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17K comics uploaded to ISSUU see
Captain DJ:
I personally don't mind the comics on issuu as our goal has always been to spread the comics wide and for everyone to gain access to them for free. It seems you have done this for the same reason but maybe gone about it in the slightly wrong way.
From an administration point of view, we won't want administration access to that account since we focus our spare time on this site and don't have time to manage the issuu account as well.
If you wish to keep the project going we just ask that you rename the account to something slightly different other than and if you want to help us out then just credit us with our name or a link back to the site where you found the comics etc.
Above is my personally opinion and I do not speak for all the other staff members, as we have not discussed this as a staff team.
--- Quote from: Captain DJ on August 25, 2016, 02:33:30 PM ---...
If you wish to keep the project going we just ask that you rename the account to something slightly different other than and if you want to help us out then just credit us with our name or a link back to the site where you found the comics etc.
--- End quote ---
Yes I want to help; if you as administrators do decide to keep this account then I'll happily credit as you suggest.
We appreciate that you enjoy the work being done on DCM, and believe me it is a lot of work by all - staff, scanners, editors and our generous donors.
I'm not sure how rehosting them on Issuu helps much other than a secondary source should DCM for some reason go dead.
Personally as long as Issuu isn't make money off of the scans, none, then I don't mind them being up there. But I don't speak for all the scanners here and I would HATE to hear someone stopped sharing because they didn't like the idea of the scan they've made being used by a 3rd party.
If scanners don't support DCM they we die.
--- Quote from: Yoc on August 25, 2016, 04:32:20 PM ---We appreciate that you enjoy the work being done on DCM, and believe me it is a lot of work by all - staff, scanners, editors and our generous donors.
I'm not sure how rehosting them on Issuu helps much other than a secondary source should DCM for some reason go dead.
Personally as long as Issuu isn't make money off of the scans, none, then I don't mind them being up there. But I don't speak for all the scanners here and I would HATE to hear someone stopped sharing because they didn't like the idea of the scan they've made being used by a 3rd party.
If scanners don't support DCM they we die.
--- End quote ---
I understand your point completely and re-iterate I will hand over the account password (no strings attached), should you feel this account may be detrimental to in any way.
- may help get more traffic back to think of it as a way to promote your e.g.,
- can provide with a way to allow users to read online on Desktops or Tablets or phones (on using an issuu embed e.g., You could put this on an page on
--- Code: ---<div data-configid="25826560/37751851" style="width:400px; height:300px;" class="issuuembed"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
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