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Historical Photos: Military pics
Hi Gang,
I hope people are enjoying these galleries. Next up is pictures with a military theme. During the war comics were selling in the millions! PX stores and hospitals would have them for the soldiers during their down time. For a time more comics were possibly read from here than anywhere else. Here's where I've found in my travels covering all wars. message pictures/newsstands/1918_PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Quantico,_Virginia_1-PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Quantico,_Virginia_2-PX_2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1941.04-Camp Murray_PX.jpg 1 2 3 4
#1 - 1918_PX
Newsstand at Camp Greenleaf, part of Fort Oglethorpe and training ground for medical officers and ambulance companies during World War I, 1918.
(Photo source: Camp Life / pawpaw911)
You can see more pictures of Fort Oglethorpe here:
#2 - 1920-Quantico, Virginia 1-PX
Quantico, Virginia, circa 1920. "Quantico Post Exchange."
Harris & Ewing, photographer
Harris & Ewing, photographer. QUANTICO POST EXCHANGE. Quantico United States Virginia, None. [Between 1905 and 1945] Photograph.
You can see a bigger version of this and it's sister shot here:
#3 - 1920-Quantico, Virginia 2-PX
Other side of the same PX
#4 - 1941.04-Camp Murray PX
Newsstand in Camp Murray, Tacoma, Washington. April 1941.
There are many pulps but comics are difficult to identify. Perhaps a True Comics #2?
Source unknown. message pictures/newsstands/1942.06_Camp_Kilmer_PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.11-Sparkler.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942-LIFE-sailor.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1943.10-commissary-PX.jpg 5 6 7 8
#5 - 1942-Camp Kilmer PX, Piscataway, New Jersey
A history of the camp can be read here:
This postcard and many other Camp Kilmer cards can be seen here:
Superman #18 (September-October 1942)
Doll Man #3 (Summer 1942 )
Crime Does Not Pay #23 (September 1942)
#6 - 1942.11-Sparkler
Source unknown.
#7 - 1942-LIFE-sailor
Thomas McAvoy—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
A sailor reading a comic book in a cabin lined with 5 inch gun magazines aboard the USS Doran.
Date taken: 1942
Photographer: Thomas D. Mcavoy
#8 - 1943.10-Commissary-PX
Behind the woman and the servicemen, there are two stacks of pulps. The stack on the left is topped with the October 1943 number of Western Short Stories; the stack just behind the woman's right shoulder is topped with the Sept. 18, 1943, number of Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine.
Found on
Time Magazine Oct. 4, 1943,9263,7601431004,00.html
Detective Comics #82 (December 1943)
Popular Comics #69 (November 1941) message pictures/newsstands/1944.03-marine_PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1944.06-Private_Dandou_Relaxes.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1944.08-Pfc_Jimmy_Smith.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1944-Cape_Gloucester.jpg 9 10 11 12
#9 - 1944.03-Marine PX
a Marine PX in 1944. Source unknown.
Detective Comics #85 (March 1944)
National Comicss #41 (April 1944)
Marvel Mystery Comics #53 (March 1944)
Star-Spangled Comics #31 (April 1944)
Terry-Toons Comics #18 (Marvel-March 1944)
Don Winslow of the Navy #13 (March 1944)
Wings Comics #43 (March 1944)
Jumbo Comics #61 (March 1944)
#10 - 1944.06-Private Dandou Relaxes
American soldier Pvt. Ernest Dandou lies on his back and reads a comic book during down time at a paratrooper training camp near Atlanta, Georgia, 1944.
(Photo by Frank Scherschel/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
Editorial #: 87922807
Collection: The LIFE Picture Collection
Date created: 01 January, 1944
#11 - 1944.08.04-Pfc. Jimmy Smith
Pfc. Jimmy Smith of Atlanta reads the ‘Blondie' comic trip to local boys. France. August 04, 1944.
Credit: Bettmann / Contributor
Editorial #: 515384022
#12 - 1944-Cape Gloucester
U.S. Marine reading Dick Tracy comic on Cape Gloucester.
Source unknown.
There you go gang. More military pictures to come in the future.
Hi Gang,
Here's some more with a military theme to them covering three wars. Enjoy! message pictures/newsstands/1945.01-cheer_cart-PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1945.01-Pfc_Tony_Vaccaro.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1945.02-Wonder3.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1945.10-boat-PX.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1945_Sam_Shere.jpg 1 2 3 4 5
#1 - 1945.01-Cheer cart
(original caption) The "Cheer Cart" brings reading materials and snacks to serviceman in the Camp Kilmer hospital in 1945.
More on Camp Kilmer can be read here:
Sensation ?
Real Life Comics (Pines) #19 (September 1944)
Dynamic Comics (Chesler) #14 (April 1945)
Green Hornet Comics (Harvey) #23 (March 1945)
Captain Marvel Jr. (Fawcett) #28 (March 1, 1945)
#2 - 1945.01-Battle Of The Bulge-Pfc Tony Vaccaro
Photo by Pfc Tony Vaccaro
Photo credit:
A bio and more photos by him are shown on his site here:
And check out the HBO documentary on him here:
#3 - 1945.02.02-reading Wonder 3
Story-Teller Becomes Enchanted
(original caption) Stephen Schaeffer, New York City, becomes enchanted with his own story as he reads from a comic book to two hill-dwelling Kachin youngsters. A pile of the comic books, carried by liason personnel with the Chinese Army keeping the Japanese clear of the link between the Stilweel and Burma Roads, is between the threesome waiting to be read.
