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Historical Photos: Classic pics!

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Here's a selection of pictures with 'wow' factors that have been shared over the years. I suspect you might have seen most of them already if you've been interested in comics or comic blogs for any real time. But they are still very cool and well worth sharing.
Dad Bailey's newsstand message pictures/newsstands/1939.12-Dad_Bailey_newsstand.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1941.03-Dad_Bailey_newsstand_2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1941.03-Dad_Bailey_newsstand_3.jpg           1                       2                       3
#1 - Dad Bailey newsstand 1 - 1939
found on David "Bodie" Bailey's blog.
This was Charles Bailey's second business. He worked for years in the luggage business. A fire took his business and it was then that he found out someone forgot to pay the insurance. Old enough to retire, but without much money he opened up this newsstand. It thrived and got bigger and he worked there for many years, he lived till he was ninety. It was possibly located on or near Florence in South Los Angeles close to USC.
COMICS- Window, top to bottom (l-r)
Top Row:
Detective Comics (DC) #32 (Oct 1939)
Mutt & Jeff (DC) #[2] (Summer 1940)
King Comics (David McKay) #40 (August 1939) guess.

Second row:
Keen Komics (Centaur) v2 #3 (November 1939)
All-American (DC) #8 (November 1939)
More Fun (DC) #48 (October 1939)
Movie Comics (DC) #6 (Sept/Oct 1939)
And you too can OWN a 3D copy of the Bailey newsstand as found on this website if you can believe it:

#2 - Dad Bailey newsstand 2 - 1941
COMICS: Hanging on line (l-r):
Hit (Quality) #11 (May 1941)
Big 3 (Fox) #2 (Winter 1941)
Champ Comics (Harvey) #13 (May 1941)
All-American Comics (DC) #25 (April 1941)
World's Best Comics (DC) #1 (Spring 1941)
Superman (DC) #10 (May-June 1941)
Action (DC) #35 (April 1941)
All-Star Comics (DC) #4 (March-April 1941)
Master Comics (Fawcett) #13 (April 1941)
Blue Beetle (Fox) #6 (March-April 1941)

On wall behind the gumball machine top to bottom:
Action 4 ?
Champ #13 ?
Green Hornet (Temerson) #3 (April 1941)
Bat-Man #4?

Look carefully and you'll see a Detective Fiction Weekly pulp from March 15, 1941, on display among the magazines at the bottom of this newsstand in Los Angeles. Liberty Magazine from March 1941 and the Movie Story from April 1941.

#3 - Dad Bailey message pictures/newsstands/1936.11.23-Life.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1936.11.23-Life-listed.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1939.11-coloured.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1940_Summer_comics_on_steps.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1947.01.01-Charles_Teenie_Harris.jpg            4                       5                        6                      7                        8

#4 - 1936.11.23-LIFE
NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - DECEMBER 1936: Woman looking at a newsstand copy of LIFE magazine.
(Photo by Time Inc. Picture Collection/Time Inc. Picture Collection/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

Editorial #: 51801103
Collection: The LIFE Picture Collection
Date created: November 23, 1936
The woman is reaching for the FIRST issue of LIFE MAGAZINE (dated 11/23/36, price 10 cents) which was reintroduced as a weekly photojournalism magazine.

Notice in the row above the Life Magazine are a series of comic books. This photo captures an pre-superhero time when several titles were just starting and a few that were in transition. I was able to identify almost all of the comics starting with the Mickey Mouse magazine located above the woman's hand. The books are (left to right):

Mickey Mouse (Disney) v2 #3(15),
More Fun (DC) v2 #4 (16),
Funny Picture Stories (Comics Magazine Comp.) #v1#2,
Tip-Top (United) #8,
Funny Pages (Comics Magazine Comp.) v1 #6 (November 1936),
King Comics (David McKay) #9,
New Comics (DC) #11,
The Funnies (Comics Magazine Comp.) #3,
Popular Comics (Dell) #11,
Detective Picture Stories (Comics Magazine Comp.) #1,
Famous Funnies (Eastern) #29.

