoke, Virginia includes such methods of collecting as this pony cart. The patriotic and energetic youngsters of the town are making an all-out effort to corner every available piece of scrap in the city, so that their soldier and sailor brothers will have the shells, guns, and tanks with which to beat the Axis. Roanoke United States Virginia.

#12 - 1943.04-paper drive finish John Vachon
The end of the line.   :'(
Vachon, John, photographer. Southland Paper mill, Kraft chemical pulp used in making newsprint, Lufkin, Texas. Lufkin Texas United States, 1943. April. Photograph.

I hope you enjoyed these.  A second batch will be coming in the future.

Hi Gang,
Here's another selection of pictures that mark an important event in history. message pictures/newsstands/1901.09.01-Assassination_of_McKinley-newspaper_row.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1912.04-Titanic.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1917-Lucy_Burns.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1936-MISSOUR_DUSTBOWL_FARMERS-Carl_Mydans.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1939.09.01-invasion_of_Poland_begins.jpg           1                     2                      3                      4                      5

#1 - 1901.09.01-Assassination of President McKinley newspaper row
Assassination of President McKinley - The crowds in newspaper row - New York City, September 1901
Niday Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo

#2 -1912.04-Titanic-Great Loss Of Life
(Original caption) Newspaper boy Ned Parfett selling copies of the Evening News telling of the Titanic disaster.  Parfett was killed during a German bombardment whilst serving in France, just days before the end of World War I.
Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty

A newsboy selling newspapers announcing the sinking of the White Star liner 'Titanic,' following its collision with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.

#3 - 1917-Suffragist Lucy Burns
Harris & Ewing, Washington, D.C. Miss Lucy Burns in Occoquan Workhouse, Washington. Brooklyn New York United States Virginia Washington D.C, 1917.

LUCY BURNS (1879-1966). American suffragist and women's rights advocate. Arrested for protesting in front of the White House.  Photographed in jail, 1917.

You can read more about Burns and the suffragist movement here:

#4 - 1936.03-Missouri Dustbowl farmers-Carl Mydans
United States Resettlement Administration, Mydans, Carl, photographer. Typical farmer group of Prairie City, Missouri, in Mississippi County. Missouri, United States, 1936. Mar. Photograph.

For the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
(original caption) MISSOURI: FARMERS, 1936. Four farmers sitting on a grate in front of a grocery store in Prairie City, Missouri. Photograph by Carl Mydans, March 1936.

#5 - 1939.09.01-Invasion of Poland begins
Harris & Ewing, photographer. People looking at DC newspapers on Sept. 1, the day the invasion of Poland began. 1939.
Harris & Ewing photograph collection

This next batch of seven pictures are all from a shameful time in history when the USA and Canada interred their west coast Japanese citizens into camps during WW2. message pictures/newsstands/1942.02-world-war-ii-news-headlines.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.07.01-Boy_reading_comic_by_Dorthea_Lange.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.07.01-Japanese_War_Relocation_Bank.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.07.01-Japanese_War_Relocation_Camp_July_1,_1942.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.12.10-Japanese_War_Relocation_Camp_Dec10,_1942.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.05-Russell_Lee,_Tagged_for_evacuation,_Salinas,_Cal..jpg           6                     7                      8                      9                    10                    10a

#6 - 1942.02-WWII news headlines
(Original caption) World War II, news headlines announcing the forthcoming Japanese relocation in California, text reads 'Ouster of all Japs in California near!', photograph possibly by Dorothea Lange, February, 1942.
Oakland, Calif., Feb. California Oakland, 1942. February. Photograph.

#7 - 1942.07.01-Boy reading comic by Dorthea Lange
Part of the Dorothea Lange Gallery here-

COMIC -  Boy Comics (Lev Gleason) #5 (August 1942)

#8 - 1942.07.01-Japanese War Relocation Bank
(Original caption) A view of the bank and newsstand at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry, July 1st, 1942. (Photo credit: Francis Stewart / UC Berkeley Brancroft Library)

#9 - 1942.07.01-Japanese War Relocation Camp July 1, 1942
An example of propaganda created to convince viewers camps were a 'nice' place to live.

(Original caption) Four youth — confined to the War Relocation Authority center in Newel, Calif. — enjoy the latest comic books available at the newsstand in July 1942. In the upper right, issues of Fantastic Adventures (August 1942) and Wild West Weekly (June 20, 1942) await sale.

COMICS - Upper left row-
Uncle Sam Quarterly (Quality) #3 (Summer 1942)
Spy Smasher (Fawcett) #6 (August 26, 1942)
Marvel Mystery Comics (Marvel) #34 (August 1942) x 2

Middle left row-
Target Comics (Novelty) v3 #7 [31] (September 1942)
Feature Comics (Quality) #59 (August 1942) x2

Bottom left row-
Detective Comics (DC) #66 (August 1942)

Upper right-
Something Fantasy

Middle right-
Wild West Weekly

Lower middle right-
Buck Rogers (Eastern) #4 (1942)

Bottom right-
Super Comics (Western) #49 (June 1942)

#10 - 1942.12.10-Japanese War Relocation Camp Dec10, 1942
(Original caption) Pulps — including Thrilling Wonder Stories, Thrilling Adventures, Jungle Stories, Weird Tales, North West Romances and more — hang on the wall and on the shelves behind the counter of the magazine stand in the Granada War Relocation Center, a Japanese American internment camp in southeast Colorado, during December 1942.

