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Kracalactaka Uploads

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Pep 69 is live over at CB+ Since the copyright was renewed from #72 on, CB+ policy is ok to upload up to #71

Dave Hayward:
Some more from Kracalactaka courtesy of Comic Book Plus.

Scans and original uploads by Kracalactaka.

Romantic Adventures 012 (inc) (ACG).

Scanned from a coverless book, fc and bc from e-Bay, missing
the ifc and ibc.

Suzie Comics 070 (upgrade) (now c2c) (MLJ/Archie).

Missing page scans provided to Kracalactaka by ebay user kleiaa.


darkmark (RIP):
BOOM, Kracalactaka!  BOOM, Kracalactaka!  ;-)

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Ok, I checked and CB+ seems right so we'll do the same here.

Thanks K and I know what you mean DM.

Dave Hayward:
More from Kracalactaka - courtesy of Comic Book Plus.

Love Journal 011 (inc) - Orbit.
Love Problems and Advice Illustrated 008 (inc) - Harvey.

Scans and original uploads by Kracalactaka.

Both are scanned from coverless copies Love Journal's fc is from e-Bay and
Love Problems and Advice Illustrated #8's fc is from a mycomicshop listing.
Centerfold panels rearranged for easier reading by Kracalactaka.

Both books are missing the ifc, ibc and bc.



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