All of the books have a publication date of December 1936 except for Funny Pages which was November.

#5 - 1936.11.23-LIFE from the Bleeding Cool blog
a breakdown with colour covers of the comics in this picture.

#6 - 1939.11-coloured
Original source and recolouring unknown.

Action Comics (DC) #21 (Feb 1940)
Funny Pages (Comics Magazine Comp.) v4 #1 (Jan 1940)
Silver Streak (Lev Gleason) #2 (Jan 1940)
Ace Comics (David McKay) #35 (Feb 1940)
Jumbo Comics (FH) #12 (Feb 1940)
Flash Comics (DC) #2 (Feb 1940)
Zip Comics (MLJ) #1 (Feb 1940)
Speed Comics (Harvey) #2 (Nov 1939)
Mystery Men Comics (Fox) #7 (Feb 1940)

#7 - 1940-Summer comics on steps
It's been suggested this came from an old yearbook.

COMICS Front First Row:
Whiz (Fawcett) #4 (May'40),
Ella Cinders Single Series (United) #3 (?),
Superman (DC) #3 (Winter'39),
Blue Beetle (Fox) #2 (May-Jun'40),
Adventure (DC) #49 (Apr'40))

Second Row up:
Super Comics (Western) #20 (Jan'40),
Adventure (DC) #40 (Jul'39),
Wonderworld (Fox) #9 (Jan'40),
Marvel Comics (Marvel) #1 (Nov'39)

Third row up:
Tip Top (United) 47 (Mar'40),
Science Comics (Fox) #3 (Apr'40),
Marvel Mystery (Marvel) #4 (Feb'40),
Science Comics (Fox) #1 (Feb'40)

#8 - 1947.01.01-Charles Teenie Harris
Girl reading 'Mickey Mouse and the Submarine Pirates' comic book with small dog lying across her lap, in George Harris' Confectionery store, 2121 Wylie Avenue, Hill District, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1947.

Photo by Charles 'Teenie' Harris Archive/Carnegie Museum of Art / Contributor/Getty Images
COMICS First row: tops cut off.

Second row:
Far right, unknown.
2nd from right: True Sport Picture Stories (S&S) v3#12 (March 1947)
4th from left: Raggedy Ann and Andy (Dell) #10 (April 1947)
5th from left: unknown
6th from left: Patsy Walker (Marvel) #10 (April 1947)
7th from left: Rusty Comics (Marvel) #12 (April 1947)

Bottom row:
Far right: Zoot (Fox) #6 (March-April 1947)
2nd from right: Wonder Comics (Pines-) #11 (Apr1947)

1947 - she's reading Four Color #116 - Mickey Mouse and the House of Many Mysteries (August 1946)
From Tommy Burns

Row behind her head:
Raggedy Ann and Andy (Dell) #10 (March 1947)
Real Life Comics (Nedor) #38 (March 1947)
Patsy Walker (Marvel) #10 (April 1947)
Sparky Watts (Columbia) #5 (1947)
Picture Stories From American History (EC)
Sensation Comics (DC) #64 (April 1947)
Star-Spangled (DC) #67 (April 1947)
True Sport Picture Stories (S&S) v3#12 (March 1947)
Shadow Comics (S&S) v6#12 [72] (March 1947)

Row behind girl:
Superman (DC) #45 (March-April 1947)
True Comics (Parents') #58 (March 1947 )
Terry and the Pirates (unknown)
Wonder Comics (Pines) #11 (April 1947)
Zoot Comics (Fox) #6 (March-April 19470) last funny animal issue. message pictures/newsstands/1945.05-LIFE-ComicBookstand2-Philippines.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1945.05-LIFE-ComicBookstand-Philippines.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1948.06-colour.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1948.06-colour-calandar.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1949.02.17-The_Blue_Front_Cigar_Store,_Ann_Arbor_Michigan.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1949.09-COMIC-BOOK-RACK.jpg            9                       10                      11                    12                      13                      14

