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Desirable new features for DCM

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Hi guys,
A trade/selling area was considered but staff decided it might draw people to the site that had nothing but a desire to make a buck off us.
This is where I suggest people can use the CB+ Shameless Self-Promotion section.

Mark Warner:
Official line: We tried a classifieds section and it wasn't very successful

Unofficial line: After 2 months NOTHING happened at all. Not ONE!!! Complete BOMB so I quietly dropped it. But I publicly admit it now :(

I was VERY surprised by this as it was in response to occasional emails and requests just like here. But not a single post!

The Shameless Self-Promotion is doing great ... people are very respectful of it ... which is really nice.

Has got me thinking though surely a classified should have worked, what went wrong?

Perhaps competing with other known sites didn't work.  The CGC forums are filled with sellers and buyers.  I suspect once a site gets know for it they tend to stick to there.  But eBay sellers etc, I would have thought might use it.  Oh well...

Mark Warner:
Well it was more for people who email asking for books (you must get them as well) plus members collecting specific stuff.

But no takers was so strange ... BTW I know EXACTLY where you are coming from ..  fine lines between people using you to make a buck, you making a buck out of them and also letting members know about new stuff as a service. At the moment on CB+ we are hitting it just about right .. BUT fingers crossed for the future ... it really is a tricky one

I understand the idea of discouraging the posts that consist SOLELY of "making a buck," with no indication that the poster has read anything about or even uses DCM or CB+. On the other hand, in the back of my mind I have a few ideas that would (I would hope) make me a buck, but would also potentially generate income for the on-line archives as well as serve to promote DCM and CB+. Is there a way to communicate with the admins BEFORE putting out a public notification?


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