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Captain DJ:
Personally I would have liked if you ask us to use our name first or created it under a generic name and then asked us if we wanted to take ownership of it.
It just looks like that account is run by us and have full control over it's content, when this is the first we have heard of it etc.

As for issuu website, I have used it in the past as part of my real job to easily display PDF's on a website without the user having to open pdf's etc

Issuu should have asked permission to do what they have done.
After all, they do not OWN DCM.
I agree 100 percent with CaptainDJ.
All DCM references should be removed from ISSUU.
This is not the way a person should run a business.


--- Quote from: Yoc on August 25, 2016, 09:38:55 AM ---And if DCM told you we had no interest in using your service and to please remove the files you've copied to Issuu would you do so?

DCM Staff

--- End quote ---

Yes that is what I have stated in my first post. This is a personal account owned by me and I'm willing to hand over access to the administrators for this site; please feel free to delete it if you feel it is not useful.

--- Quote from: raghav on August 25, 2016, 03:45:31 AM ---...
I would be happy to handover access of the issuu account to you.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Captain DJ on August 25, 2016, 09:59:16 AM ---Personally I would have liked if you ask us to use our name first or created it under a generic name and then asked us if we wanted to take ownership of it.
It just looks like that account is run by us and have full control over it's content, when this is the first we have heard of it etc.

As for issuu website, I have used it in the past as part of my real job to easily display PDF's on a website without the user having to open pdf's etc

--- End quote ---

I understand, but this is a personal account. The intention is only to promote the awesome work done by the volunteers of this site. I'm happy to hand over the account access to the administrators here.

I am offering to hand over the account to you. I would like to promote


--- Quote from: bminor on August 25, 2016, 01:55:44 PM ---Issuu should have asked permission to do what they have done.
After all, they do not OWN DCM.
I agree 100 percent with CaptainDJ.
All DCM references should be removed from ISSUU.
This is not the way a person should run a business.

--- End quote ---



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