Credit: Bettmann / Contributor
Editorial #: 515384276
Collection: Bettmann
Date created: 02 February, 1945
They are reading
Wonder Comics (Pines) #3 (November 1944)
#4 - 1945.10-aboard USS Sarsi
Source unknown.
Reading Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett) #45 (April 1945) aboard USS Sarsi in the Aleutians Oct. 1945 -PX
#5 - 1945-Sam Shere
(Original caption) Reading a comic book while traveling on a Pullman car, 1945.
Sam Shere—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images message pictures/newsstands/1945-OurNavy.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1950.09.09-machine_gun_and_comic_book.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1950.09.09-machine_gun_and_comic_book_(verso).jpg message pictures/newsstands/1950-Korea_1.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1951.05.21-Korea_2.jpg 6 7 8 9 10
#6 - 1945-Our Navy 1945.04.15
This sailor is looking over the March 1945 issue of The Shadow Comics in an onboard canteen, or Gyp Joint, on the cover of the April 15, 1945, issue of Our Navy.
Row behind the Our Navy logo:
Fight Stories (Spring 1945)
Famous Fantastic Mysteries (March 1945)
Air Ace (S&S) v2 #8 (March 1945)
Captain Midnight (Fawcett) #28 (January 1945)
Row behind his head:
Young Allies #15 (Timley-Spring 1945)
Startling Comics #32 (Pines-March 1945)
Picture Stories from the Bible New Testament (EC) #1 [2nd] (1946)
Three Ring Comics #1 (Spotlight-March 1945) x2
Camera Comics #2 (U.S. Camera-December 1944)
3nd row down:
Comic Capers #3 (Timley-Spring 1945)
Our Gang Comics (Dell) #16 (March-April 1945)
Blue Circle Comics v2#1 (4) (Rural Home-February 1945)
Reading Shadow Comics v4#12 [48] (S&S-March 1945)
#7 - 1950.09.09-machine gun and comic book
See next pic for details
#8 - 1950.09.09-machine gun and comic book (verso)
Original source unknown.
#9 - 1950-Korea_1
440th Signal Battalion Historic Pictures:
"Relaxing in Korea, Sgt Schultz reading a comic book"
#10 - 1951.05.21-Korea_2
(Original caption) Private G.U.I. Lambert, 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, reads a comic book in a slit trench, Korea
Credit: Paul E. Tomelin. Canada. Department of National Defence. Library and Archives Canada, PA-128806 /
Date(s) : May 28, 1951
You can see it in much larger sizes here: message pictures/newsstands/1951-Korean_War-John_Dominis.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1952-military.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1954-Naval_Hospital_Beauforts_gift_shop.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1960s-Nam-Reading_comics.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1970-mad_soldier.jpg 11 12 13 14 15
#11 - 1951-Korean War-John Dominis
American troops read comic books during the Korean War, 1951.
John Dominis—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(Original caption) Relaxing and reading comic books during break in the retreat.
Life Magazine, January 01, 1951
#12 - 1952-Comic Books in Barracks
(Original caption) Two soldiers read comic books on their barracks cots while a third looks on at an unidentified US military base, Korea, 1952. (Photo by Harold Feinstein/Getty Images)
#13 - 1954-Naval Hospital Beauforts gift shop
(Original caption) A man in a wheelchair with his leg in a cast examines the magazine and comic book selection at Naval Hospital Beaufort's gift shop, circa 1954.
Photograph courtesy of Regena Kowitz, Public Affairs
Officer/Customer Relations Officer, Naval Hospital Beaufort.
COMICS are at bottom right.
Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica (Archie) #11 (February 1954) -guess
Wendy Parker (Marvel) #7 (May 1954)
Shocking Mystery Cases (Star) #58 (April 1954)
Mighty Bear (Star) #14 (March 1954)
Red Ryder Comics (Dell) #128 (March 1954)
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan (Dell) #54 (March 1954)
Donald Duck unknown issue,
Tip Top Comics (United) #185
The Spirit (Fiction House) #5 (1954)
#14 - 1960s-USA soldiers of the LRRP in Vietnam
Source unknown.
Reading a Conan, or a Conan like comic
#15 - 1970-Mad soldier
Reading Mad Special #3, 1970-71
That's it for this batch. More military to come in the future!
--- Quote from: Yoc on May 06, 2018, 09:03:39 AM ---#11 - 1944.08.04-Pfc. Jimmy Smith
Pfc. Jimmy Smith of Atlanta reads the ‘Blondie' comic trip to local boys. France. August 04, 1944.
Credit: Bettmann / Contributor
Editorial #: 515384022
--- End quote ---
Well no, not unless the soldier and boys possess X-ray vision.
Point taken. Perhaps it should be 'will be soon reading...'.
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