#9 - 1945.05-LIFE-ComicBookstand-Philippines 1
A Turkish kid renting comics to support his family in the phillipines, May 1945.
(Carl Mydan, Life Magazine)

COMICS Front row Left to right:
Sensation (DC) #35 (Nov'44),
Unknown More Fun,
Blue Bolt (Novelty) v5 #3 [51]

Second row:
Possibly coverless True Comics #39 -Merrill's Marauders

Top row:
Unknown Thrilling

#10 - 1945.05-LIFE-ComicBookstand-Philippines 2
"Boy renting out comic books to local children to support his family. Philippines. May 1945"
(Carl Mydan, Life Magazine)

The boy in front is reading Black Terror #6 (May'44).

#11 - 1948.06-comics in colour
Image for a 1959 calendar.

Original shared on this very interesting blog:

COMICS All from 1948: Giggle Comics #54 (June)
Calling All Kids #19 (June)
Ace Comics #135 (June)
Frisky Fables #3 (June)
All Star Comics #41 (June/July)
Joe Palooka #21 (June)
Jumbo Comics (June)
Feature Comics #123 (June)
behind the head of the boy on the left is Captain Marvel #86 (July)
Popeye #2 (May-July)
Patsy Walker #17 (July)
Li'l Abner #64 (June)
Daredevil #49 (July)
behind the girl is Tip Top Comics #143 (June)
Winnie Winkle #2 (June-August)
Smitty #2 (May-July)
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #91 (Vol.8, No.7; April)
Red Ryder #58 (May)
Action Comics #120 (May)
Prize Comics Western #69 (May/June; formerly Prize Comics until #68)
Jingle Jangle Comics (June).
The boy on the left is reading Super Duck, probably #20 (June).

#12 - Here is the 1959 calendar.
measures 19.0 x 25.4 cm. The reverse is blank.
Photo shared by Henry McCoy.

#13 - 1949.02.17-The Blue Front Cigar Store, Ann Arbor Michigan.
Original caption for photo taken at the store on 2/17/49:

For a five-year-old, choosing one comic book from a whole stand of them is like trying to select the biggest, reddest apple from a bushel basket.

Russell Whitehead, kindergarten pupil at Perry School, decided on "The Three Little Pigs," but not until he had given a dozen other offerings the twice-over.

His mother, Mrs. Barry Whitehead of 711 Arch St., figured it wouldn't be long until Russell huffed and puffed and blew his way through "Pigs."

Then they'll probably be back at the magazine stand.
Almost all genres of comics can seen on the racks here and the only genres that are not seen are crime and horror.

Note the sci-fi pulps on the top shelf.

More on the store can be read here:

The boy is holding Four Color # 218-Three Little Pigs.
On lower right, there's also Four Color # 217 - Bugs Bunny.
Starlet O'Hara, Mopsy, Bruce Gentry.
Far left top to bottom:
Venus (Marvel) #4 (Apr1949),
Babe Ruth Sports (Harvey) #1 (April 1949)
Cap. America (Marvel) #72 (May 1949)
Jungle Jim (Nedor) #13 (guess)
Abbot and Costello (St.John) #7 (May 1949)
Lone Ranger?

2nd from left top:
Rangers (FH) #46 (April 1949)
Terry & the Pirates (Harvey)#15 (guess) (April 1949)
Boy Comics (Lev Gleason) #47 (August 1949)
Four Color (Dell) #219 - Swee'pea (March 1949)

3rd row from left top:
Fritzi Ritz (United) #3 (1949)
Billy West (Pines) #1 (April 1949)
Spunky (Pines) #1 (April 1949)
Whiz (Fawcett) #108 (April 1949)
Bruce Gentry (Superior) #4 (March 1949)
Mutt & Jeff (DC) #39 (April-May 1949)
Brocho Bill (Pines) #10 (Mar 1949)

