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International reprints?
Kevin Yong:
Hi all. I posted this over at the Comicbookplus forums, but wanted to mention it here too.
I've come across a few interesting reprint anthologies from international publishers, and I'm curious about how much, if any, of the content may be public domain.
One is a Golden Age anthology from Canada ("Jumbo Comics #1" - 1948 - B&G Publishing) that actually appears to consist of a new cover slapped on top of four distinct Canadian reprint comics of American titles that were just stapled together to create this squarebound collection (Marvel's "Miss America Magazine", then "Sunny Comics", "Teen Town Comics" and finally an Archie comic.) I posted snapshots of this book on my blog if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about.
A second book is a coverless Silver Age reprint collection from Australia (Climax Adventure Comic #2 - 1963 - Colour Comics Pty. Ltd.) that consists of B&W reprints of various American titles from the 1950s. I found more info on the contents at the Ausreprints.com site.
At the very least, the two books are interesting and fun historical artifacts, even if I'm not able to exactly figure out where such Canadian or Australian reprints fit within the usual copyright/public domain rules of the DCM/CB+ sites. :)
HI Kevin,
DCM has been sharing UK reprints when they were of PD materials only and if they were made before our Dec 1959 cut-off.
So the Jumbo could be ok (depending on contents) while the Aussie book might be wanted on CB+
Geo (RIP):
Yes, some of the book would have to be removed to be posted here, like the "Archie" would not be PD. That was the one I saw when looking at your blog with the pictures you posted up. So some of it would be ok to post here, Not sure what CB+ would ok on it though. Have to talk with them about that.
Kevin Yong:
I'm asking over on the CB+ forums too, so we'll see what they say.
The DCM Facebook page has posted a photo gallery of many of the interior pages of the Jumbo Comics book (much more than the few snapshots on my blog), in case anyone wants to help play detective and try identifying the copyright status of the original source material of the collected Canadian reprints. (The Archie stuff and Marvel's Patsy Walker pages are easy enough to rule out, but that still leaves the other half of the anthology in limbo.)
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