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Historical Photos - Pre-Comics era


Here's where you will find the earliest pre-comics photos I have to share of various photo types.  Newsstands, kids, etc.

*********** message pictures/newsstands/1926.04-new-york-city.jpg           1
John Lanz, N.E. Corner Seventh Ave. & 47th St.
Credit: Byron Company (New York, N.Y.)

#1  This blind news vendor has April 1926 issues of Detective Story Magazine, Western Story Magazine & Short Stories  for sale.

Here's another batch of pre-comics era pictures for you all: message pictures/newsstands/1863.08-11-Meade_in_Virginia,_August-November_1863.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1898-France.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1903.04-spencer_family_of_pittsburgh_PA.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1910.04.23-Salt_Lake_Tribunes_Paper_Wagon.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1911.02-anaheim-calif.jpg            1                       2                        3                        4                       5

#1: 1863.08-11-Meade in Virginia, August-November 1863.jpg
Title: [Virginia. Newspaper vendor and cart in camp]
Creator(s): Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882, photographer

Library of Congress

This is the earliest newsstand photo I've found in my travels. Kinda cool no?

#2: 1898-Newspaper seller at the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris, 1898.
(Photo credit: Eugène Atget / Musée Carnavalet via Paris en Images Project)

#3: 1903.04-Spencer family of Pittsburgh PA.

#4: 1910.04.23-Salt Lake Tribune's Paper Wagon, April 23rd, 1910.
Mss C 275; Shipler Commercial Photographers Collection; Classified Photo Collection 070.33 Newsstands
Photo Number Shipler #10444
Creator Shipler Commercial Photographers; Shipler, Harry
Publisher Utah State Historical Society;
Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

#5:  1911.02-Anaheim, Cal.
This store in Anaheim, Calif., carries all sorts of items, including issues of The Popular Magazine; dated early 1911.

Found on message pictures/newsstands/1903-Sixth_Avenue_-_23rd_St.-magazine-stand.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1903-Sixth_Avenue_-_23rd_St.-_colourized.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1903-Sixth_Avenue_-_23rd_St.-detail.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1903-Sixth_Avenue_-_West_42nd_St.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1913.06-new-york.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1915.07.12_News_Wagon_Salt_Lake_City_Utah.jpg            6                       7                        8                        9                     10                    11

#6: 1903-Sixth Avenue - 23rd St.
This photo shows the entrance to the 6th Ave. elevated "L" train on the corner of 23rd St.

You can download a MUCH larger version of this from here:

#7: 1903-Sixth_Avenue_-_23rd_St.-_colourized.jpg
This is a colourized version by AVIAKATZ.

#8: 1903-Sixth Avenue - 23rd St.- Close-up
Here's a closer look at what was on sale back then. Pulp magazines for sale in New York features a January 1903 number of The Argosy hanging from its lower right side.

#9: 193- -Sixth Avenue - West 42nd St
Title: Sixth Avenue - West 42nd Street
Additional title: Elevated Sixth Avenue El 42nd Street Station.

Wurts Bros. (New York, N.Y.) (Photographer)

NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16468585
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 9f2f88b0-c5ec-012f-ebf0-58d385a7bc34

Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy, The New York Public Library. (193). Sixth Avenue - West 42nd Street Retrieved from

A larger version of this can be found here:

#10: 1913.06-New York City.
In this June 1913 photo, there's a Popular Magazine in the side display of this newsstand, and Adventure (just the nameplate visible) on the bottom row of the top display.

Found on

#11: 1915.07.12-News Wagon 300 South and Main, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Shipler Commercial Photographers; Shipler, Harry.
Utah State Historical Society; Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Date 1915-07-12

That's it for this update of some of the earliest stands I can find.

Hi Gang,
Here's some more early pre-comics era newsstand photos of drug stores which sold a variety of magazines and pulps at the time.

The first batch are all of a single store - Peoples Drugs Store, 11th & G St., Washington, D.C.. 
Seems there were several of these around the country and they look quite sophisticated from these pictures. message pictures/newsstands/1920-Washington,_DC_People's_Drug_Store,_11th_&_G_Streets_outside.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Washington,_DC_People's_Drug_Store,_11th_&_G_Streets_1-interior.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Washington,_DC_People's_Drug_Store,_11th_&_G_Streets_2.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Washington,_DC_People's_Drug_Store,_11th_&_G_Streets_3.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1920-Washington,_DC_People's_Drug_Store,_11th_&_G_Streets_4.jpg            1                      2                        3                        4                      5

#1 - 1919-1920-Peoples Drugs Store, 11th & G, Washington, D.C., night.
District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, 1919. [or 1920] Photograph.