4th row from left top:
Marvel Mystery (Marvel) #91 (April 1949)
Margie (Marvel) #46 (April 1949)
Pep (Archie) #72 (March 1949)
Boots #7
Starlet O'Hara in Hollywood (Pines) #2 (March 1949)
Air Boy (Hillman) v6#2 [61] (March 1949)
Teen-Age Romances (St.John) #2 April 1949)
Black Diamond Western (Lev Gleason) #9 (March 1949)
Giggle (Pines) #64 ? (April 1949)
Goofy (Pines) #31 (April 1949)
Tip-Top (United) #152 (March 1949)
Bruce Genry again

5th row from left top:
Captain Marvel Adv (Fawcett) #95 (April 1949)
Mopsy (St.John) #5
Boy Commandos (DC) #32 March-April 1949)
Tommy Big Top (Pines) #12 (March 1949)
Ernie (Ace) #25 (March 1949)
Patsy Walker (Marvel) #22 (May1949)
Four Color (Dell) #218 - Walt Disney's 3 Little Pigs and the Wonderful Magic Lamp
(March 1949)
Tessie (Marvel) #21 (April1949)
True (Parents) #76 (April1949)
Patsy Walker (Marvel) #22 (May1949) again

6th row top:
Romance Adventures (ACG) #1 (March/April 1949)
Western Comics (DC) #8 (March-April 1949)
Star Spangled (DC) #91 (April 1949)
Ozzie and Babs (Fawcett) #11 (April 1949)
Coo Coo (Pines) #44 (March 1949)
Archie (Archie) #39 (July-August 1949)
Tex Granger (Parents) #21 (March 1949)
Adventure (DC) #138 (March 1949)

7th row bottom:
Kerry Drake Detective Cases (Harvey) #13 (March 1949)
Four Color (Dell) #217 - Bugs Bunny in Court Jester (February 1949)
All Humor Comics (Quality) #13 (Spring 1949)

14- 1949.09-COMIC-BOOK-RACK.jpg
Orignal source unknown.

Bottom row left to right:
Darling Romance (Archie) #1 (September-October 1949)
Terry and the Pirates (Harvey) #17 (August 1949 )
Wanted (Hillman) #22 (September 1949)
Black Cat (Harvey) #19 (September 1949)
Boy Comics (Lev Gleason) #47 (August 1949)
Crime and Punishment #18 (September 1949)
Daredevil Comics (Lev Gleason) #56 (September 1949)
Crown Comics (McCombs) #19 (July 1949)
Westerner (Hillman) #22 (August 1949)
Crime Does Not Pay (Lev Gleason) #78 (August 1949)
Humphrey (Harvey) #3 (February 1949)
Smitty (Dell) #7 (August-October 1949)

And four back from Terry and the Pirates:
Crime Patrol (EC) #14 (October-November 1949)

Four back from Daredevil is very likely
A Moon, a Girl...Romance (EC) #9 (September-October 1949)

Four back from the Crime Does Not Pay appears to be Captain America's Weird Tales (Mavel) #74 (October 1949)

More classic pics to come in the future.

Hi Gang,
Next up are more I consider 'Classic' photos.  You see them everywhere and many for good reasons! message pictures/newsstands/1940.08.12-newsstand_big.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.05.23-30,_Southington,_Connecticut.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.05.23-30,_Southington,_Connecticut_coloured.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.05.23-30,_Southington,_Connecticut-2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1942.09-boy_on_comics.jpg              1                       2                        3                      4                      5

#1 - 1940.08.12-newsstand_H. Armstrong Roberts
1940s BOY SITTING AT CORNER NEWSSTAND WRITING IN NOTEPAD (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images)

Collier's Weekly, August 17, 1940 on top right.

Life Magazine, August 12, 1940 on top left.