#10 - 1942.05-Tagged for evacuation by Russell Lee
Russell Lee, Tagged for evacuation, Salinas, California, May 1942

Part of 264 heartbreaking photos taken and shared at this link:

Pep Comics (Archie) #28 (June 1942)
True Sport Picture Stories (S&S) v1 #7 (June 1942) message pictures/newsstands/1942-Fresno_Assembly_Center_boys-Signal_Corps.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1943-Manzanar_Relocation_Center,_Cal.-Adams.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.12-Japanese_War_Relocation_Camp_Granada.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1939.09.03-war_declared.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1940.04-road-to-civil-rights_Delano.jpg          11                    12                   13                    14                   15

#11 - 1942-Fresno Assembly Center boys-Signal Corps
(Original caption) United States Army. Signal Corps. Fresno Calif. Assembly Center -- Two boys find a gold mine of interest in scrap heap of discarded magazines, periodicals, and newspapers. California Fresno, 1942. Photograph.

#12 - 1943-Manzanar Relocation Center, Cal.-Ansel Adams
(Original caption) Roy Takeno (Editor) and group reading Manzanar paper [i.e. Los Angeles Times] in front of office, Yuichi Hirata, Nabuo Samamura, Manzanar Relocation Center, California

Adams, Ansel, photographer. Roy Takeno Editor and group reading Manzanar paper i.e. Los Angeles Times in front of office, Yuichi Hirata, Nabuo Samamura, Manzanar Relocation Center, California. California Manzanar, 1943. Photograph.
You can read more about Adams' photos at the Manzanar Relocation Center here:

#13 - 1942.12-12.10-Japanese War Relocation Camp Granada
From the same session as photo #10.

#14 - 1939.09.03-Newspaper Seller, 1939  UK?
A newspaper seller with the announcement of the declaration of war. 1939. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

#15 - 1940.04-road-to-civil-rights_Delano
The bus station in Durham, North Carolina, May 1940.
(Photo by Reuters/Library of Congress)

Delano, Jack, photographer. At the bus station in Durham, North Carolina. Durham Durham. North Carolina United States, 1940. May. Photograph.

Found on the Vintage Everyday blog:

That's it for this batch.  More history pictures to come in the future.

I don't buy comics at the shop or conventions anymore.  All my comics these days are in the form of scans like those shared here on DCM.  But since last December 2017 I've been digging more into the history of comics and just lately into the history of fandom and retailers.

I have heard of the Arthur Church/Mile High Pedigree and the Lamont Larson Collection but until today I'd never heard of the Okajima Pedigree.  These books were bought by a young lady from at least August 27th 1943 to March 29th 1945.  You can read about ALL it here.

The reason I bring it up here in this particular topic on DCM is these books were bought in Arizona’s Gila River Japanese Incarceration Camp.  Pictures of this and other Japanese Incarceration camps can be seen above is pictures #6 to 13.

Of the pedigree stories this is easily my favourite.

I've learned some more about the Okajima Pedigree!
I'm slowly reading the CGC forum topic devoted to it and someone back in 2014 found the most likely 'Okajima' living in one of the camps.  Here is what miraclemet found:

Name- Fumiko B Okajima
Birth Year- 1921 (she was 21 when she entered the camp and was buying her comics)
Birth Place- Pacific States - California
Alien Reg. Number- Has S.S. But Not A.R. Number and Has Attended Japanese Language School
Language- Japanese & English Speak, Write, Read ; Other Language Write, Read

Project Gila River ( Pima, Sacaton )
Assembly Center- None
From- Address Sanger, Selma or Reedley California
From- Region Pacific States - California
From- County Fresno
Population- 2500 - 4999
Birth Place Parents- Father = Japan, Mother = Japan
Fathers Occ. in U.S.- Farm Operators & Managers
Fathers Occ. Abroad- Unknown
Years School Japan- None
Years School Japan- None
Education- No Degree
Highest Grade- High School 4 in U.S.
Year Arrival U.S. -
Time in Japan- None
Times in Japan- None - Not Attending School
Age in Japan- Never in Japan
Military Service- Unknown
Assistance/Pensions- 40877c
Gender/Marriage- Female Single
Race/Spouse Individual - Japanese ; No Spouse
1st Occupation- Farm Hands, Fruit
Occupation- Semi-skilled Dressmakers and Seamstresses

I just added this one to the Interment Cap photos above as the following: message pictures/newsstands/1942.05-Russell_Lee,_Tagged_for_evacuation,_Salinas,_Cal..jpg#10a - 1942.05-Tagged for evacuation by Russell Lee
Russell Lee, Tagged for evacuation, Salinas, California, May 1942

Part of 264 heartbreaking photos taken and shared at this link:

Pep Comics (Archie) #28 (June 1942)
True Sport Picture Stories (S&S) v1 #7 (June 1942)


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