#2 - 1920-21-Peoples Drug Store, interior
11th & G, Washington, D.C. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, None. [Between 1920 and 1921] Photograph.

#3 - 1920-21-Peoples Drug Store, interior 2
11th & G, Washington, D.C. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, None. [Between 1920 and 1921] Photograph.

#4 - 1920-21-Peoples Drug Store, group
11th & G, Washington, D.C. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, None. [Between 1920 and 1921] Photograph.

#5 - 1920-21-Peoples Drug Store, front of store
11th & G, Washington, D.C. District of Columbia United States Washington D.C. Washington D.C, None. [Between 1920 and 1921] Photograph.

Next up is three from the Williamsburg Bridge in NYC taken by Eugene de Salignac message pictures/newsstands/1918.06.03-NYC_Williamsburg_Bridge2-Salignac.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1918.06.03-NYC_Williamsburg_Bridge1-Salignac.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1918.06.03-NYC_Williamsburg_Bridge1-close-up.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1922.05-drugstore-1.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1929.02-Cosmo-Rinhart.jpg            6                       7                      8                       9                      10

#6 - 1918.06.03-Williamsburg Bridge view showing news stand south side of Delancey Street between Clinton and Suffolk
Creator: Salignac, Eugene de, 1861-1943

#7 - 1918.06.03-Williamsburg Bridge view of newspaper stands east side of Norfolk Street at west end of trolley stair house
Creator: Salignac, Eugene de, 1861-1943

#8 - 1918.06.03-Williamsburg Bridge view of newspaper stands close-up
Creator: Salignac, Eugene de, 1861-1943

You can see an issue of
Cosmopolitan June 1918

#9 - 1922.05-unknown drugstore
You can see an Argosy All–Story Weekly, The Blue Book  and the May 20, 1922, issue of The Popular Magazine are among the titles on display at left in this photo of a drugstore.

A woman stands at the counter of a drug store sometime in the first half of 1925. Along the bottom row of the magazine rack on the right are copies of the pulp magazines - Flynn's Blue Book, Action Stories, Love Story, Breezy Stories, Detective Fiction Weekly, Snappy Stories, Argosy All-Story Weekly.

#10 - 1929.2-People at Newsstand Browse Papers and Magazines
(Original Caption) Photo shows people at a newsstand, browsing , ca. 1929. (Photo by George Rinhart/Corbis via Getty Images)

You can see on the top right -
Cosmopolitan Magazine, (February 1929)  Artist: Harrison Fisher message pictures/newsstands/1934.03-04_News_Stand,_Apr._1934-Bray_small.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1935.07.13-MM1-Hulton.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1935-ms4-1309.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1938.09.26_NYC_newsstand.jpg message pictures/newsstands/1938.09-LIFE-San_Antonio_stand.jpg            11                     12                    13                     14                    15

#11 - 1934.04-Main Newsstand
Utah State Historical Society - Clifford Bray Film Negatives
© 2009 Utah State Historical Society. All Rights Reserved.
Reference URL:

The majority if not all the magazines are cover dated April but the Time, Liberty and newspapers seem to be late March.  Time Magazine from March 19, 1934.

Literay Digest from March 17, 1934

Another view of the same newsstand can be seen at this link:

#12 - 1935.07.13-Newstand Magazines -Hulton
(Original Caption) Various magazines and comic books at a newsstand. Featured are such magazines as Collier's, the Saturday Evening Post, and Time. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

COMIC: Between the Liberty and Redbook magazine is
Mickey Mouse Magazine v1 #1 (June-August [Summer] 1935)

Several pulps are across the top of the display.
Along the bottom is
Time Magazine - July 8, 1935 with Joseph A. Lyons on the cover.,16641,19350708,00.html

Colliers Weekly (July 13, 1935)

#13 - 1935 store interior
Source unknown.

Little Annie Rooney in foreground (1935 David McKay)

Mickey Mouse #4 (1934 David McKay)  -guess

#14 - 1938.09.26-Newsstand at Fifth Avenue & 42nd St., New York City
Source unknown

Lower right - Life Magazine (1938.09.26)

Middle right - Saturday Evening Post, (1938.10.01)

Bottom right - Collier's Weekly, (1938.10.01)

#15 - 1938.09-San Antonio stand
Here's an Oct 1938 shot of a San Antonio stand with an issue of Marvel Science Stories v1#2.
Life Magazine (October 24, 1938) - Sid Luckman cover

From the Pulpnet site:

More early newsstand photos to come!


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