Third row from top-
Jungle Stories v1 #7 (pulp), Jumbo (FH) #20 (Oct 40), ?, Popular (Dell) #55 (Sep 40),
Crackajack Funnies (Dell) #27 (Sep 40), Planet (FH) #9 (Sep 40)

Bottom row  (l-r)-
?,  Slam-Bang Comics (Ace) 06 (Aug'40),  Jungle something (Not FH).
Fight Comics (FH) #8 (Aug'40)
Upper row (l-r)-
?, Jumbo, Mickey Mouse, Popular (Dell) #55 (September 1940), Crackajack (Dell) #27 (September 1940), Planet (FH) likely #8.

Lower row (l-r)-
?, Slam Bang (Fawcett) #6 (August 1940), Jungle title, Fight unknown

#2 -1942.05.23-30 -Southington, Connecticut original
May 1942. "Southington, Connecticut. Where Southington folk buy their magazines." Photo by Fenno Jacobs, Office of War Information.

Astounding, June of 1942
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1942 (Vol. 3, No. 3), upper right on the wall rack

COMICS listed in colour version.

#3 -1942.05.23-30 -Southington, Connecticut colourized
Amazingly hand coloured by Avi A Katz (2014) and is explained by him here:

LEFT SIDE RACK (top to bottom)(l to r) -
Captain Aero Comics (Holyoke) v1 #12 (6) (June 1942)
Rangers Comics (FH) #12 (August 1943)
America's Best Comics (Pines) v1 #1 (February 1942)
Spy Smasher (Fawcett) #5 (June 24, 1942)
Adventure Comics (DC) #75 (June 1942)
Exciting Comics (Pines) v7 #1 (19) (May 1942)
Target Comics (Novelty) v3 #5 [29] (July 1942)
Dell Four Color (Dell) #22 - Don Winslow of the Navy (1941)

RIGHT SIDE RACK (top to bottom)(l to r) -
Speed Comics (Harvey) #19 (June 1942)
Military Comics (Quality) #10 (June 1942)
Uncle Sam Quarterly (Quality) #3 (Summer 1942)
Tip Top Comics (United) v7 #2 (74) (June 1942)
Real Life Comics (Pines) #6 (July 1942) x2
Champ Comics (Harvey) #20 (July 1942)
More Fun Comics (DC) #81 (July 1942)
Wings Comics (FH) #23 (July 1942)
King Comics (David McKay) #75 (July 1942)
Sparkler Comics (United) v2 #11 (11) (June 1942)
Super Mystery Comics #?
Blue Bolt (Novelty) v3 #2 [26] (July 1942)
Exciting Comics (Pines) v7 #1 (19) (May 1942)
Bill Barnes, America's Air Ace Comics (S&S) #v1#7 (July 1942)
Champ Comics (Harvey) #19 (June 1942)
Green Lantern (DC) #4 (Summer 1942)
Red Ryder Comics (Dell) #7 (May-June 1942) -guess
Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics (Eastern) #12 (May 1942)
Target Comics (Novelty) v3 #5 [29] (July 1942) -guess
Superman (DC) #17 (July-August 1942)
Jungle Comics #?
Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett) #11 (May 29, 1942)
Startling Comics (Pines) v5 #3 (15) (June 1942)
Pep Comics (Archie) #28 (June 1942) -guess
Marvel Mystery Comics #?
Something Frolics
Doc Savage Comics (S&S) v1 #8 [8] (June 1942)
Army and Navy Comics (S&S) #5 (July 1942)
Shadow Comics (S&S) v2 #5 [17] (July 1942) (S&S)
Sensation Comics (DC) #7 (July 1942)
Human Torch #?
Feature Comics (Quality) #57 (June 1942)
Action Comics #?
Thrilling Comics (Pines) v10 #1 (28) (June 1942)
Master Comics (Fawcett) #27 (June 1942)
Hit Comics (Quality) #22 (June 1942)
Flash Comics (DC) #31 (July 1942)
Startling Comics #?

#4 -1942.05.23-30 -Southington, Connecticut-2
May 1942. "Southington, Connecticut. Where Southington folk buy their magazines." Photo by Fenno Jacobs, Office of War Information.

Another photo from the same session.

#5 -1942.09-boy on comics
Comic Reader-A boy reading comics, circa 1955. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

COMICS: (Top left)
Police Comics (Quality) #11 (September 1942)
Boy Comics (Lev Gleason) #5 (August 1942)
National Comics (Quality) #24 (August 1942)
Speed Comics (Harvey) #21 (August 1942)
He's reading Speed Comics (Harvey) #22 [Sep'42]
Crime Does Not Pay (Lev Gleason) #23 (September 1942) under hand and another by chin
Police Comics (Quality) #11 again
Speed Comics (Harvey) #22 (September 1942) bottom left corner

Unknown S&S by crook of elbow under Police and CDNP. message pictures/newsstands/1943-NYC_tenements-small.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1946.09.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1948.06.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1948.07-comicland.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1948.07-comicland-coloured.jpg            6                       7                        8                        9                       10

#6 - 1943-NYC tenements
A Manhattan NYC tenement lot in 1943.
A much bigger version is found here:

COMICS (l-r)
unknown x2,
Zip Comics (MLJ) possibly #36 (April 1943), 
Action (DC) #62 (July 1943),

#7 -1946.09 Boys reading
"Two boys read comic books at a newsstand in September 1946. Pulp are stacked on the shelves along the left-side of the photo."
Original source unknown.

COMICS Top row left to right:
Blue Bolt (Novelty) #v7#7 [73] v7#7 (Dec'46)
Egbert (Quality) #4 (Winter 1946)
Modern (Quality) #56 (Dec'46)
Prize Comics #62 (Nov-Dec'46)

Second row from top:
4 unknown books
Funny Stuff (DC) #16 (Dec'46)
Mutt&Jeff (DC) #25
Unknown S book
Buzzy (DC) #10

Third row from top:
Wilbur unknown #,

Boy on left is reading Mutt & Jeff (DC) #25 (December 1946-January 1947)

#8 -1948.06-Boys and dog
Original source unknown.

Kerry Drake Detective Cases (Super Pub) #9
[circa August 1948]

Tip Top Comics v12#11 (143) (June 1948)

Hit Parader - July 1948 - Janet Blair on cover

#9 -1948.07-Comicland
The all time classic newsstand photo in my opinion!  Used as a full page ad in a newsdealer magazine you can read c2c online below:

You can see the entire 1948.07_newsdealer-magazine (comicland picture on pg12) here:

(original caption) This attractive comics corner in John Harding's modern Bayonne, N.J. store rings up a monthly gross profit of about $50 which almost pays Mr. Harding's rent.  A Permanent, wooden "Comicland" sign has been ordered by the alert Mr. Harding to make his comics corner still more attractive an profitable.

This list is no where near complete.  Just the titles that are known for sure.
COMICS, VERY TOP ROW (above all the others)(l to r):
Archie Comics (Archie) #33 (July-August 1948)
Detective Comics (DC) #137 (July 1948)
Joe Palooka Comics (Harvey) #22 (July 1948)
Jingle Jangle Comics (Eastern) #33 (June 1948)
Junior Miss (Marvel) #30
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Comics (Dell) #81 (July 1948)
Marvel Mystery Comics (Marvel) #87 (August 1948)
Mopsy (St. John) #3
Justice Traps the Guilty (Prize) v1 #5 (5) (July-August 1948)

BOTTOM ROW (l to r):
Crime Does Not Pay (Lev Gleason) #65 (July 1948)
Margie Comics (Marvel) #42 (August 1948)
Mutt & Jeff (DC) #35 (August-September 1948)
Mr. District Attorney (DC) #4 (July-August 1948)
Suzie Comics (Archie) #63 (June 1948)
Smilin' Jack (Dell) #2 (April-June 1948)
Sugar Bowl Comics (Eastern) #2 (July 1948)
Wilbur Comics (Archie) #19 (June 1948)

Gay Comics (Marvel) #33 (August 1948)
Authentic Police Cases (St. John) #3 (June 1948)

#10 -1948.07-Comicland-colourized
Colorized by Kirby Museum co-founder Rand Hoppe message pictures/newsstands/1948+ladies.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1950.01_reading_friends.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1950.04-Best_friends.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1951.04_oldnewsstand.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1956.04-spinner_rack.jpg            11                    12                     13                       14                      15

#11 -1948+ proper ladies
From Getty Images but I can't find a link for it there.

COMICS: Western Outlaws (Fox) #48 (Nov'48),
Unknown 'Funnies' comic

#12 -1950.01-Comic Readers
(original caption) Two boys reading comics, circa 1950. (Photo by Harry Menkin/FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Reading Terry-Toons (Marvel) #7 (April 1943)

#13 -1950.04-Best friends
Original source unknown

He's reading Popeye (Dell) #12 (April-May 1950)

#14 -1951.04 old newsstand -Armstrong Roberts
1950s NEWSSTAND WITH MAN BUYING MAGAZINE (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images)

COMICS, bottom row from Right to Left are:
John Wayne Adventure Comics (Toby) #8 (May 1951)
Red Ryder Comics (Dell) #91 (February 1951)
Cowgirl Romances (Fiction House) #4 (1951)
Long Bow (Fiction House) #1 (1951)
Teen-Age Romances (St. John) #16 (June 1951)
The Texan (St. John) #14 (June 1951)
The Ghost Rider (ME) #3 [A-1 No. 31] (1951)
King of the Bad Men of Deadwood (Avon) one-shot
Famous Gangsters (Avon) #1 (April 1951)
The Captain and the Kids (United) #21
Gene Autry Comics (Dell) #48 (February 1951)
Goofy Comics (Pines) #42 (March 1951)
The Chief (Dell) #2 ([April-June] 1951)

The rack behind the man has two columns of comics the titles in the rack are:

Column 1 --- Column 2
Rangers Comics --- Pancho Villa (Avon)
Famous Stars --- Peter Rabbit (Avon)
GI Joe --- True Movie and Television #3
Lil Abner --- Dear Beatrice Fairfax
Kid Cowboy --- Durango Kid
Real Life Comics --- Ozark
Western Hearts --- Straight Arrow
Movie Love --- Fight
Wild Bill Elliot --- King Comics
Bill West --- Wambi Jungle Boy
Famous Funnies --- Kathy
Thrilling Romances --- Indians
Rex Allen --- B-Bar-B Riders
Charlie McCarthy #6 --- Jungle Comics
Amazing Adventures #1 --- Supermouse #11

#15 -1956.04-spinner rack -Carl Iwasaki
A view of Roy Yates Drug Store. (Photo by Carl Iwasaki/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

Far left (top to bottom)
Dennis the Menace (Pines) #16 (May 1956)
Daffy (unknown)

Middle (t to b)
All-American Men at War (DC) #33 (May 1956)
Jesse James (Avon) #27 (April-May 1956)
The Adventures of Bob Hope (DC) #38  (April-May 1956)
Marines at Battle (Atlas) #10 or 11
Marge's Little Lulu (Dell) #94 (April 1956)

Right row (t to b)
Mystic (Marvel) #44 or 45 (March 1956)
Matt Slade, Gunfighter (Marvel) #1 (May 1956)
Casper the Friendly Ghost (Harvey) #44 (May 1956) x2
Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker (Dell) #36 (April-May 1956)
Action Comics (DC) #215 (April 1956)
Bob Hope (DC) #38 (April-May 1956)

Hopalong Cassidy (DC) likely #112 (Apr 1956)
Superman (DC) #106 in boy's hand  (May 1956)

How is that for a great selection of pictures?  Hope you liked them!

That unknown Jungle title isn't a comic it's the pulp Jungle Stories v1 #7

Sorry S, in which picture number are you talking about?

Sorry, picture #1.


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